Monday, April 20, 2020

Human Relations Encounters Global Lockdown

Democracy Now’s Race-Based Blaming is
Distractive and Destructive

Regarding a health emergency, a required “lockdown,” and actions of law enforcement, associate director at Human Rights Watch’s Europe and Central Asia division, Judith Sunderland, tells Al Jazeera:
“‘The general rule is that restrictions on rights, like we’re seeing right now, are legitimate and permissible, if they’re lawful, to meet a legitimate objective; and if they are imposed for the shortest amount of time and proportionate to the objective.’”

CONDITIONS in Lockdown
On the Street
In the Home


aw Enforcement and Community Relations
Britain—Al Jazeera reporting March 31, 2020
“UK police accused of abusing power to enforce COVID-19 lockdown”
“Some police may have gone ‘further than they should have,’ says government minister, amid concerns over civil liberties.”

Britain—New Statesman (Anoosh Chakelian) reporting March 31, 2020
What can police actually force you to do in the coronavirus lockdown?
Police forces have been accused of overreaching their new powers to keep people indoors during the pandemic.
Some police officers appear to have gone too far
England (Derbyshire, East Midlands)
  • Police uses drone to film dog walkers and ramblers in the Peak District.
North London (Edgware)
  • Police officer threatens a bakery manager with a fine for drawing two-meter chalk markings on the pavement to aid social distancing.
England (Warrington, Cheshire)
  • Police officer issues summons to “multiple people from the same household for going to the shops for non-essential items” and those “out on a drive due to boredom.”
England (West Yorkshire)
  • An officer takes a 13-year-old boy into custody because the boy, out and about, “wouldn’t give his details” to the officer.
Wales (South Wales)
  • Police officer publicly admonishes [a member of parliament] for posting a picture of himself sitting meters away from his father’s front doorstep on his birthday
Britain - The New Statesman reports
“Overzealous enforcement and shaming people for their behavior arises from the grey area between what is actually written in the legislation—the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 and equivalents for the rest of the UK—and the government’s advice and guidance…, which is regularly tweaked and updated at the daily No 10 press conferences.”

Rules promulgated by British government
Four-step Police response:
  • Engaging

  • Explaining

  • Encouraging

  • Enforcing and we fully support this approach.
Individuals will only be allowed to leave their home for very limited purposes:
  • Shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible
  • One form of exercise a day - for example, a run, walk or cycle - alone or with members of their household
  • Medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
  • Traveling to and from work, but only where they cannot work from home
Participating in gatherings of more than two people in public spaces is also not permitted except in very limited circumstances, for example, where it is for essential work purposes.

Police may penalize noncompliance with stay at home, avoidance of non-essential travel rules
  • instruct people to go home, leave an area, or disperse
  • ensure parents are taking necessary steps to stop their children breaking the rules
  • issue a fixed penalty notice of £60, … lowered to £30 if paid within 14 days
  • issue a fixed penalty notice of £120 for second-time offenders, doubling on each further repeat offence
Individuals not paying “a fixed penalty notice under the regulations could be taken to court, with magistrates able to impose unlimited fines”

Individuals continuing to refuse compliance “will be acting unlawfully, and the police may arrest them where deemed proportionate and necessary.”

The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and College of Policing are reportedly drafting guidance that warns police “not to overreach their lockdown enforcement powers.” Among the guidelines is one advising police that they may not “bar bar people from taking a run or a drive.”

Europe—Al Jazeera (Ylenia Gostoli) March 17, 2020  
“As COVID-19 crackdowns grow in Europe, rights groups urge caution”
“Action to stop coronavirus which limits civil liberties is acceptable but only in short term, human rights experts warn”
According to the Health Protection Coronavirus Regulations published by the government last month, failure to comply with self-isolation rules can be punished with a fine of up to 1,000 pounds ($1,200), and anyone who is suspected to be ill and found outside can be temporarily detained.

Nepal (Kathmandu)—Myrepublica March 29. 2020
Police confiscate 102 vehicles on roads, breaching the lockdown.
Police take action against over 600 people for violating lockdown orders in capital

(Howrah district West Bengal)
Police assault a 32-year-old in West Bengal’s Howrah district who had gone out for milk. The man later died.
(Northern India: Budaun, Uttar Pradesh)
Police made people walking toward their native places crawl wearing their bags, as a punishment for violating lockdown [Asian News International (ANI)]. Superintendent of Police investigation underway
Other reported incidents of Indian police beating citizens with a lathi (a long, heavy bamboo stick used as a baton) “for stepping out during the lockdown, sometimes even when the citizens are out to buy essentials.”

