Monday, February 27, 2023

DATELINE POVERTY: “…. Neither predestined nor Unconquerable….”

Wisdom met with Demonization:
USA Violence Abroad is USA Violence against America

“Through (China's) continuous efforts, the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents in China had all been lifted out of poverty. 

“All 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 villages had been removed from the poverty list by the end of 2020.” Reporting by Xie Jiang, Zheng Xin, Chen Yongrong, Cheng Jing, Zhang Yiyi, Guo Xiaoyu, Zhao Yang and Wu Qiong; Video editor: Yang Zhixiang, Xinhuanet reports in 2021 “How China has lifted nearly 800 million people out of poverty”Xinhua| Editor: huaxia, April 6, 2021
“China’s experience in poverty alleviation indicates that courage, vision, sense of responsibility, and the eagerness to take on challenges are the most essential.”


Poverty USA (no data taken during pandemic)

The United States of America comprises five percent of the world population; takes in 20 percent of the world’s total income; and in its population of 331,449,281 (2020), 11.4 percent (2020 data) languish in poverty, and more than 580,466 people are homeless.

USA Facts, “American poverty in three charts,” USA Facts published January 21 ([dated January 26), 2022,; United States Census Population April 1, 2020: 331,449,281,

Drugged USA
Drugs of Choice

Eight categories of drugs are most commonly used in the United States, according to the U.S. National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS): alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, fentanyl, opioids (mainly referring to psychotropic substances under control), prescription stimulants, methamphetamine, and heroin.

Percentage of Americans under influence of Drugs (Reported)
  • Cannabis and prescription stimulants: 40 percent
  • Opioids and methamphetamine: 36 percent
  • Prescription stimulants: 31 percent
  • Heroin: 15 percent
  • Cocaine: 10 percent
2021 Findings
Substance abusers (including alcohol and tobacco): 165 million.
  • Drug use among the Young 31.9 million (ages 12-plus of 280 million)
  • 11.7 percent illegal substance users
  • 2020 Americans overall: 19.4 percent “consumed illicit drugs” or “misused prescription drugs”

USA Betrayer at Home, Violent Aggressor Abroad

USA against Afghanistan

When U.S. officials ordered the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces from Afghanistan, after some 20 years (in contemporary times not including Cold War US-mujahedeen era), the U.S. compounded the years’ long injury by freezing this war-weary country’s “assets worth more than 9 billion U.S. dollars.” The U.S. pattern used against many nations of the world is known as “sanctions,” another act of aggression.

The sanctions have caused price hikes and poverty;” worsened the “already-broken economy of cash strapped Afghanistan;” and having reduced the people to poverty and broken their institutions by war and conflict, the sanctions have also blocked free flow of needed “humanitarian aid to …this ravaged country.” GLOBALink “U.S. sanctions add to Afghans’ pain, poverty during freezing winter,” Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia, February 23, 2023

USA against People’s Republic of China

“Why USA manufactures malicious tales about China’s “gateway to the rest of the Eurasian continent, Xinjiang” (excerpt)
“Xinjiang is a place with a diversity of ethnic groups, cultures and religions, which the U.S. has exploited to provoke unrest in the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.

The USA, a ‘factory and dealer of lies,’ cleverly employs “the labeling strategy to discredit its rivals—i.e., deliberately fabricating rumors and using these as excuses to contain other countries. In the boastful declaration of former U.S. CIA and State Department officer Pompeo, “‘We lied, we cheated, we stole.’”
In 2018, a retired U.S. Army Colonel and former Chief of Staff to former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Lawrence Wilkerson, proffered that “the U.S. would want to destabilize China; and that the best way to do this—is to foment unrest, and to join with those Uyghurs in pushing the Han Chinese in Beijing from internal places rather than external.”
The relentless “Xinjiang-related” fabrications “concocted by the U.S. have nothing to do with human rights per se,” The practice is rather a demonstration of malevolent intent on the part of the United States “to defame and contain China.” 
Xinhuanet “Why Does the United States Keep Spreading Lies about Xinjiang?” Opinion by Xin Ping Xinhuanet Editor: huaxia, August 26, 2022,

USA against Iraq – Ukraine

The United States invaded Iraq in 2003 and since that time this country “has been reduced to the status of a ‘colonial state,’ says US former politician and soldier. Moreover, the U.S. “occupation of Iraq will continue, indefinitely,” as its aim is to intensify hunker the United States’ “hardened command and control center” in Baghdad’s ‘Green Zone’ from which to wield influence over the entire Middle East. (Emphasis added)

RT “US started both Iraq and Ukraine conflicts”—former state senator to RT: “Richard Black claims Washington overthrew the legitimate governments in these countries to turn them into puppets February 23, 2023,

Countries in the “Middle East” 2023

Always included



Saudi Arabia









United Arab Emirates




The sixteen most often included countries in the category “Middle East” have strategic importance in bordering a large body of water (Mediterranean, Red, Arabian seas, or the Persian Gulf).

