Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Relentless Razing of Nations: Creators of Crises Create Crises continually

Some Step down, Some Don’t

Confronted with their incompetence, their unfitness for purpose, injury to entities and institutions, some leaders have the courage—or sense of shame—to step aside. Other leaders selfishly and self-centeredly hunker down and hang on, continuing the carnage, the wrecking of the ship of state, and the drowning of people far and wide, at home and abroad.

The masses and their puppeteers may laud and applaud those who sense the writing on the wall and step aside. Puppets and puppeteers may celebrate (even confer “peace” and “perfection” prizes on) plutocrats and partisans (the cowardice class) whose minds are sealed against the times (the writing on the wall), and carry on with their devastation.

In the spring of 2022 the United Nations reported that conflict, violence, human rights violations, persecution and various disruptions in public order had forced the global displacement of more than100 million people, and the numbers continued to rise.
Global aggression continues to force migration across lands and seas with great loss of lives. Neighboring nations of displaced people are affected far more than US-led NATO nations who scream and holler and blame those whom they have turned into victims.

The self-centered, cowardice class without a conscience refuses to join concerted efforts to solve problems, cure disease and causation and mend preexisting contributive conditions.
Hitting headlines today across the Western world is “UK Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after failed budget and market turmoil” Associated Press October 20, 2022
History records 

21st Century Premiership Resignations in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • 2010 James Gordon Brown resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2016 David William Donald Cameron resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2019 Theresa Mary Brasier May resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2022 (July 7) Alexander Boris Johnson resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2022 (October 20) Mary Elizabeth Truss resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

But, as always, headline drafters and editors (together with social media posters in search of clicks and followers), and the intellectually lazy missed the important story, the really BIG story—a story not of markets and venture capital; but of unspeakable criminality and impunity, impaired character and relentless carnage (committed by predecessor and successor “leaders”, presidents, prime ministers, commanders in chief) against human beings, against nature, and against nations of the world. 

The Razing of Nations and Removal of Peoples continues. 


Unrelenting Carnage by four most recent United States Commanders in Chief  2001-2022

Some of the Key Figures

  • GEORGE WALKER BUSH (VP Richard Cheney; State and Defense Departments: Victoria Nuland, Powell, Condoleezza Rice; Rumsfeld, Gates; Ambassadors United Nations: Negroponte, John Danforth, John Bolton, Zalmay Khalilzad) 2001-2009

  • BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II (VP Joseph Biden; State and Defense Departments Victoria Nuland, Kerry, Hillary Clinton; Gates, Panetta, Hagel, Ash Carter; Ambassadors to UN: Susan Rice, Samantha Power) 2009-2016

  • DONALD JOHN TRUMP (VP Michael Pence; State and Defense Rex Tillerson, Mike Pompeo; Mattis, Shanahan (nom wd), Esper; Ambassadors to UN Haley, Nauert (nom wd), Craft) 2009-2016
  • JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN JR (VP Kamala Harris; State and Defense Victoria Nuland, Blinken; Austin; Ambassador to UN Thomas-Greenfield) 2017-2022 (continuing)

Some of the Assassinations

  • Bush 2003: President of Iraq Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti
  • Obama 2011: President of Libya Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi
  • Trump 2020: Honorable Iranian General Qasem Soleimani

Some of the
Continuing Carnage, Savagely Violent, unchecked Aggression
Breach of Sovereignty in Asia, Eastern Africa, Eastern Europe

  • 2001–2021 (continuing) in Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
  • 2002 – 2022 (continuing) in Republic of Yemen
  • 2003-2011; 2014-2021 (continuing) in Republic of Iraq
  • 2004-2018 (continuing) Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • 2007-2022 (continuing) Federal Republic of Somalia and Republic of Kenya (Horn of Africa)
  • 2009–2016 Indian Ocean
  • 2011 (failed state, slavery, continuing) State of Libya
  • 2011–2017 Republic of Uganda
  • 2011 – 2022 (continuing) Syrian Arab Republic
  • 2014- 2022 (continuing) Ukraine

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links

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