Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Brand USA Blindsides Distracted Americans

Distracted Americans, repeatedly, Feign Shock

Twentieth Century American residents’ Gunshot Killings of American Leaders

  • · US President William McKinley: 1901 · US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1963
  • · US Attorney General, US Senator, attorney, lawyer Robert Francis Kennedy 1968
  • · US activist, religious minister Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr.) 1968

Twenty-first Century Torment by Americans of Messengers of Truth Tellers, Defenders of Rights

  • · Publisher, editor, journalist Julian Assange (US government denied rights, caused to be imprisoned and psychologically tortured, pressured for extradition and more torture 2010- present)
  • · Defense attorney Lynn Stewart (2010 imprisoned in Texas after court issued 10-year sentence for representing controversial figure, a figure disliked by US government officials)
  • · Human rights lawyer Steven R. Donziger (repeatedly harassed, New York disbarred 2018, placed under house arrest/denied work in his profession 2019-2022 for taking a case and winning it against corporate friends of powerful public officials).  


emember the Red Scare

McCarthyism—nicknamed for rabid driver and leader of the notorious Red Scare movement, US Senator Joseph McCarthy—destroyed lives and livelihoods of hundreds of Americans.
  • · The First Red Scare (1917–1920) occurred as the First World War was ending and at least two years thereafter.
  • · The Second Red Scare (McCarthyism, 1947–1957) occurred following the Second World War.
Some of the many people who were harmed or threatened by Red Scare fanatics were these accomplished people.


Lucille Ball: actress, film studio executive

Alvah Bessie: Abraham Lincoln Brigade, writer, journalist, screenwriter, Hollywood Ten

Elmer Bernstein: composer and conductor

Leonard Bernstein: conductor, pianist, composer

Aaron Copland: composer

Dolores del Río (Mexican): actress

Ruth Gordon: actress, screenwriter, and playwright

Dashiell Hammett: author

Lena Horne: singer

Langston Hughes: writer, poet, playwright

Danny Kaye: actor, singer, dancer

Burgess Meredith: actor

Arthur Miller: playwright and essayist

Dimitri Mitropoulos (Greek): conductor, pianist, composer

Dorothy Parker: writer, humorist

Paul Robeson: actor, athlete, singer, writer, political activist

Edward G. Robinson: actor

Pete Seeger: folk singer, songwriter

Artie Shaw: jazz musician, bandleader, author

William L. Shirer: journalist, author

Orson Welles: actor, author, film director



emember the Hoover Machine

More than 50 years a Bad seed seeded at FBI. His name was John Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover
Assistant Director of the Bureau of Investigation 1921-1924
Director of the first Federal Bureau of Investigation 1924-1972

J. Edgar was a real gem. Like other notorious, deeply entrenched, inside the Beltway characters before him, Hoover’s name is set in stone on a building in the District of Columbia—a name plate designed, affixed, and maintained at Americans’ expense.


ommunism was Hoover’s obsession. The reports are that he ignored Mafia crimes, even denied Mafia existence in America, preferring instead to focus on “Communists” everywhere, and “Communist subversion.”

For at least a decade (mid-1940s-mid-1950s), J. Edgar Hoover 

“paid little attention to criminal vice rackets such as illegal drugs, prostitution, and extortion and flatly denied the existence of the Mafia in the United States. In the 1950s, evidence of the FBI’s unwillingness to investigate the Mafia became a topic of public criticism.”
Hoover defied the High Court. The rabid ruler is said to have opposed decisions of the Supreme Court of the United that limited the ability of the US Justice Department “to prosecute people for their political opinions, most notably communists.”

Aides reported that the lordly Hoover “purposely exaggerated the threat of communism to ‘ensure financial and public support for the FBI.’” One of his signature, notoriously criminal entities was “COINTELPRO” (Counter Intelligence Program commonly known as “dirty tricks” USA) that was first used “to disrupt the Communist Party USA.”

Acting on his orders, the Hoover team (locking step with McCarthyism) hounded American citizens in all walks of life that Hoover labeled “spies” “spreading Communist Party propaganda.” 

The “COINTELPRO” criminal enterprise is reported to have used methods such as “infiltration, burglary, illegal wiretaps, planting forged documents, and spreading false rumors about key members of organizations” they disliked. There is also evidence that this lawless enterprise incited violence and arranged killings.
Long before his tormenting of Martin Luther King Jr., J. Edgar Hoover in 1956 had attacked civil rights workers such as a man from Mound Bayou, Mississippi, who had dared criticize the FBI for failing to investigate, thoroughly, the murder of Emmett Till, and others.

Hoover’s enterprise, in the 1960s, “monitored John Lennon, Malcolm X, and Muhammad Ali.” The dirty tricks arm went after organizations such as “the Nation of Islam, the Black Panther Party, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the civil rights movement in general. In 1964, Hoover’s gang targeted “a special assistant and confidant of then-US President Lyndon Johnson.” The target’s name was Jack Valenti.

Civil rights worker Viola Liuzzo died one night in 1965. Ku Klux Klansmen chased her car and fired their guns into her car, killing her. One of the sheeted patriots was “an acknowledged FBI informant.” The Hoover enterprise’s response to the Klan killing of Liuzzo was to “spread rumors that Viola Liuzzo was a member of the Communist Party and had abandoned her children to have sexual relationships with African Americans involved in the civil rights movement.” This says more about the demented mind of J. Edgar than it does of any civil rights worker. FBI records show that his lordship had, “personally,” passed on his fabrications to President Lyndon Johnson. 



rompting this writing is news breaking late yesterday, all night, and much to today. Forbes version is this August 9, 2022, headline by Alison Durkee Forbes Staff “Here’s What to Know about Trump’s Document Controversy That Led To Mar-A-Lago Raid.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2022/08/09/heres-what-to-know-about-trumps-document-controversy-that-led-to-mar-a-lago-raid/?sh=61ed6363b969

“The FBI executed a raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate on Monday, the ex-president confirmed, an explosive step that came after months of increasing scrutiny into the boxes of White House documents that Trump took with him to Florida after his presidency ended and questions over whether that violated federal law.”

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett

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