POTUS (39) James “Jimmy” Earl Carter Jr., (40) Ronald Wilson Reagan, (41)
George Herbert Walker Bush their administrations
…armed, trained,
funded, advised Salvadoran death squads that murdered thousands of peasants
and activists
…including “U.S.-trained
Atlacatl Battalion” responsible for “the El Mozote massacre where more than 800
civilians were murdered, more than half children,” the “El Calabozo massacre,”
and “murders of six Jesuits”
41 George Herbert Walker Bush (Ivy League: Yale)
…executed Gulf War
against Iraq and “ordered the bombing of retreating Iraqi troops”;
…invaded and
overthrew the government of Panama
42 William Jefferson Blythe III (William “Bill” Jefferson Clinton) (Ivy
League: Georgetown, Yale)
…oversaw Rwandan and
Somalia massacres; killed 500,000+ Iraqi children with economic sanctions;
…wounded and
massacred thousands of soldiers and civilians in the U.S.-led NATO destruction of
what was the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY).
43 George Walker Bush (Ivy League: Yale, Harvard)
…declared a three-country
“axis of evil” (Iran, North Korea, Iraq) to be dealt with militarily; launched
a global terror campaign of extrajudicial abduction, detention and torture; and
(ordered slaughter), maimed, wounded and caused birth defects in thousands people
in Afghanistan and Iraq (while courting Saudi Kingdom dictators and killers)
44 Barack Hussein Obama II (Ivy League: Columbia, Harvard)
…conducted (ordered)
wars, massacres, targeted extrajudicial assassinations and drone wars leaving
thousands killed, maimed and wounded in at least seven countries: Iraq,
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya;
hostilities against the Far East (while courting Saudi Kingdom dictators and killers);
…persecuted and caused
imprisonment of WikiLeaks founder and journalist Julian Assange
45 Donald John Trump (Hidden Ivy: Catholic Jesuit Fordham and
Ivy League: University of Pennsylvania Wharton School) (net worth 2019 est. $3.1
…imposed tariff (trade restrictions) and sanctions wars
against people and states of European Union, Canada, and Mexico, Iran, China,
Russia; direct combat, dark ops, proxy, on-the-ground and drone wars against
Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ecuador, Yemen, North Korea,
Palestine, Cuba; and other hostilities against Central American (and other
countries of origin) immigrants from or traveling through (North America’s) Mexico,
labeling some the “Mexican Government’s … most unwanted people …, criminals,
drug dealers, rapists, etc”;
…banned outright migrants from Muslim countries (while
courting the Saudi Arabian dictators, killers, world’s 2nd largest arms importer
whose central religion, Wahhabism, is described variously as an “ultraconservative”
“far-right”, “austere”, “fundamentalist” Islamic doctrine; or a “deviant
sectarian movement”);
…continued persecution and imprisonment of WikiLeaks founder and
journalist Julian Assange

…as (2002-2013) mayor
of New York City
…declared “95 percent (of) …murderers and murder
victims fit one M.O: … male minorities (ages) 16-25.… [W]e put all the cops in
minority neighborhoods … because that’s where all the crime is. …And the way
you get the guns out of the kids’ hands is to throw them up against the wall
and frisk them….
Supported U.S. war on Iraq, claimed “War on
Terrorism” is “not only to protect Americans” (but as a controversial U.S.) “…responsibility
to protect (‘R2P’) people around the world who want to be free”;
2004 supported George W. Bush for U.S. President;
supported U.S. “sanctions on Chinese officials
for ‘human rights violations in both Hong Kong and Xinjiang’”
(February on social media) declared:
“Our country has a rich history of presidents who respected the power, decorum, and influence of their office.“Unfortunately, that rich history ended the day Trump became president.”
All of these men, it seems to me, present strange set of values: a sense of
what is good and just
what is honest and true
what is moral, ethical, legal and indeed
humanWhat are the young, what are the coming generations to think?
Real Clear Politics “Bloomberg Ad
Compares Trump Quotes To Past Presidents” posted by Tim Hains February 10, 2020
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_policy_of_Donald_Trump https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump#Foreign_policy
Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights
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