Sunday, August 21, 2022

Saudis, Soros: Countered, Courted Global Influencers

Foundation (NGOs) and Military Industrial Complexes

György Schwartz or George Soros is a Central European native interfering in US (and other countries’) domestic affairs. 

His net worth is somewhere in the 20 to 40 billion dollar range, depending on the time and source. Tens of billions are squirreled in a foundation cabal, and multibillions more are used as walking around money. Mr. Soros is “hedge-fund (many times over) billionaire” who “personally sets the budget of his Open Society Foundations.” Since the 1970s, he has contributed somewhere in the neighborhood of “$12 billion to a wide array of organizations.”

Soros Gluttony, Global Reach

Soros’s Open Society Foundations comprises “a ‘network of more than 20 national and regional foundations around the world.’” The network reportedly operates on at least five continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin and North Americas. Soros/OSF money moves from Soros and his relatives to and through interlocking foundation entities, government agencies (UK and USA), private corporations, and sundry profiteers registered as “nonprofits.” The Soros Open Society Foundations reach and financial holdings have been projected to exceed the $43 billion- Gates Foundation; yet they take handouts: between 2000 and 2018, OSF reportedly took in “$5.4 billion” in “donations.”
Soros Interference in US elections 2022 

Large numbers of Americans are homeless, jobless, and illiterate; and the multi-billionaire do-gooder is reportedly filling a super political action committee with well over a hundred  million US dollars. 

Leading into the 2022 midterms, Soros handed out millions via a super PAC headed by his son. According to an early 2022 Politico article, Soros’s “Democracy PAC” has aided papa’s US elections influence operation since 2019; and has funneled “more than $80 million” to groups and individuals affiliated with the Democratic Party. However, this latest meddling in US elections is said to be directed toward influencing what is labeled “pro-democracy causes and candidates” regardless to which of the terrible twos (D or R) the recipient claims affiliation.

Countering Soros

Governments across Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, and Poland) have for many years blamed Soros for interference in their countries: for unrest and protests. Anti-Soros measures and rhetoric have risen in the politics of countries that include Serbia, Bulgaria and Slovakia. A former prime minister of Poland (Jarosław Kaczynski, leader of the Law and Justice Party) “accused Soros-funded organizations of advocating ‘societies without identity.’”

2017 Romania and Hungary

Romania’s ruling party (Save Romania Union (?)) claimed that anti-corruption protests were orchestrated by Soros.

The Viktor Mihály Orbán administration (in October) ordered the country’s intelligence services to investigate what it called an “empire” of Soros-backed institutions that work in Hungary.

Member of Parliament Gergely Gulyas (in November) “accused Soros of a ‘full frontal’ attack on Hungary. The minister is reported saying that George Soros had “attacked Hungary and the Hungarian government through (Soros funded) organizations…, (through) the European Parliament and (through Soros) allies in Brussels. (Soros) ‘has now entered the battle in person.’”

Hungary’s Top Officials
Viktor Mihály Orbán: politician, current Prime Minister of Hungary
Katalin Novák: multilingual politician, jurist, government official, Member of Parliament, current President of Hungary
Gergely Gulyás: jurist, politician, current member of executive government, and Member of Parliament


ourting Soros

Some of the US entities into and through Soros/OSF pours hundreds of millions in an apparent attempt to indoctrinate individuals (especially the young and impressionable) and supplant constitutional responsibilities of the government (of by and the people) of the United States of America are these.

  • Fund for Public Schools Inc
  • Center for Community Change
  • YouthBuild USA Inc (NYC / international)
  • Robin Hood Foundation (NYC)
  • Tides Foundation (California originating)
  • ABT Associates Inc (international/domestic data collect)
  • Bard Prison Initiative (infiltration into higher education, Bard College, New York)
  • Fund for Educational Excellence (infiltration and exploitation in inner city schools)
  • Alliance for Citizenship (A4C) (interference in US citizenry and sovereignty responsibilities) Source of list

Soros-Saudi Feather (breed) of Interference

Arabian Gulf countries: upper tier in exclusive economic zone 2nd, 3rd, 4th United Arab Emirates 52,455; Saudi Arabia 33,792; Qatar 31,819; occupying most coastline 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saudi Arabia 1,300; United Arab Emirates 900; Qatar 563