In addition to ordinary citizens, workers presumably exempted under the “‘essential services’” clause—“e-commerce companies delivering essentials such as groceries, medicines, and food— have also alleged harassment by the police and security guards.”
In India, as in other countries, there seems to be insufficient clarity among law enforcement personnel as to what is and is not permitted during the COVID-19 period of lockdown.


ome and Family Relations

France—Al Jazeera reporting March 31, 2020
“As domestic abuse rises in lockdown, France to fund hotel rooms
After the restrictions came into force, cases of violence against women have increased, including two murders.”

New Zealand—New Zealand Herald April 12, 2020
“Covid 19 coronavirus: Domestic violence is the second, silent epidemic amid lockdown: Around the world, lockdowns enforced to stop the spread of coronavirus have led to a second epidemic—the escalation of violence against women and children.”

Jianli County: “police station reported receiving 162 reports of intimate partner violence in February — three times the number reported in that month last year.”

40 percent of frontline workers report “increase in ‘pleas for help’
70 percent report increase in complexity of cases
[Gender and COVID-19 Working Group, 400 frontline workers surveyed]

Good Friday New Zealand police-released statistics on domestic violence [‘family harm’]: 20 percent spike in cases on March 29, first Sunday after the lockdown, compared with the previous three Sundays.
Incidents of violence had arisen during the COVID-19 lockdowns but they were “linked to relationships that were already fraught.”
  • One sibling stabs another because he “got sick of his sister playing music in the lounge where he was sleeping.”
  • Police remove a man for “assaulting his wife” and the man takes the woman’s “only access to their bank account— leaving her unable to buy food.”
  • Teenagers are “physically fighting with their parents after being told they weren’t able to go out.”
  • One case worker worried that incidents were far more than reported. In one case, a case worker had talked with a woman whose “partner was monitoring her mobile phone”; and since the start of the lockdown, she had not heard from the woman.
Issues in the pandemic are global and complex. The narrow-minded and the self-righteous choose to see only through their preconceived notions, a narrow prism, and often sinister purposes.


 have a particular problem with media outlet Democracy Now!’s slant, a regular pattern, in programming and performance.
Recent examples
Headline April 15, 2020
“‘I Want an Apology’: Black Doctor Who Tests Homeless for Coronavirus Handcuffed by Miami Police”
Headline April 20, 2020
“Handcuffed: Black Miami Doctor Who Works with Homeless Says He Was Racially Profiled by Police”
The problem I have with “Democracy Now!” (“Dishonesty Now,” some have called it), and especially Amy Goodman, is this
  • their zeal and endless campaign to drive a further chasm and protracted conflicts among and between groups of people in the United States; and 
  •  in that zeal, their omission of or deliberate distraction from underlying problems or prior conditions, which are never solved (perhaps the intent is not to solve them), or even addressed, with hysterical and racialized headlines.
In current matters of overreach amidst a pandemic, it seems the underlying problem concerns law enforcement personnel’s (and also domestic partners’) lack of sufficient discipline, maturity, rules of conduct; proper monitoring and oversight, checks, reflection, and correction.

As with many situations in society, the underlying problem, or a significant part of it, is rooted in principles, personnel, and relations. This is true in many sectors of society—including government and media, and families.


Al Jazeera “UK police accused of abusing power to enforce COVID-19 lockdown: Some police may have gone 'further than they should have', says government minister, amid concerns over civil liberties” March 31, 2020

 My Facebook page response today to Democracy Now’s! performance:
Whenever Amy Goodman stops racializing her programming content and racializing other people’s motives and actions, never her own—Democracy Now just might become a decent current events program.

This is as vulgar as the vulgarity of Donald Trump and Maxine Waters and as sinister and journalistically dishonest as is Limbaugh’s outright commentary colors.

Over the years, I have become increasingly disgusted with the caliber of Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman performance.

Someone has crafted the online image “Dishonesty Now,” which fits the case precisely. What makes it so is that Democracy Now pretends to be on the “good” side of matters. Perhaps it is better to report hard news, and not side at all. Siding tends to leak its true colors.

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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