Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Do Not Punish Your Creation.

Clean up Your Act. Fix the Apparatus of Government.



o not impeach this president or, by any means or Constitutional Amendment, force him from office. 

Instead, turn off the lights and multimedia shows. Stop the attacks and counterattacks. 

Fix the broken U.S. systems and institutions; correct the mindset, the diligence, ethic, standards and substantive prerequisites for entry into and tenure in American governance and government. 

It was the deeply rooted deficiencies that have been created and sustained through incompetence and negligence; deficiencies allowed to fester over many decades, throughout successive congresses and administrations — that paved the way for and brought to the U.S. presidency a multinational businessman and media showman of highly questionable character, and with absolutely no credentials or temperament for serving as President of the United States.  

He is not the first one to stand for office and be elected to the presidency or legislature with such impairments. The practice needs to end, but not in mid flight.

Whatever guilt or blame resides in the 45th U.S. president resides also in men and women (individually and collectively) of successive congresses; the men and women holding top positions in successive administrations; and the men and women in the wings, inside the Washington Beltway, revolving in and out, and advising one or another branch of government.

Not only do these men and women rightfully retain some of the deep and corrosive guilt and blame, but many of them (from New York to Washington, D.C., and environs to California) knew Mr. Trump, personally (long before they, expediently, turned on him, or he on them) — knew him very well, indeed! 

Attended his parties and hideaways, took his money to fund their luxuries and lifestyles, their “foundations,” and their political campaign (another area of serious brokenness)



et this man finish his term. 

Then mend the brokenness of institutions, service, individual due diligence, and human relations.

After the inauguration of the 46th U.S. president, set to work correcting America’s broken systems.

Don’t continue to deny the brokenness of the electoral system.

Hire an independent nonpartisan team to conduct an investigation into every aspect of the elections apparatus and make recommendations for fixing and unifying America’s (50 states and territories) voter access and voting processes, equipment, and apparatuses.

Institute permanent and verifiable processes of principled governance and government oversight. Establish checks and corrective mechanisms for maintaining competence and integrity among government officials, and, overall, in the institution of government. Abolish the money flow—put an end to the buying and selling of public officials and public office.  



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