Monday, November 9, 2020

Trump Administration Resignations and Dismissals

2020 alone (January –November): 90 people



his might be the way to run a television show (I’ve never seen the Apprentice). But it is surely not the way to preside over or run an executive office, either in the private or public sector.

  1.       Administrator of the Small Business Administration Chris Pilkerton

2.      Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development Mark Green

3.      Ambassador to Afghanistan John R. Bass

4.      Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell

5.      Ambassador to Guinea Simon Henshaw

6.      Ambassador to Norway Kenneth Braithwaite

7.      Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland

8.      Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor

9.      Assistant Attorney General (Civil Division) Joseph "Jody" Hunt

10.  Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Division) Brian Benczkowski

11.  Assistant Director for Cybersecurity, CISA Jeanette Manfra

12.  Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Export Administration) Richard Ashooh

13.  Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) Kathryn L. Wheelbarger

14.  Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs) Robert R. Hood

15.  Assistant Secretary of Education (Civil Rights) Kenneth L. Marcus

16.  Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Public Affairs) Ryan Murphy and Michael Caputo

17.  Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention) Elizabeth Neumann

18.  Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (Housing) Federal Housing Commissioner Brian Montgomery and Leonard Wolfson

19.  Assistant Secretary of State (Legislative Affairs)Mary Elizabeth Taylor

20.  Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Financial Institutions) Bimal Patel

21.  Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council Joseph Grogan

22.  Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia Jonathan Kravis and Aaron Zelinsky

23.  Chairman of Tennessee Valley Authority James “Skip” Thompson

24.  Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Tomas J. Philipson

25.  Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Neil Chatterjee

26.  Chief of Staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Kyle McGowan

27.  Chief of Staff to the First Lady Lindsay Reynolds

28.  Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense Eric Chewning

29.  Chief Operating Officer of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Deirdre Walsh

30.  Commissioner of the Federal Election Commission Caroline C. Hunter

31.  Department of Defense Inspector General Glenn Fine

32.  Deputy Administrator for Resilience of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Daniel Kaniewski

33.  Deputy Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development Bonnie Glick

34.  Deputy Chief of Staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Amanda Campbell

35.  Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget Margaret Weichert

36.  Deputy Director of the National Economic Council for Economic Policy (Domestic Policy) Andrew Olmem

37.  Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget Russell Thurlow "Russ" Vought

38.  Deputy National Security Advisor for Middle East and North African Affairs Victoria Coates

39.  Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs James Byrne

40.  Deputy United States Postmaster General Ronald Stroman

41.  Deputy White House Communications Director Adam Kennedy

42.  Deputy White House Liaison of the United States Agency for International Development Merritt Corrigan

43.  Director for European Affairs of the National Security Council Alexander Semyon Vindman

44.  Director of Middle East Broadcasting Networks Alberto Fernandez

45.  Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire

46.  Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell

47.  Director of Policy and Strategic Planning Earl Comstock

48.  Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority Rick Bright

49.  Director of the Bureau of Land Management William Perry Pendley

50.  Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Steven Walker

51.  Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Russell Travers

52.  Director of the National Park Service David Vela

53.  Director of the Office of Management and Budget John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney

54.  Director of the Office of Personnel Management Dale Cabaniss

55.  Director of the Voice of America (VOA) Amanda Bennett

56.  General Counsel of the Environmental Protection Agency Matthew Leopold

57.  General Counsel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Dana Boente

58.  General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Jason Klitenic

59.  Homeland Security Advisor Peter J. Brown

60.  Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Transportation Calvin Scovel

61.  Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael Atkinson

62.  Labor Department Inspector General Scott Dahl

63.  Member of the Defense Science Board James N. Miller

64.  NASA Associate Administrator (Human Exploration and Operations) Doug Loverro

65.  President of Radio Free Asia Bay Fang

66.  President of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Jamie Fly

67.  Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Andrew P. Hallman

68.  Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly

69.  Senior Advisor to the President (Economic Affairs) Kevin Hassett

70.  Senior Director for Counterterrorism of the National Security Council Kash Patel

71.  Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs of the National Security Council Andrew Peek and Tom Williams

72.  Solicitor General Noel Francisco

73.  Special Advisor to the Vice President on European and Russian Affairs Jennifer Williams

74.  Special Advisor to the Vice President on Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Olivia Troye

75.  Special Chairman of Federal Salary Council Ronald Sanders

76.  Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook

77.  State Department Inspector General Stephen Akard

78.  Treasurer of the United States Jovita Carranza

79.  U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jessie K. Liu

80.  U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey Berman

81.  Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Elaine McCusker

82.  Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) John Rood

83.  Under Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) Michael D. Griffin

84.  Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration Lisa Gordon-Hagerty

85.  Under Secretary of Homeland Security (Intelligence and Analysis) David Glawe and Brian Murphy

86.  United States Chief Information Officer Suzette Kent

87.  United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Deputy Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Matthew Albence

88.  United States Postmaster General Megan Brennan

89.  White House Director of Communications Stephanie Ann Grisham

90.  White House Director of Presidential Personnel Sean Doocey



f all the records Donald John Trump has set while in the office of U.S. President, the turnover rate is by far the most record-setting, signifying, in my view, volatile and inept governance.  

It’s a pity, really.  



Wikipedia “List of Trump administration dismissals and resignations” last edited update November 9, 2020

The Wikipedia list updated as of November 9, 2020, does not include underlings or lower-level office or agency positions that have been eliminated, or their occupants jumped ship or were given the boot.

News from The Hill by Rebecca Kheel November 6, 2020 “Overnight Defense: Is Trump going to fire Esper? | Head of nuclear security agency resigns | US military acknowledges two civilian injuries in Somalia”


  • Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s position is appearing more precarious by the day.… Esper has long been seen as out-the-door regardless of who wins the election, including the possibility that he would resign during the transition period if Trump loses.”
  • Others on the chopping block: Questions are also swirling as to whether FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel will be ousted as well, as the president and his allies grow increasingly frustrated that the two top intelligence officials won’t wade into political matters.


  • The head of the agency charged with securing the U.S. nuclear arsenal abruptly resigned Friday (November 6, 2020).
  • The Energy Department announced National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) head Lisa Gordon-Hagerty’s resignation in a news release Friday afternoon, after Defense News had broken the news of her departure. Gordon-Hagerty, who was confirmed in 2018, was the first woman to serve in the role. William Bookless, who has been serving as NNSA principal deputy administrator for the last year-and-a-half, will step in as acting administrator, according to the release.



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