Top Tier Foreign Money Funneled into US Universities

  • Qatar $1,024,065,043
  • Saudi Arabia $613,698,797
  • UAE $211,311, 219

Money contributed to US politicians, and candidates for US public office by foreign-connected Political Action Committees (PACs)

  • Democratic Party affiliated: $6,869,270
  • Republican Party affiliated: $7,081,248
  • Total: $13,952,518

OpenSecrets notes that “American divisions of foreign companies can form political action committees (PACs) and collect contributions from their American employees,” though strictly legally “only American citizens (and immigrants with green cards) can contribute to federal politics.”

Saudi influence networks deploy a wide array of strategies, ranging from more traditional lobbying campaigns to extensive digital operations.

Former Member of the US House of Representatives Edward Randall “Ed” Royce reportedly gave an “impassioned” speech on the floor of the House in 2017, “defending US support for war in Yemen.” The Randall speech “was taken almost verbatim from a lobbyist’s script handed to him earlier that day by a foreign agent for Saudi Arabia.

“After leaving Congress in 2018, Royce took a job at Brownstein Hyatt, which is one of the major firms representing the Saudi government.”

Former members of Congress many of them now registered as foreign agents have “used leftover campaign money in so-called “zombie campaign” accounts to funnel political contributions to the same lawmakers they were lobbying on behalf of Saudi Arabia.”

“FARA disclosures are rife with former elected officials who’ve since entered the revolving door.” 

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) “is a United States law requiring persons engaged in domestic political or advocacy work on behalf of foreign interests to register with the Department of Justice and disclose their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation” (Wikipedia)

It is hard to know the full amount being funneled into US affairs, policies and government operations as the full accounting depends on Saudi agents and lobbyists’ disclosures.

Greasing hands

A cunning Saudi government has managed to convince US policy makers (or convinced politicians of lucrative kickbacks to be made for convincing the US citizenry) “that ‘support for Saudi arms sales is support for Saudi Arabia’s fighting (US imperialist) battles in the region.”

In the most recent five-year period, the United States “accounted for 39 percent of global arms exports” (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Forty-three percent those exports “went to the Middle East.” The largest recipient of those exports was Saudi Arabia. Among the top 10 recipients are Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The Saudi-led coalition for many years (particularly in a conflict now approaching ten years) has used the lethal US export in a catastrophic war against Yemeni people that has left untold hundreds of thousands dead or suffering interminable conflict, disease and famine.

And while presidential candidate Joseph Biden promised to end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, President Biden callously “approved a $500 million contract for support of the helicopter fleet in September and a $650 million contract for air-to-air missiles in November.” “U.S. manufacturers make billions from federal government contracts supplying weapons to the world’s most expensive and well-armed military, and billions more selling arms abroad.”

Weapons manufactured in the US — largely bombs made by Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics — have flooded Yemen since the start of the conflict in 2015. During 2021, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics together spent $40.9 million of the defense sector’s $117 million on lobbying; and major defense contractor Boeing (some of its guidance systems reportedly have shown up in bomb strikes) spent $13.4 million on lobbying.


Wikipedia (a recipient of Soros funding)
Other subjects
Influence Watch

Al Jazeera news 

Patrick Strickland, Al Jazeera News 2017, “What’s behind Hungary’s campaign against George Soros? Shrill campaign against man behind Open Society Foundations seen by critics as part of wider crackdown on civil society.” November 22, 2017

Elena Schneider, Politico January 28, 2022 “Soros pours $125M into super PAC ahead of midterms: The mammoth donation is fueling investment in Democratic political groups and races from Senate to secretary of state around the country.”

Project on Government Oversight
Lydia Dennett, Project on Government Oversight Transparency “Universities on the Foreign Payroll,” filed under investigation, February 25, 2019,

Regarding Foreign PACs, OpenSecrets notes that compilation is “based on data released by the Federal Election Commission on July 26, 2022.”

World and National Sources
Collage composed of individual Internet images
Composition, Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett

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