Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Delusional “Men” presuming to lead nations present the fatal flaw of force

For every occasion, in every situation, in crisis or calm, when force is the worst possible choice

he world suffers dire consequences when the deliberately delusional are loosed on the world

USA armed to the teeth, Leveraged to the hilt
  • Debt deep, tall and rising
  • Home-front industries long sold off, farmed out, off-shored
  • Workers robbed of permanent, dependable employment positions
  • All society suffers widening income disparity (99 to 1) pushing workers to fight over scraps, alms tossed out by the high and mighty.

o Falls Empire –West
So rises PRC East to west
A squandering, careless, self-destructive Young nation Retreats 
An Ancient and wise nation Advances

A news peg amidst surround-sound news of global disease(s) in a world where major powers have persisted in endless wars at some level or dimension for (though they persist in calling our time   “peacetime”) for more than 70 years, or three-quarters of a century, or over a century counting the first World War (though the 2nd WW through Korea and Vietnam and all the wars executed, conflicts provoked, hostilities perpetrated across Western and Eastern Asia, South America and Africa) — all of these having dire consequences for every element and entity in nature.

eg March 17, 2020:
The “Keiser Report” ponders the “standing” of the United States of America today — years after another ideology driven, income-boosting Plan — as “China” (not the USA)
…comes “to the rescue of Italy, France and Spain (the West)
“…with medical supplies airlifted in to help them through the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.…”
Foreign Assistance Plan USA (73 years ago)
Far from “Christian” “charity,” the U.S. “Foreign Assistance Act” was designed to profit from misery, prop up the U.S. export market, force foreign nations to buy goods exclusively from USA; and to weaken Communist structures and systems
The plan was introduced as “S. 2202” in the Senate of the United States
It passed 71-19 in the Senate (March 13, 1948) and 333-78 in the U.S. House of Representatives (March 31, 1948)
Passing out of conference committee April 1, 2, 3, respectively, it was agreed to by the House and Senate, and signed by U.S. President Harry S. Truman’s (April 3, 1948).
astern counterpart to the U.S. Marshall Plan:
The 1947 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’ “Molotov Plan” (originally the “Brother Plan” later named for Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov)
Its stated purpose: to aid in rebuilding countries “politically and economically aligned to the Soviet Union (Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, East Germany); “a system of bilateral trade agreements … creating an economic alliance of socialist countries” enabled to “reorganize their trade to the Soviet Union” and cease reliance on U.S. aid.
The U. S. Marshall Plan (named for U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall, and officially “an Act to promote world peace and the general welfare, national interest, and foreign policy of the United States through economic, financial, and other measures necessary to the maintenance of conditions abroad in which free institutions may survive consistent with the maintenance of the strength and stability of the United States” (emphasis added)) consisted of grants and loans (not gifts) to certain European countries (Austria,  Belgium and  Luxembourg, Denmark, France, West Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy and  Trieste, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, excluding the USSR and Spain) “devastated by World War II.”

he U.S. Plan began with exports of “staples such as food and fuel”, developed into building “reconstruction” sales, and accelerated into (war makers) Western European military constructions hostile to Eastern-Europe / USSR /Eastern Asia.

The United States’ involvement in another war, the North-South Korean War (1950-1953), brought an end to the (1948-1951) project called the Marshall Plan.

rom the 1950s on “Marshall Plan” (or similar successor) funds also went to the CIA (inaccurately named Central Intelligence Agency), its “secret operations” and its fronts channeling disinformation and propaganda abroad:
“The Congress for Cultural Freedom” (CCF), an anti-communist advocacy group (1950-1979), deployed in thirty-five countries, channeling through “labor unions, newspapers, student groups, artists and intellectuals” to counter “anti-American counterparts subsidized by the Communists.”
“The Office of Policy Coordination,” a 1948 covert independent operations creation of the CIA, that later merged with the Office of Special Operations (OSO) to form the Directorate of Plans (DDP), with increased Truman-U.S. Korean war-era psyops warfare (1950 -) stretching to include funding for George Orwell’s prejudicial (anti-Soviet, Hollywood adapted) yarn “Animal Farm.”
hat happens to a nation when its people repeatedly choose leaders who present a demonstrably unalterable predilection for blind force, repeated over decades into centuries — even when it is clear to the whole world that force is the worst possible response, the wrong response? Force cannot and will not save them or theirs?

RT “Looking Very 1929” (E1515) March 17, 2020: discussion of “…how the ongoing stock market crash and subsequent historic rallies strongly echo the 1929 crash:
  • Will a Great Depression follow? What about after the crash?
  • What will happen to the standing of the US when it is China coming to the rescue of Italy, France and Spain, with medical supplies airlifted in to help them through the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic?”
Also in this episode: an interview with “John Rubino of ‘DollarCollapse.com’ about the crisis in the stock markets and what amazing things the central banks might ultimately invent to try to stop that which they have created.” …[I]s the end game a fiat collapse?”

RT’s Keiser Report https://www.rt.com/shows/keiser-report/483230-vaccine-covid-19-pandemic/
  • Fiat Money…? “A currency without intrinsic value that has been established as money, often by government regulation
  • Money without “use value” its “value only because a government maintains its value, or because parties engaging in exchange agree on its value.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money

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