Usually included: Egypt                                                     

Sometimes included 



Akrotiri and Dhekelia*








“Middle East Countries 2023,” World Population Review

*[Akrotiri and Dhekelia are two British overseas' territories bordering the Republic of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus.]

Britannica dates the “Middle East” to the period leading into the Second World War and cemented during that war “when the term ‘Middle East’ was given to the British military command in Egypt.”

Within that construct, the designated countries were “Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Palestine (now Israel), Jordan, Egypt, The Sudan, Libya, and the various states of Arabia proper (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, or Trucial Oman [now United Arab Emirates].” Subsequent events and dominant powers enlarged the “Middle East” designation to include the North African countries Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco; and Central/South Asian countries Afghanistan and Pakistan; occasionally Greece in earlier “Near East.” The Middle East is considered an unsettled notion and some entities, such as the U.S. Department of State and certain bodies of the United Nations, employ the term Near East. “Middle East.” (2008). Encyclopædia Britannica. Deluxe Edition.  Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.

Interviewed by RT, Richard Hayden “Dick” Black is a Virginia-born American attorney and career soldier (Alma mater U.S. Army War College, JD University of Florida); a former member of Virginia House of Delegates, a Virginia State Senator who also held the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Corps (all retired).

China and China

BEIJING, April 6 (Xinhua)— “Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the world’s largest developing country has achieved a complete eradication of extreme poverty, raising more than 770 million poor people from poverty since its reform and opening up in the late 1970s.”

China reports five poverty reducing measures:

  • Boosting the economy to provide more job opportunities
  • Relocating poor people from inhospitable areas
  • Compensating for economic losses associated with reducing ecological damage
  • Improving education in impoverished areas, and 
  • Providing subsistence allowances for those unable to shake off poverty through their own efforts alone
Beyond the boundaries of the People’s Republic of China, its programs and actions in eliminating extreme poverty 
“have deepened human understanding of poverty reduction trends, enriched the theory of international poverty reduction, and boosted the confidence of other countries—especially developing countries—in eradicating extreme poverty.”
Xinhua “How China has lifted nearly 800 mln people out of poverty,” June 4, 2021 Editor: huaxia,

China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Xinjiang 2023

In fostering competitive industries in light of local conditions, this region last year “supported 35 counties, which have been lifted out of poverty.”

This year, Xinjiang’s focus will be on
  • “Building industrial clusters for grain, oil, cotton, textile and clothing, green organic fruits and vegetables, and high-quality livestock products;
  • Strengthening economic exchange and cooperation between areas that have escaped poverty in Xinjiang and other provincial-level regions; and
  • Fostering new growth areas in rural areas"
Xinhua, “People lifted out of poverty in Xinjiang see income increase,” XinhuaEditor: huaxia, February 27, 2023—URUMQI—“Per capita net income of populations lifted out of poverty in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region increased rapidly last year: up 12.1 percent to nearly 15,000 yuan (about 2,156 U.S. dollars)” (information office of the regional government). “The number of people lifted out of poverty with per capita net income of less than 10,000 yuan dropped by 72.9 percent from 950,000 at the end of 2021 to 257,100 at the end of 2022.

China and Africa

A centerpiece of the China-Africa cooperation has been “agricultural cooperation with a view to reducing rural poverty in Africa.”
In Burundi, known as the “heart of Africa,” “Chinese experts have helped establish the first demonstration village of rice cultivation for poverty alleviation in Ninga village” (a village in the Commune of Gihanga in Bubanza Province in northwestern Burundi) “where hybrid rice was grown for five consecutive seasons. Since hybrid rice was planted here, the village has increased its rice production by 1,661 tonnes, resulting in improved income for local households.

China’s work with the Burundians goes back to 2009 when China began “implementing technical cooperation programs in Burundi;” and since then has sent “a total of 45 experts to the African country in five batches to help develop agriculture.”

In Kenya’s Nakuru County (Matangi Tisa village), China’s advanced farming technologies are helping boost “agricultural production and reduce poverty.”

