Sunday, December 18, 2022

Those Engaged in a Pattern of killing Lack Moral even Lawful Standing to call out, castigate, cast blame, or lay charges

Battle of Executioners

Since the dawn of “civilizations,” man has executed “criminals and dissidents.” Contemporary Global instruments dealing death under law (alphabetically) 


Lethal injection (or gas chamber)

Electric chair










 As of 2022 more than 60 percent of the world’s population lived in death penalty countries. Among the United Nations’ 193 Member States plus two Observer States is this record:

  • Death penalty legal and practiced: 53 countries (27 percent)
  • Death penalty abolished under law (de facto or not practiced and believed to employ a prohibition policy) though permitted for ordinary crimes: 25 countries (13 percent)
  • Death penalty abolished for “all crimes except those committed under exceptional circumstances”: 7 countries (4 percent)
  • Death penalty in 2020-2022 completely abolished 110 countries (56 percent)

Chad (2020)

Central African Republic (2022)

Kazakhstan (2021)

Papua New Guinea (2022)

Sierra Leone (2021)

Equatorial Guinea (2022)

Death Penalty in the United States of America depends on which State a person lives in. Over the past four decades, death penalty State leaders have been “Texas followed by Virginia, Oklahoma and Florida.”

Death Sentences increased between 2020 and 2021

Year end (estimated) total: 

  • 28,670 individuals known to be living under a sentence of death 2020: 1,477 new death sentences issued
  • 2021: 2,052 death sentences issued
  • Nine countries warehouse 82 percent of individuals (each estimated in the 1000s, here listed alphabetically) known to be living under a sentence of death



Sri Lanka






Viet Nam  

Countries with Most Confirmed Executions 2017-2020

2020: Somalia, USA, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Iran
2019: Somalia, Pakistan, USA, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran
2018: Japan, USA, Egypt, Iraq, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Iran
2017: USA, Somalia, Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
U.S. ally, agent, master
U.S. military industries’ partner
U.S. military arms (aid, lethal weaponry) buyer

In the News December 5, 2022

MEHR News Agency December 5, 2022 “S Arabia hands down death sentences to 6 political dissidents”; and according to the SANAD the “verdicts were passed irrespective of the international outcry and criticisms over arbitrary executions of Saudi citizens at the hands of the government.”

Sanad is a human rights organization officially registered in the UK that, according to its website, “defends political and civil rights in Saudi Arabia, and monitors human rights violations and exposes them to human rights bodies and media, civil and political institutions around the world.”
The news source reported Sanad’s statements that saying the death sentences issued against Mohammed Al Tahnoon, Mustafa Abu Shaheen, Abdullah Ghazwi, Zuhair Al Samkhan, Mohammed Al Masbah, and Razi al-Shayib “take the number of jailed dissidents (in Saudi Arabia) who face imminent execution to 59.” 


Battle of blame

Worse than(s) 

Better than(s)

USA attacks

Iran International December 12, 2022, reports “US Slams ‘Draconian’ Execution of Iranian Protester.” United States Department of State spokesman Ned Price was quoted characterizing “the execution of a 23-year-old Iranian (as evidence of) ‘Iran’s leadership fears (of) its own people and fears (of) the truth.’”— “‘the latest tactic in the Iranian regime’s ongoing, brutal crackdown on peaceful protestors … meant to intimidate people and suppress dissent ….’”
Iran International is a “privately-owned UK entity” established in 2017 that, according to its website, is “programmed to attract a wide audience, especially younger people.”

Iran counters

West in no position to comment on law enforcement in Iran— Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani TEHRAN, December 9, 2022

“The Islamic Republic of Iran considers preserving public security as one of its main responsibilities…; the country recognizes people’s legal rights for peaceful criticism and protest.… Enforcement of law and establishment of public security is the duty of governments.”
And “governments that suppress protesters violently are in no position to comment on the actions of Iran regarding the implementation of law and maintaining public order and security…” Moreover, “many European governments have directly and indirectly violated the human rights of the Iranian nation by supporting the cruel and illegal sanctions of the US regime.” MEHR News Agency

Non-allied Executioners in the News

RT News December 4, 2022, “Iran executes four on spying charges.” The men had been “accused of undermining the national security” of Iran (Discovery presented at court: “Mossad paid” the accused “in cryptocurrency” for “criminal intelligence,” “kidnapping,” and “aid in procuring weapons and equipment.)

Washington Examiner December 18, 2022 by Rachel Schilke “US carried out 18 executions in 2022 as support for death penalty dwindles”

Reuters December 16, 2022 by Julia Harte “Botched executions in United States reach record high in 2022, report says.”

“Seven of the 20 executions attempted this year were ‘visibly problematic,’ including one attempt at lethal injection that led to an unprecedented three-hour struggle to insert an intravenous (IV) line into an Alabama man” (original data from annual report of Death Penalty Information Center)

More Sources

Death Penalty Information Center “Executions around the World”

World data info “Death Penalties by country,”,%20%202000%20%2056%20more%20rows%20

Capital Punishment

World Population Review
Death penalties by country in 2021, Execution of the death penalty by country: “In 2021 alone, 3,000 people were sentenced to death and at least 1,571 were actually executed,”

Death Penalty Info (sourcing USA twitter posts) “Iran Executes Two Prisoners Arrested in Ongoing Protests, Threatens More to Follow,” December 12, 2022

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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