Wednesday, June 3, 2020

‘Betrayal: Public Welfare Abandoned for Private Wealth’

Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett presents a nonfiction account of callous crisis-driven neglect and destruction by US officials
‘Betrayal: Public Welfare Abandoned for Private Wealth’ released
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Having beliefs in the basic values of nonviolence, sovereignty of all nations and rights of all peoples to protections under law and universal conventions, Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett has become increasingly alarmed not by foreign threats but by internally rooted threats to domestic and global society. She believes that Americans (especially public figures, commercial film moguls, politicians) present to the world and to the young and impressionable an arrogant code of violence — force, first and foremost. For her, this attitude and act is manifest in endless wars and fighting words. Public officials’ excused pandering, entrenched viciousness and incivility, the legalization of their own and their friends’ criminal acts (at home and abroad), and the all-round incompetence in U.S. leadership have severely damaged America’s world standing and virtually destroyed any vision of domestic union. 

Bennett’s book, “Betrayal: Public Welfare Abandoned for Private Wealth” (published by Xlibris) is a nonfiction account of callous, crisis-driven neglect and destruction by U.S. officials. This is illustrated with examples from U.S. politics and public affairs, domestic and foreign relations; the character and caliber U.S. leadership, law and democracy; and in U.S. officials’ preference for war making over peacemaking.

“The United States is and has been for a long time in the midst of flawed and corrupt governance, governance by blame, distraction, and crisis-making. Americans are in need of better leadership,” Bennett says. “We need a leadership that is morally, intellectually and experientially qualified for U.S. public service and U.S. foreign relations, a leadership that is unafraid of articulating underlying causes and conditions, making well-informed judgments, taking courageous actions in consultation with knowledgeable people, and self-correcting, leadership that is honest and inspires public trust and a leadership that wards off crisis and acts courageously to solve problems and end crises in U.S. health and welfare and in U.S. foreign and domestic affairs.”

The publication of Betrayal: Public Welfare Abandoned for Private Wealth” aims to remind Americans that they must get beyond personalities, identity politics and the tyranny of two political parties, ferret out options and make better choices based on substantive moral, intellectual, psychological and experiential (not moneyed) qualifications of contenders as well as demand better communication and consultation, sounder policies, and better service.

Betrayal: Public Welfare Abandoned for Private Wealth
By Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 360 pages | ISBN 9781796097146
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 360 pages | ISBN 9781796097139
E-Book | 360 pages | ISBN 9781796097122
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett is a lifelong nonfiction writer with interests in politics, public affairs and international relations. Her worldview is informed by her U.S. Peace Corps years, teaching in West Africa and engaging with native peoples and multinationals. Bennett’s ethics and humanity are fundamentally informed by her formative years growing up with parents in the U.S. South and, in later years, traveling across the United States and to some countries in Western Europe. Her teaching and government experience, her international exposure and her credentials in educational philosophy and ethics, teaching and learning theories, journalism and public affairs (doctorate from Michigan State University, master’s degree in American University) make hers “the heart of an educator with an open mind” who delights in sharing ideas.

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