Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Washington Inmates Surrender Americans’ Birthright (general welfare) to World’s Richest Man

The Nature of Desertion

Ordinary Americans languish in homelessness, unemployment and underemployed, inferior education. Many have little or no Internet access. 

Witness the consequences of two years’ loss of US student learning resulting from US officials’ deliberate ignorance and unpreparedness, lack of ingenuity, and reckless abandonment of on-site classroom teaching and learning.

Officials, Partners in and around federal Washington surrender Treasury of the United States of America to the World's Richest Man

They drown the country in enormous, unpayable debt, preferring to pander to and fund the freight of the Elon Musk(s); and other world-annihilating madmen, militarists and mercenaries, meddlers and dabblers who weave in, out and around a lethal and an incestuous theater of influence.

A private sector businessman feeding at the trough of Americans’ public sector welfare is a native of South Africa (born and raised) described as the wealthiest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of “$210 billion” and companies whose nature is off-shoring and job-robbing.


his hero to too many of the masses and the “upper classes” aids in advancing a 40-year US pattern of human workforce displacement and dissolution that has 

  • Turned the heart of America into rust belts, and dives of (casino, sports, political-race) betting addiction
  • Turned its borders into gateways of trafficking in drugs and human beings
  • Turned its soldiers and public servants into predators. 

Some of the super rich man’s lucrative enterprises are called “Open AI” (artificial intelligence), “Twitter Inc” (boredom-busting addiction and mindlessness), and “SpaceX” (fantasies and war making), in addition to “Zip2,” “Tesla, Inc. (Criticism Energy Litigation),” and “Neuralink.”

Musk’s Ten Billion Dollar (estimated) Waste and War project called “Starlink” (of the “SpaceX” regime) is a dangerous toy that entered development in 2015, as a “constellation of low-Earth-orbit satellites;” and has continued through three US (war) presidencies.

October 13, 2020, Defense Post reported “US Army Partners with SpaceX to Deliver Military Cargo Anywhere in an Hour.”
In the spring of 2022 and continuing through the summer and fall, Elon Musk and his Starlink satellite internet terminals (allied with the US and Ukrainian military officials) inserted themselves into the Eastern European conflict in an “operation” allegedly costing “$80 million” and projected to rise above “$100 million” before New Year’s Day 2023.
CNN has reported that SpaceX’s bookkeeping shows that, of some 20,000 Starlink terminals “gifted” to Ukraine, 85 percent of them were paid for (on top of 30 percent of monthly connectivity costs) by the United States of America (as well as by “Poland” and “other entities”) 

The cost of diplomacy is far more rewarding to the world’s people (individually and collectively) and far less costly to lives and treasury; but the greedy and corrupt, seeing only themselves, are congenitally callous and uncaring.

September 2022 world news reported Musk's boastful tweets heralding “Starlink expansion… service (being) available ‘on all continents’ – but not in countries disliked by the US government.” (Emphasis added)

To the Greedy

Having more than everybody else is


November 2021 Business Insider (Lifestyle) Elon “Musk and the companies affiliated with him have owned at least seven residences, collectively worth over $100 million, mostly in the Los Angeles (California) area.”

October 14, 2022 US domestic news reports “Musk’s SpaceX says it can no longer pay for critical satellite services in Ukraine; asks Pentagon (US Department of Defense) to pick up the tab”

October 17, 2022 Business Insider reports “Elon Musk says SpaceX will LET people donate money to fund Starlink for places in need of internet” (caps emphasis added)

October 20, 2022 Wall Street Journal: “Elon Musk’s SpaceX (and) Pentagon to Deepen Ties despite Dispute on Starlink Funding in Ukraine: Pentagon units have been signing ‘sole-source’ contracts for SpaceX’s satellite-internet services.”

There is nothing wrong with private profit. There is nothing wrong with private enterprise, per se.

Industries, businesses, society in general thrive on invention, creation, discovery, innovation, and on free enterprise—assuming, of course, that enterprise really is free enterprise. However, this is not the case within the United States (nor is it the case in matters of the United States and other nations of the world). Like the United States’ “too big to fail” doctrine concerning companies and other partners in the plunder of America’s treasury, major US-based corporations and multinationals partnering with Washington inmates plunder the resources of other nations and peoples—as if plunder were Washington’s lawful right; and what belongs to other nations and peoples, by right (a ridiculous notion on its face) belongs to Washington.

At issue in the permissive intermingling public and private sectors is the breach of an essential separateness that should be strictly maintained. The motives and missions, the reason for being, of each private or public sector (as should be strictly observed in matters of religion and state) is separate and distinct. Separateness should be properly maintained.

There should be no partnering between public and private sectors because (as is evident in present conditions of government and the consequential loss of trust and trustworthiness) such partnerships create conditions of graft, corruption, plunder and a general weakening of government and civil service.

The private sector serves private interests. The public sector (government of by and for the people) serves the public interest: the common defense and general welfare, as the US constitution words it.

Beware of the politician or public official who claims to be pursing “American interests” as he or she orders the killing of people or threatens, occupies or bombs nations. Beware those who order Americans to consume this or that product.

The public sector should stand on the side of the people, upholding the Constitution and earnestly endeavoring (not merely in words but, transparently, in public officials’ deeds) to protect the people and preserve their rights—against the ravages, excesses, abuses, infringes, overreaches (federal regulations are essential) by the private sector in securing and preserving its (private) profits.
These separate parts in society, private and public, need not be hostile or antagonistic to one another (just as nations need not be hostile to other nations); but simply, respectfully, and with clear-headed understanding set about their separate interests and separately-mandated work.

The US federal government as shown in the inferior caliber and character of individuals in and around Washington (often observable, also, in various state and local branches of government) has gone terribly wrong. 

It takes great courage to right great wrongs.

US Domestic and World News
Reference sources
Business Insider
Defense Post (The)
Wall Street Journal

World and National Sources
Collage composed of individual Internet images
Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links


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