Sunday, April 12, 2020

Con artists at Helm Compounding Crises

Begging Free Help, Offering No Help 
if Free Help Catches COVID-19

on men are incapable of sharing “your” pain.

Net worth (estimated) of the governor of New York:
  • $5 Million
  • Excluding a state salary and hundreds of thousands of dollars in perks
  • United States’ 2nd highest-paid governor

Net worth (estimated) of the president of the United States
  • $3.1 Billion
  • Excluding a federal government salary and hundreds of thousands in perk
  • United States’ richest head of state
ew York on My Mind

While New York State’s governor “is being praised for his leadership amid the coronavirus outbreak,” Helen Buyniski reports, “the problems he is scrambling to solve are largely of his own making.”

A governor who today seems to enjoy daily broadcast posturing, the audio and video radio sound of his voice and turn of his face, five years ago ignored a “report highlighting the desperately depleted state stockpile of ventilators…; and has spent his tenure [closing] and downsizing hospitals”—an elimination of “20,000 hospital beds in the past two decades,” particularly in areas serving people living on low incomes, “at least half” of the closures on Andrew [Saint] Mark Cuomo’s watch.

“The [COVID-19] pandemic has hospitals so understaffed that NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation has apparently been reduced to contracting dodgy medical-temp agencies ….”
And copying other states, countries (frequently bashed China comes to mind), municipalities, New York’s officialdom, in all the numbers being thrown about, craftily covers up the count and cases of medical workers falling sick and dying from the COVID-19.

US News and World Report’s Gaby Galvin reported at the start of April that the State of New York had “more than 40 percent” of all US coronavirus deaths and across the United States “hundreds, if not thousands, of US medical workers have contracted the virus, with their illnesses ranging from asymptomatic to severe and in some cases fatal.”

But official reports on this category of cases have been not been forthcoming and “reports of coronavirus infections among doctors, nurses, technicians, paramedics and other health care personnel have largely been anecdotal.”

One case in New York City was an emergency room physician who died presumably from the virus at the end of March. This case was categorized as “the first death among ER physicians in the US.” Among several nurses who have contracted the disease and died was a Washington, DC, four-decade veteran nurse.

ot unrelated Memorable Eastern fraudsters

Bait-and-switch: Fraudsters “bait” marks (potential takers or customers) with a sweet (item at a low price, a “do-gooder” with “just” rewards). When the mark (taker or customer) enters the fraudster’s web, he /she finds out that the advertised goods are [switch] not as advertised—they are unavailable; or what is really on offer is a lookalike, something at a much higher price.
Two of America’s Eastern / Mid-Atlantic con artists
  • ·       Queens, New York-native, Hofstra University graduate, Bernard Madoff, operated the largest Ponzi scheme in history, former stock broker and non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock market, all-round criminal con artist.
  • ·       New Jersey-native, Dartmouth College graduate, Brian Kim hedge fund Ponzi scheme artist, passport fraudster and all-round criminal con artist

Queens, New York-native, graduate of Wharton School of Business, Donald John Trump with his businesses entered the 2016 presidential contention with more than thirty years’ involvement “in 3,500 legal cases in US federal courts and state court.” Of the 3,500 suits
·       1,900 cases as plaintiff
·       1,450 cases as defendant
·       150 cases in bankruptcy, third party, or other
·       Trump has escaped.  So far.

Queens, New York-native, graduate of Albany Law School, Andrew Mark Cuomo, contravening a previous executive order prohibiting New York governors from taking political donations from gubernatorial appointees, took $890,000 from 24 of his appointees” and “$1.3 million from the spouses, children and businesses of appointees”— some donations received “just days after” Cuomo made the appointment.

·       A 2014 Cuomo commission to root out corruption in politics was directed away from investigations that could have been politically damaging to Cuomo. Cuomo later dissolved the commission entirely.

·       Cuomo’s 2014 business tax incentive program called START-UP NY, the promotion of which had cost “at least $53 million,” had by 2016 “generated [only] 408 jobs.” For some curious reason, the annual report for 2016 had been “delayed three months. The report was released by the state agency, Empire State Development Corporation.

·       In 2016 through 2018, Cuomo friends, former top aides, lobbyists Joseph Percoco and Todd Howe, several developers, major Cuomo donors and state politicians were indicted “as part of a bribery investigation into the ‘Buffalo Billion,’” Cuomo’s “New York state government project” purportedly aimed at investing “$1 billion in the Buffalo, New York area economy.”

·       Prosecutors had described Joseph Percoco as Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “‘right-hand man.’” In March 2018, a federal jury in Manhattan convicted  Percoco on “felony charges of solicitation of bribes and honest services fraud for over $315,000 in bribes he took from two people seeking official favors on behalf of an energy company, Competitive Power Ventures Inc.”

·       Cuomo escaped.  So far.

elp, without state help
You’re on your own

While censoring information on medical worker sicknesses and deaths and offering no guarantee “that the government will cover [volunteers’] out-of-pocket medical costs if they contract COVID-19,” New York’s governor is begging retired or former medical workers to help with the crisis he helped create.

Some are signing on and some are having second thoughts.  

One such instance reported by ProPublica was a Manhattan former practicing physician who signed up and was assigned to “one of New York City’s hardest hit facilities, Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, where the emergency department has been bombarded with COVID-19 patients.”

In the US News and World Report article, was some “80,000 former health care workers” were said to be volunteering to work in hospitals across New York State. And this is not enough.

 The multimillionaire governor—failing to assure “volunteers” that his state or some of his personal millions will pick up the tab for volunteers’ illness and death— continues to ramp up his staged appeal for trained medical workers to drop their lives, risk their lives, come from other places to heal the consequences his careless stewardship.

 New York State of Mind

It comes down to reality /and it’s fine with me ‘cause I’ve let it slide
I don’t care if it’s Chinatown or on Riverside / I don’t have any reasons
I left them all behind / I’m in a New York state of mind.

Excerpt from “New York State of Mind”

Billy Joel (William Martin Joel) of European and American parentage (the Bronx, Hicksville, New York, via Nuremberg, Germany, Switzerland, Cuba, Vienna, Austria, Brooklyn, New York) is an American singer-songwriter, composer, and pianist.

Other sources

Buyniski, Helen “NY’s Cuomo pleases crowds with ‘Hero Compensation Fund’ for healthcare workers… after 9 years of hospital cuts.” RT. April 11, 2020

Gavin, Baby. “The Great Unknown: How Many Health Care Workers Have Coronavirus? States aren’t consistently tracking health care workers infected with the coronavirus. And staff shortages could be coming.” US News and World Report April 3, 2020.

Campbell, Sean, and Talia Buford. “New York Wants Health Workers to Join the Fight Against COVID-19. Will It Pick Up Their Medical Bills if They Get Sick? States are recruiting retirees, recent graduates and other health professionals to help overwhelmed hospitals, but if they contract the virus while serving patients, they could be on the hook for any out-of-pocket medical costs” 

ProPublica. April 1, 2020

Confessore, Nicholas. “In Cuomo’s Corner, a Pugnacious Aide Emerges.” New York Times.    April 7, 2010.

Wang, Vivian. “A Cuomo Insider Was a Big Money Lobbyist Who Drove a Porsche. Then Came a Stunning Fall.… In 2016, Mr. Howe pleaded guilty to eight felonies and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in a sprawling public corruption case.” New York Times. April 5, 2019.


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