Wednesday, May 27, 2020

All the Trumpster’s Mayhem

Revolving-Door Fraudsters

Zachary D. Fuentes: Flag bearer to Oval office Decider

he United States Coast Guard Academy’s entering cadets “take two semesters of classes—courses in “leadership, ethics, organizational behavior, and nautical science”— and a lot of military training “to produce officers of character with the requisite professional skills.”

Entering cadets in this establishment received “indoctrination into military culture,” which includes required memorization of trivia and changing information:
  • the menu for the next three meals in the Wardroom (dining hall)
  • the mission of the Academy
  • the entire chain of command
  • each athletic team's next scheduled opponent
  • the lengths of different types of Coast Guard Cutters
  • the meanings of all the different nautical flags, and
  • the finer points of various military ceremonies.
This was Zachary D. Fuentes’s training before he became an assistant to the US president and a deputy chief of staff in the Trump administration. Though Wikipedia lists Northwestern University, under education in Fuentes’ profile data, I found no record here or in other sources that this man holds an academic degree, has substantive experience of any kind, or has any knowledge or preparation sufficient or suitable for (a) advising a US president, (b) earning a US government contract, (c) judging suitability or durability of surgical or other protective material, or (d) conducting any kind of business.  

In his job with the White House, Zachary D. Fuentes reportedly advised the president not to visit the World War I cemetery in Belleau, Northern France, on whose grounds stands a monument to United States Marines; and among the interred more than 2,289 dead, 1,060 commemorated, 250 unknowns; and Medal of Honor recipient Weedon Osborne.

Chicago native Weedon Edward Osborne, during the World War I Battle of Belleau Wood, attempted to “aid the wounded … and was killed while attempting to carry an injured officer to safety on June 6, 1918. Weedon Osborne died at age 25 and was buried in Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Belleau, Aisne, France. Weedon Edward Osborne (November 13, 1892 – June 6, 1918) was a United States Navy officer and a recipient of America’s highest military decoration—the Medal of Honor (awarded posthumously along with the Distinguished Service  Cross)—for his actions in World War I. He is one of only three dental officers to have received the medal.

No Weedon Osborne, Zachary D. Fuentes reportedly is known for having tried to weasel out of his US military service commitment and get paid for escaping his original pledge.
In 2018, Zachary D. Fuentes reportedly had talks with US Homeland Security officials, who then pressured members of Congress, to add a clause in a House of Representatives bill that would allow him “to take advantage of a Coast Guard early retirement program— that had previously expired.”

achary D. Fuentes is still making news for corruption and cowardice.

ProPublica reports: “A former White House aide won a $3 million federal contract to supply respirator masks to Navajo Nation hospitals in New Mexico and Arizona 11 days after he created a company to sell personal protective equipment in response to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Zachary D. Fuentes “sold Chinese masks to the government just as federal regulators were scrutinizing foreign-made equipment.” The former deputy chief of staff to President Trump had “won the contract just days after registering his company.”

In Wikipedia, the news reads

“During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Fuentes created Zach Fuentes LLC and received a $3 million contract to provide face masks 11 days after creating the company.

“The contract was with the Najavo Nation hospitals through the Indian Health Service.

“It appears over 25% of the masks are unsuitable for medical use, and another 15% were of a type that was not requested.

House members wanted to investigate the contract, and the OIG office [Office of Inspector General] of HHS [US Department of Health and Human Services] said they would take a look, in response to concerns raised by United States Representative from Virginia’s 11th congressional district Gerald Edward Connolly.

eware all Inspectors General. US President Donald Trump’ rap sheet many entries of IG dismissals and firings.  
  • US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Inspector General John V. Kelly
December 1, 2017-June 2019

  • US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Inspector General Joanne Chiedl
June 1, 2019-December 27, 2019

  • US Department of Transportation
Inspector General Calvin Scovel
October 26, 2006-January 31, 2020

  • US Intelligence Community
Inspector General Michael Atkinson
May 17, 2018-April 2020

  • US Department of Defense
Inspector General Glenn Fine
January 14, 2016- April 7, 2020

  • US Department of State
Inspector General Steve Linick
September 30, 2013-May 15, 2020

  • US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Inspector General Christi Grimm
December 27, 2019 (expected departure) late 2020
List of Trump administration dismissals and resignations (latest update May 25, 2020)

overnment Chaos, a sorted record, and a cagey character  

Fuentes dumped the Guard and jumped into US federal contracting where he knew very well that, in a global health crisis, especially for scam artists, con men, and crooked politicians, there was even more money to be made and wasted than is usually made and wasted.

“The coronavirus pandemic loosened many federal procurement rules as agencies scrambled to respond to a national emergency,” Propublica wrote. “But as supplies of personal protective equipment ran out and many countries restricted exports, delivering on contracts became more difficult, and agencies have wrestled with incomplete orders, cancellations and possible counterfeit goods.”

“Small pox” and “Fire water” all over again

As coronavirus infections and deaths rose among people of the Navajo Nation, their hospitals were “desperate for protective supplies.”

The Navajo Nation, which occupies portions of northeastern Arizona, southeastern Utah, and northwestern New Mexico in the United States, the largest land area retained by a US indigenous tribe, with an estimated population of 173,667, had reported “4,434 COVID-19 cases, and 147 deaths.”

And Fuentes had fabricated a new enterprise.

Based on statements by the Indian Health Services,  ProPublica reported that “247,000 of the masks delivered by Fuentes’ company — at a cost of roughly $800,000 — may be unsuitable for medical use;” and another “ 130,400, worth about $422,000, are not the type specified in the procurement data.”

merica is in the grips of a severe illness, an illness that is much worse and much deeper than a coronavirus pandemic.

America’s sickness is breach of trust and a critical loss of public trust, a loss of anchoring, secure grounding, of the ship of state. The condition has been brought on by careless officials; inept, unscrupulous, corrupt and criminal, deliberately ignorant, recklessly untrustworthy people in and around government positions and offices.   

We are a people in a bubble, a fixed, individually boxed-in state of nothingness, a place of interminable instability, unreality treated as “normal” (new or old normal); a void in which, unrecognizable, true substance is devalued, or dismissed without consideration. 

We are a sick nation unaware of our condition. 

Yeganeh Torbati and Derek Willis “The Feds Gave a Former White House Official $3 Million to Supply Masks to Navajo Hospitals. Some May Not Work” Propublica May 22, 2020 “ProPublica: Former Trump aide provided faulty masks to Indian Health Service”  May 22, 2020


CBS News
Melissa Quinn “The internal watchdogs Trump has fired or replaced by
Updated on: May 19, 2020
Michael Atkinson
Intelligence Community
Mitch Behm
Transportation Department
Glenn Fine
Defense Department
Christi Grimm
Health and Human Services
Steve Linick
State Department

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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