Sunday, September 4, 2022

Convenient Allies someday (Red state-Blue state) Convenient Enemies

Don't Drink the Water. 

The Washington Cabal’s Eastern European Ukraine is their Deep South Jackson, Mississippi

The US State of Mississippi’s capital city is in the midst of a long rising water crisis. Water treatment plants have failed. The latest storm blasted the crisis wide open. Washington inmates and their imitators up and down the spectrum of government are good at ignoring and denying underlying problems and preexisting conditions; and thus creating and exacerbating monumental crises.


on’t drink the water, the Mississippi governor warns. 

Pumps of water treatment plants failed. Water pressure plummeted. There is insufficient running water. Water quality is too poisonous for human consumption or for cleaning their teeth or flushing their toilets.

Media and government personalities like to throw around the disparaging terms “Third World” and “Banana Republics” (“those” people, not “our” people) when making comparisons or referring specifically to places (though this fact goes unsaid) languishing in the dark ages (undeveloped or underdeveloped) because of policies and practices (meddling and relentless violent aggression) committed directly or indirectly by Washington inmates and their partners.

This same pattern (USA Brand) plays out in domestic USA.

  • Consider the divisive blue state-red state (sometimes purple state) pejoratives and policies.
  • Consider that not a single US head of state (at least in my memory) has convened a roundtable of governors to work out plans beneficial to all states (all municipalities rural, urban and suburban) of the United States.
  • There is no standing calendar entry for congressional or executive working conferences (not stage shows, tweet fests or press events) with state governors or mayors.

Instead there are handouts (selective soft-moneyed, short term contracts) for which states have to beg. There is pandering and bribing beneficial to this or that candidate in an election cycle, or supportive of a targeted outcome.

As US officials claim convenient enemies and convenient allies abroad; so, too, do they act out the same claim domestically. Thus America is crumbling in its essentials such as permanent water (available, running, clean water), permanent housing, and solid work.

In the hands of incestuous gerontocracts and kleptocracts in and around Washington, the United States of America is Yugoslavia, Somalia, Ethiopia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, South Korea, Pakistan, Libya, Georgia (Republic of, in eastern Europe), Haiti, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica (at the moment Ukraine) and many others courted, manipulated, destabilized, divided, destroyed and deserted.

The pattern, whether intentional or by mistake, has the ultimate end of annihilating all of us. 

Anything goes to maintain the power of the cabal—and the status quo that keeps the cabal in power. And, so, Ukraine (and the whole of Europe, Asia, and the United States of America) teeters on the brink of annihilation: by starvation of life's essentials, from deliberately uncured disease, by nuclear weaponry and technology.


on’t drink the water. Don’t breathe the air. Don’t dig too far below the surface of the earth. Don’t drink the water.  Don’t trust your neighbor.

Important of all: Don’t trust the men and women who are seated in positions up and down the spectrum of government. For them and their self-cause, no depth of devastation is enough; no death toll quenches their thirst for blood.

Many people, mantra-like, make the claim that the fault is “the” “government”; which is to say, “some alien entity.” Not them or theirs (their party or partisan or politician or personality). This is a false claim, a claim of the lazy and careless.

Reality says it is human beings seated in and around government (power brokers and partners)—whose sole reason for being in government (in the public sector) is private gain, self benefit.

Whether the Washington cabal is pitching Ukraine or Mississippi; standing for or standing against (it’s just a matter of time before their tune changes); bashing Mississippi or bashing Ukraine (it’s all the same pattern) regardless to which side of the mouth is moving, don’t swallow the toxin.


ackson, Mississippi, 2019 data posted by city data website: total population: 160,628

  • Percentage of residents living in poverty: 23 percent
  • Percentage of people age 25 or older with college education: 27 percent
  • Percentage unemployed 9 percent

2010 Census finding (below poverty line estimates)

  • 20 percent of families
  • 24 percent of total population: 34 percent under age 18; 16 percent 65 or over,_Mississippi

 [Ukraine Poverty rate (2019 estimate): 38 percent (Wikipedia)].

Jackson, Mississippi’s poor water quality (and water main breaks) and crumbling road surfaces (potholes creating transportation problems) has caused states of emergency extending back almost a decade during which successive mayors have begged the federal government for help and tried to borrow funds, which would have provided only quick fixes.

Total Jackson Population (2020) Wikipedia data: 153,701

On the last day of August 2022, according to the Clarion Ledger, “more than 150,000” Jackson, Mississippi, inhabitants had no dependable “safe drinking water.”


News Sources

Clarion Ledger “What to know Jackson, MS water crisis: State of emergency, Biden addresses, boil advisory,” Joyce Orlando, USATNetwork

RT news September 3, 2022, “White House asks for more money for Ukraine: The Biden administration says it needs another $11.7 billion to keep helping Kiev,”


 World and National Sources
Collage composed of individual Internet images
Composition, Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images

Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett


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