Friday, December 2, 2022

Tell the Children to reject Cancel Culture

The Content saved might save a Life.

Difference cannot kill. Clarity and balance, knowledge and ideas; respectful, substantive engagement and dialogue cannot kill.

Tell the children that truth cannot be killed or canceled.

Teach the young and impressionable that the clever contemporaries and contemptuous, incestuous self-righteous are already cannibalizing. Ultimately, they will annihilate themselves. 

In the near term one can see contemptuous acts and dire consequences being loosed on the world by contemptuous cancellers possessed of too little wisdom, and too much time on their hands.

Observable is the harm manifest in the loss of creativity and true genius, the obstruction of paths toward vital understanding and critical relations among men and nations and cultures.

In the United States alone there is round-the-clock promulgation of ignorance about and slanderous claims against “others” simultaneous with an incessant seeding of irrational fear and anger among “patriots” and the public in general. Americans are blinded by distraction and commanded to consume (charge on credit) stuff they neither need nor can afford. Though a few steps away from homelessness, debt prison, drug dealing, or the poorhouse—Americans suffer in surrender to their corrupt masters’ charade. No time to think or gather reliable information. No time to engage meaningfully with neighbors, fellow Americans. No time to consider solid evidence or the truths of faraway lands and peoples.

One of the tremendously important sources of well-done truth telling is the RT Documentary Channel—predictably banned by the PSYOPS USA-led Collective West.

“Killing Russian Culture” is one of this year’s insightful documentaries by Aleksandr Panov, a writer and director, editor and reporter born in Hungary and educated in Russia, who received degrees from Ryazan State University, Moscow State University, and the Institute of Advanced Training of Workers in Television and Radio.

An abbreviated list of his films include

  • “Danceducation” (Ghana’s dancing teacher gets school kids to love math through dance)
  • “Cirque de Kabul” (Afghan children find hope & the joy of childhood in a circus school)
  • “Trapped” (Life on the Donetsk frontline through the eyes of a little girl)
  • “The Bridge” (Russia’s grand project to link Crimea)
  • “To Be a Cosmonaut” (Russian cosmonaut candidates show what it takes to shoot for the stars)

The dot com site IMDb (Internet Movie Database): lists only one of Panov’s films with the no doubt deliberately anemic note that Aleksandr Panov “is known for ‘Little Miss Kung Fu’ (2017 television movie)”

The RT doc “Killing Russian Culture” exposes the Collective West’s malevolent attack on all spheres of Russian life. Major areas in which Russia has excelled are under fire. “Russian singers, artists and directors” have found their names removed from “concert schedules and festival short lists.” Great Masters already deceased— Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky (one of my favorite composers!), and Shostakovich—have become “victims of ‘cancel culture.’”

Russian creation stretching more than a thousand years “is not only being questioned but also condemned, reviled, and rejected.”

The West regresses, violently, as the 

World moves on.

For the past two to four generations, all life and movement have become increasingly and inescapably transcontinental—employment, interning, and professional practice, politics, economics, trade, varieties of production and services (not to mention social media networking), all forms of mass media (book publishing, news print and broadcasting, varieties of entertainment, cyber space with its seen and unseen interlinking sectors).

These complexities of circumstance shout for openness and understanding. Not cowardice, and retreats to caves.

More than ever, it is essential that nations reach out in cooperation, deliberately attempting to understand other cultures, peoples, languages, governments and institutions. More than ever it is important that nations and leaders work together, across differences, to solve common issues such as infectious disease, laboratory research, tribal disputes, the dark web and its affect on the minds and health of the young and impressionable—i.e., the future.

The US-led Collective West’s hostility (cancel culture, sanctions warfare, all-round arrogance and belligerence) against Russia and Russian culture (and other nations and cultures) is the US-led Collective West’s loss of essential truths and thus hostility against itself.

Circumstances in the near term preclude all possibility of peace by peaceful—i.e., nonviolent—means. The ramifications in suffering, if not reined in, will stretch far down the generations.

Tell the children to reject Cancel Culture.

Source and prompt
RT Documentary by Aleksandr Panov “Killing Russian Culture: Russian Art and Sport Cancelled in the West”

Documentary channel RT Doc (part of RT news since 2011) “has produced and broadcasted more than 500 films — about private struggles and global milestones, the human soul and expanses of nature, tales from the past and events unfolding right before our eyes.” The work of RT Doc “has been recognized for excellence by the world’s top media awards and industry groups, including the New York Festivals, the Association for International Broadcasting, Telly Awards, OMNI Intermedia Awards.”

RT is a 24/7 English-language news channel that is “government-funded but shapes its editorial policy free from political and commercial influence.”

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:;;;;

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