Sunday, October 16, 2022

USA Media Underreported …

Consequences of Collective West’s anti-Russia Sanctions: Protests across Western Europe


NATO countries and affiliates
Republic of Italy since 1949
French Republic since 1949
Federal Republic of Germany since 1955
Czech Republic since 1999
Austria has cooperated with the aggression alliance since 1995 (  via its affiliation with the 
 “Partnership for Peace (PfP)” and  “Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council”

Protests Underreported


Italy’s Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) led protesters who “burned energy bills in Italy’s capital city;” and on the streets, demonstrated “their anger at the ongoing cost of living crisis."
“The protestors also demanded an end to the Ukraine war, and an end to Italy’s involvement in NATO.”
OneIndia reporting October 16, 2022, “Italy: Massive protests due to cost of living crisis, opposition to NATO,”  


  • Czech Republic: Prague: “Thousands of people gathered in Prague’s Wenceslas Square protesting their government’s incapacity to address crushing costs of living,” and the “downgrade” in their standards of living.
  • Federal Republic of Germany: Berlin: “Protesters march across the city” and accuse the government of “waging a war against the German people by causing an energy crisis through the sanctioning of Russia.”
  • Republic of Austria: Vienna: A series of protesters on the streets of this capital city express the citizenry’s “dissatisfaction with their government’s incapacity to deal with the current economic crisis …, government’s ‘inactivity’ in addressing rising energy costs.”

Tasnim News Agency reports “Massive Rallies Held across Europe over Soaring Prices, Living Costs”

 OCTOBER 11 REPORTING on protests

Business Daily October 11, 2022 France24: Long lines, shortages at fuel stations, “Frustration mounts as French drivers continue to face fuel shortages’

OCTOBER 13 REPORTING on protests

Rfi October 13, 2022 FUEL CRISIS “Police order striking French petrol staff back to work,”

France24 October 13, 2022 “French strikes spread as government orders fuel depot staff back to work”

“French railway workers and civil servants voted to join striking oil refinery staff with a walkout (planned for the week of October 16) after the French government resorted to emergency powers to compel some fuel depot workers to return to their jobs in a bid to ease petrol shortages.”

Government officials had pressed companies to negotiate “fearing an escalation of tensions” heading into an October 16 planned “nationwide march against inflation…. Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told RTL radio that, given TotalEnergies’ huge profits this year, it had ‘the capacity… and therefore an obligation’ to raise workers’ pay.”
Rfi FUEL CRISIS October 13, 2022 “French media divided over who’s to blame for crippling fuel strike”

  • “Libération accuses President Macron of trade union bashing …, (refusing to) … comment on the huge profits being made by the energy companies and their share-holders.”
  • “Le Figaro (looks) the other way, saying that the government is running scared, having failed to see this disaster on the horizon.”
  • “Le Monde strives for impartiality, reporting the latest offer from the petrol companies, 6 percent for all petrol workers, next year (strikers want at least 7.5 percent, retroactive to 12 months).

OCTOBER 14 REPORTING on protests

Rfi France October 14, 2022 “French strike fever spreads as Macron’s opponents push for confrontation,”

OCTOBER 15 REPORTING on protests

France24 “Strikes persist at France’s TotalEnergies refineries, fuel depot,” October 15, 2022

[TotalEnergies “runs about a third” of France’s “service stations”]

Wikipedia report: TotalEnergies
Revenue (Increase) US$184.678 billion (2021)
Operating income (Increase) US$30.5 billion (2021)
Net income (Increase) US$15.5 billion (2021)
Total assets (Increase) US$320.5 billion (2021)

Forbes report on Total SA
Revenue: $185.1 billion
Assets: $293.5 billion
Profits: $16.1 billion

USA Connection

Total Petrochemicals USA Inc. is a subsidiary of Total SA (aka “TotalEnergies SE,” a French multinational integrated energy and petroleum company founded in 1924, its businesses covering the entire oil and gas chain, from crude oil and natural gas exploration and production to power generation, transportation, refining, petroleum product marketing, and international crude oil and product trading; and large-scale chemicals manufacturing) 

“Total Petrochemicals USA Inc.” was incorporated in1956 as “American Petrofina Inc.,” headquartered in Dallas, Texas, under the Belgian parent company, “Petrofina,” with the latter owning the majority of its stock. Today Total Petrochemicals USA is headquartered in Houston, Texas

Reference source Wikipedia
“Total Petrochemicals USA,”

OCTOBER 16 REPORTING on protests

Republic of Italy, Rome: “Republic of High school students took to the streets of Rome to stage a protest that converged on the Education Ministry. Pupils were demanding more investment in education after what they call two decades of budget cuts and the country recording the highest school dropout levels in the EU.”

Heralding “a hot autumn of protests and strikes,” Italy in recent days has experienced many protests: Genoa airport operations were suspended for 24 hours earlier in the week “following a demonstration called by an energy plant’s employees against plans to close their factory;” in Rome, the largest trade union in Italy “staged a big demonstration… demanding more protection for workers.”
Press TV News October 16, 2022, “Italians take to streets for anti-government protests

  • French Republic: Paris: “Tens of thousands of protesters” demonstrated “against the rising cost of living,” “inflation,” and against “the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron…, plunging France into ‘chaos.’”

  • Al Jazeera News and agencies October 16, 2022 “Massive protest in Paris against inflation and climate crisis,”


Rfi PARIS – PROTESTS: “Tens of thousands take to the streets of Paris in protest over cost of living, climate inaction,” issued on October 16, 2022,

France24 “Protesters march in Paris as fuel shortages add to anger over inflation…: Our lives are worth more than your profits’: Demonstrators take part in a protest by New Ecologic and Social People’s Union (NUPES), a coalition of left and green parties, against soaring inflation and what they call a lack of government action to fight climate change, in Paris, France, October 16, 2022, France24 October 16, 2022,

“French refinery and fuel depot workers at five sites owned by oil giant TotalEnergies have extended their strike, union leaders said Saturday, compounding concern over petrol supply ahead of wider protests early next week.”

World and National Sources
Collage composed of individual Internet images
Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
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