Thursday, July 16, 2020

Surveillance: a US Game and Embarrassing Shift of Blame

Crooks and Clowns revert to their “Yellow Peril”

US Officials’ Indiscriminate Transcontinental Data Vacuuming
eighbors Close or Far, “Friends” or “Foe”

Global surveillance
Operating out of “diplomatic missions” Five Eyes—Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, USA—conducts Stateroom, a “highly sensitive signals intelligence collection program involving interception of radio, telecommunications and internet traffic.”

At US diplomatic missions, the program is run jointly by US intelligence agencies NSA and CIA under the umbrella of “a joint venture group called ‘Special Collection Service’ (SCS). Its members, working undercover in shielded areas of US embassies and consulates, are officially credited as diplomats with special privileges of diplomats, and licensure to spy without hindrance. During the Obama administration the SCS “used the American Embassy near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to monitor communications in Germany’s government district with its parliament and the seat of the government.”

Over There Comes over Here

In secret, the Obama Administration in 2011 “won permission from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to reverse restrictions on the National Security Agency’s use of intercepted phone calls and e-mails, permitting the agency to search deliberately for Americans’ communications in its massive databases.

The searches take place under a surveillance program Congress authorized in 2008 under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Under that law, the target must be a foreigner ‘reasonably believed’ to be outside the United States, and the court must approve the targeting procedures in an order good for one year.

But a warrant for each target would thus no longer be required, which means “that communications with Americans could be picked up without a court first determining that there is probable cause that the people they were talking to were terrorists, spies or ‘foreign powers.’”

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court “extended the length of time that the NSA is allowed to retain intercepted US communications from five years to six years with an extension possible for foreign intelligence or counterintelligence purposes—both measures were done without public debate or any specific authority from Congress.”

Though a US district court judge for the District of Columbia, in 2013, declared that the National Security Agency’s “mass collection of metadata of Americans’ telephone records” was “probably” in violation of the Fourth Amendment prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures,” a  federal judge in New York City ruled that “the U.S. government’s global telephone data-gathering system is needed to thwart potential terrorist attacks, and that it can only work if everyone’s calls are swept in.”

The US government-funded non-profit [contradiction in terms] non-governmental think tank Freedom House observed in 2014 that “[s]ome states are using the revelations of widespread surveillance by the US National Security Agency (NSA) as an excuse to augment their own monitoring capabilities, frequently with little or no oversight, and often aimed at the political opposition and human rights activists.”

igh” Grounded in Quicksand

Actions in various technological fields (in agriculture and other fields) taken by US officials against other countries, leaders and businesses, technological, weapons, cyber spying  companies are not actions on moral principle, or principles of fundamental law or human rights conventions and protections. 

These actions—in the service to and the embodiment of lawlessness and impunity, rabid plunder, and greed preserving and protecting narrowly drawn and inordinate power—stand in violent, criminal opposition to fair principles and fair play, and, indeed, democracy at every level, everywhere. 

What the American officials accuse others of doing and against whom they repeatedly impose sanctions (i.e., societal, trade, economic, earnings, cultural, livelihood, innovations warfare)—they are doing, have done; and once they have destroyed other innovators, free thinkers, and market competitors, they will sharpen the spear and drive to the hilt their “humanitarian” viciousness, virulence and violence against the world.

July 9, 2020
US Accuses Chinese firms
Trump administration has accused Chinese firms “of gathering data from global users for the benefit of the Chinese government.” In its latest move, Washington falls back on a Bush mantra: you’re with us or against us— do business with the US, or the China, if the latter suffer US punishment.

Companies that are selling surveillance equipment will be required “to certify that their offerings do not use components from Dahua or Hikvision, despite the fact that both are among the world’s largest manufacturers of surveillance cameras.”

Global publicly-traded company (2017 estimate Chinese Yuan 41.905 billion [$ 5.99133 billion], Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. a partially state-owned Chinese manufacturer and supplier of video surveillance equipment [CCTV and Network Surveillance Systems] for civilian and military purposes, headquarters Hangzhou, China.

Global publicly- traded company with 35 subsidiaries covering Asia, the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Oceania, Africa, and others, its products and services used in 180-plus countries and regions (founded in 2001, headquarters Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 2016 estimated revenue $2.1 billion), Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. is a Chinese company whose products include security cameras, network cameras, HDCVI analog-to-hd solutions, NVR/DVR, PTZ cameras, Fisheye cameras

The Trump government “is reportedly finalizing a rule that would prevent any firm using products from five Chinese tech companies—including telecoms giants Huawei and ZTE—from winning government contracts.”

