Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Shallowness Corrodes and Inbreeding Contaminates Body and Mind

Tribal panderers insult the body politic, sully and weaken public service

  • The Joseph Biden VP saga
  • The Donald Trump all in the family show


ress’s Biden VP Narrative Manipulating Public Thought  

 BBC August 10, 2020

“Biden VP pick: Susan Rice, the diplomat and lightning rod” by Tara McKelvey BBC White House reporter: “[F]ormer Obama White House official, Susan Rice’s name is being floated as Mr. Biden is under increasing pressure to select not just a woman— which he has committed to do—but a black woman as a running mate.…” [Black women] “Senator Kamala Harris is frequently mentioned as a possibility, as are congresswomen Karen Bass and Val Demings, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, and Georgia governor candidate Stacey Abrams.” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53726178

NBC August 10, 2020

“Biden campaign puts VP team in place ahead of announcement: The team includes a pair of trusted Biden veterans who played key roles during his time in the White House” by Mike Memoli and Amanda Golden: “With Joe Biden’s long-awaited decision on a running mate set to be revealed this week, his campaign has assembled a veteran roster of strategists to help navigate the crucible of a fall campaign”  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/biden-campaign-puts-vp-team-place-ahead-announcement-n1236359

Wall Street Journal August 11, 2020

“Joe Biden Weighs VP Pick After Search Committee Wraps Up: Allies have been told to expect a midweek announcement, one person familiar with the process said” by Tarini Parti and Ken Thomas https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-biden-weighs-vice-president-pick-after-search-committee-wraps-up-11597112067

New York Times August 10 updated August 11, 2020

“All Eyes on Biden Campaign as V.P. Pick Is Said to Be Imminent: Joe Biden’s advisers are planning an announcement for the middle of the week as his search concludes, people briefed on the selection process said”  by Katie Glueck, Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin. “In a sign that the choice is now in Mr. Biden’s hands alone, the four-member committee that screened his potential running mates is said to have effectively disbanded — its work is complete, Biden allies said, and there is little left to do except for Mr. Biden to make up his mind.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/10/us/politics/biden-vp-pick.html



rump Kin & Co

Untrained, Unelected deciders of US policy and practice

Poynter Institute’s PolitiFact (fact check): US President Donald Trump’s “daughter, Ivanka; her husband, Jared Kushner; and the children of Trump personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and Attorney General William Barr [are] benefactors of the Trump presidency.”

  • Trump’s daughter works at the White House
  • Ivanka’s husband works at the White House.
  • Rudy Giuliani’s son works at the White House.
  • William Barr’s son-in-law works at the White House.
  • William Barr’s daughter works at Treasury.
  • President Trump’s sons, Eric and Donald Jr., conduct international business on behalf of the Trump Organization.
  • Trump’s daughter is getting Chinese patents and Saudi grants; i.e., “Ivanka Trump accepted Chinese trademarks related to her fashion business; the Saudi grants in question went to a World Bank fund she helped inspire, not to her” https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/feb/11/facebook-posts/fact-checking-how-many-trump-relatives-and-friends/

Comments pegged to above Current Affairs

In what might be considered the contemporary era, over many decades,


mericans have undermined America and its institutions.

They have driven a chasm, based on one or another “tribe” or narrow interest, in the body politic, championed, elected and reelected, and otherwise supported and sustained in public office a series of people (men and women of all imaginable stripes) who are morally, intellectually, emotionally, experientially incompetent; corrupt, and because of their weakness of character and competence, malleable and corruptible.

These American “choices” [of mostly men] have been criminally unprepared and totally unfit for public service. America, today, is being subjected to the ultimate in vulgarity and senility, corruption and incompetence, glaring instability and immorality in high public office. 

Americans are fighting over the worst and the worst—as if there were no real choices, suitable and truly able individuals in the US population to serve the public good. 

I make this comment, though I’ve made it before, because of the media clamor over two absolutely unsuitable “major” US presidential candidates, one of whom dangles (or panders to) a “tribal” choice of vice presidential candidate.

Race, creed, color, sex, gender, sexual orientations, alone, are not qualifications for public office, or for any job or position. These superficialities might be ancestral inheritances. However, they clearly are not achievements or qualifications. 

If I need a plumber, I want someone who is trained and experienced in doing plumbing work; I don’t want a woman or man Jew or Christian, lesbian or whatever.

Choosing a person based on superficialities not only insults (and weakens) the person having (or sporting) the superficiality or superficialities; it deteriorates the quality and strength of office and position. 

Nepotism, pandering, cronyism, incest, entrenchment have at least one thing in common. They weaken mind and body—whether a human being’s individual physical body and mind; or a body and mind of a collective body such as an executive, legislative or judiciary branch of government.  


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