Years ago, US public officials with the corporate for profit and not for profit paymasters off- shored (offloaded, gave away) US invention, innovation, workmanship and labor for cheap products cheaply labored. A few, including the Trump-Pelosi types, garnered big returns. Now the US en masse suffers the consequences of bad policy. But the horse has long left the barn.   

elosi and Co Perform at Munich

Highhandedly Nancy Pelosi proclaims “National security, economy and values all come together on the Huawei issue….”

The choice between adopting or not adopting Huawei solutions is a choice between “autocracy [and] democracy on the information highway,” says the [dis]honorable speaker.

Playing to audience ignorance or deliberate forgetfulness, Pelosi omits in her lecture, as the writer points out, that she “helped renew the NSA’s [US National Security Agency’s] spying powers” two years earlier; and that it was US (not Chinese) mass surveillance that was “famously exposed by Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers.”

With contempt for the intelligence of her audience listeners (and the public more generally), Pelosi failed to explain “what makes America’s surveillance [or surveillance products] more democratic” [of course her policy project is patently anti-democratic] than China’s surveillance or surveillance products.

Tribal ‘R’ US
According to the Pentagon’s Esper and State’s Pompeo, Hauwei is China’s “‘… nefarious strategy” of undermining “Western infrastructure” with a China-made “‘Trojan horse’”

US officials have a habit of threatening other nations as it often does against the whole body of the United Nations. Pompeo threatens Europe over Chinese technological products—buy from us or else. When challenged, deny the threat.

The former CIA operative reportedly scolded “Europeans for not ditching China in favor of the US as a trading partner.” Pulling the “tribal” ([?]identity politics: race-creed-color-region) card, Trump’s smear man at State reportedly declares at a conference in Copenhagen that Europeans’ buying from Beijing is tantamount, echoing Pelosi, to
“…abandoning who we are,” and prizing “tyranny” over “freedom.” [Emphasis added]
Sounds like the desperate, dying cries of a dynasty. It’s embarrassing—as if the United States has nothing in its own right, on its own merit, that is strong enough, solid and sure enough to build on. I believe this is wrong. I believe America has its people; but a long line of officials, over at least forty years, have deserted the people of America.

Tyranny is homegrown—in the character and acts of opportunists, incompetents, and scoundrels such as Pompeo, Pelosi, Wray, Esper, Trump, and Co.

officials put themselves above the law but often entrap others in their nets
Case of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou: Deputy chair of the board and chief financial officer (CFO) of telecom giant and China’s largest privately held company, Huawei, founded by her father Ren Zhengfei, Meng Wanzhou
  • In December 2018, the business executive was detained at Vancouver International Airport by Canadian officials and questioned for three hours then formally arrested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police “on a provisional US extradition request, in regard to breaches of US sanctions against Iran
  • In early 2019, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced financial fraud charges against Meng
  • In early 2020, the first stage of the extradition hearing began and the DOJ indicted Meng “on charges of trade secrets theft.”
She remains under house arrest in Vancouver, Canada, an Authority to Proceed has been issued regarding the extradition request by the United States. If convicted of charges against her, Meng could face up to ten years in a US prison.

owever, when other nations prefer charges against US allies, US officials feign outrage. Such is the case of the Chinese government’s espionage charges in June 2020 against two Canadians. 

US officials hopped on their high horse, and counter charged political motivation. Said the pompous Pompeo:
“These charges are politically motivated and completely groundless”
Tell me about it.

US officials’ actions are transparent, their responses embarrassingly duplicitous and disingenuous. China just won’t give us a break, they seem to say. The People’s Republic of China was recently castigated by one of Trump’s FBI men as
“…calculating …, persistent …, patient and …, not subject to the righteous constraints of an open, democratic society or the rule of law.”
Sound familiar? 

A finger of the accuser’s hand points back toward the accuser. These people wouldn’t know, or care, about the rule of law if it rose up and kissed them on the lips.

The US characteristically charges others with acts that US officials have virtually invented, patented, and carried out everywhere all the time with—bombs away—impunity.

od bless America with leaders who are not crooks and clowns.


RT “US will BAN government contractors from using Chinese tech, including Huawei – report” July 9, 2020

RT “‘is the democratic system so fragile?’ Audience applauds as Pelosi’s Huawei scare session prompts rebuke from Chinese delegate” February 16, 2020
RT “Pompeo demands Europe ditch trade with China and choose FREEDOM over TYRANNY (in favor of US)” June 19, 2020
RT “Look who’s talking! Pompeo slams China’s ‘politically motivated’ charges against 2 Canadians nabbed after Huawei CFO Arrest” June 22, 2020
RT “If China seeks world domination, should the US keep doing business with it? FBI chief Wray seems to want it both ways” Nebojsa Malic, July 7, 2020

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