At a conference (Forum on China-Africa Cooperation) in Senegal, China announced further implementation of “poverty reduction and agricultural development programs with Africa.”

In Zambia’s Lusaka Province (Shimwengwe Village), a “Demonstration Village for China-Africa Agricultural Development and Poverty Reduction was set up; and through the project, “villagers will be equipped with the knowledge and small-scale technologies to improve their productivity, especially in the chicken-rearing business.”
Xinhua “China aids Africa’s poverty fight through agricultural cooperation,” November 28, 2022, Editor: huaxia,
GLOBALink “Chinese-aided poverty reduction project to benefit Zambian villagers,” XinhuaEditor: huaxia, February 11, 2022,

USA: A Nation among Nations

The United States of America is the world’s largest economy and Number one capitalist country, and “the most economically polarized among Western countries.” Polarization between rich and poor cries out for attention, and is ignored.

“Income and wealth inequality is higher in the United States than in almost any other developed country—and it is rising”; Life expectancy … declined by nearly a year (from 2020 to 2021, driven by the pandemic), reaching its lowest since 1996; Firearm-related deaths increased by 15 percent (45,222 in 2020), the highest ever recorded.

The United States’ “increasingly unequal, split and violent society has laid bare the malfunctions of American democracy.”

Sound Advice, Warning from a much older civilization 

“The yawning wealth gap” in the United States “has become a chronic malaise of American society, leaving an indelible stain on the country’s democracy and human rights record.

“The United States should face up to the grim reality of the ever-widening wealth gap at home. Reach out to the people at the bottom, and take earnest measures to solve the problem.
Xinhua, “A more unequal, divided, violent United States is seeing its democracy decay,” XinhuaEditor: huaxia, October 4, 2022,; Xinhua, “Rising Economic Polarization in the United States: Truth and Facts,” February 23, 2023,

Poverty Hurts whether of Body or Mind 

If one is unable to think or see with the mind—beyond the self—he is impoverished. Such as person is bereft, deprived, missing something that is absolutely essential; nourishment that is vital for place and movement among the living, among society.

Just as the physically impoverished are rendered incapable of taking care of basic personal (and if applicable family) needs and fully functioning in society. So, too—and with even more devastating consequences—are the impoverished who are seated or employed in public office, major media, state leadership and related contenders rendered unfit: incapable of carrying on with a sense of stewardship and studied diligence, caring, courage, honestly, accountability and responsibility.

Great challenges faced by the world need all hands on deck. The course of the status quo must be corrected. Great challenges are not met with arms and squabbling, division and disparaging, fighting against and killing one another—at home or abroad.

The United States of America, through its leaders—able and ethical public servants—must face America’s problems. Stop creating distraction, casting blame, and causing irreparable, unconscionable harm.

Social and economic problems, mental and physical health problems, diseases of various kinds; problems within the cyber sphere—all of these require honest and able and mentally fit hands, hearts, and minds actively attending together, cooperatively with the world’s peoples and cultures.

Instead of extremism, arrogance and antagonism; instead of trading in weaponry and addictive substances, and even people—United States’ leaders and public servants must join the human race of men and women across the world who are intent on curing illness; bridging the breach and mending brokenness; seeing clearly and addressing core conditions; keeping watch and continually solving problems together.

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett

Friday, February 17, 2023

Headlines hype Balloon Affair as hundreds of thousands are discarded in Squalor, Homelessness

Americans against Americans

In the Homeland
By the Homeland
Neglect, Waste, Fraud, Abuse

February 10

“US shoots down ‘high-altitude object’: Debris falls into territorial waters off of Alaska (source: White House)

February 12

“United States shoots down another ‘unidentified object’ … ‘out of an abundance of caution’: action authorized by President of the United States Joseph Biden and Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau

February 13

Balloon Downing Number Four in Eight Days—“US F-16 fighter jet shoots down “an airborne object” over Lake Huron in Michigan (Sunday February 12) (source: North American Aerospace Defense Command/NORAD).

Washington and others in various media persist in making public accusations against the People’s Republic of China and its leaders.

February 15

“Pentagon Practiced Shooting Down Spy Balloons two Years Ago in Alaska War-game,” David Hambling, Forbes

February 16

United States President Joseph takes to the dais to comment on presumably his commanded shoot down of “UFOs,” and affirms “that the objects were not … (emphasis added) China’s or any other country’s “surveillance vehicles.”
“US intelligence agencies believe the objects were most likely balloons linked to private companies, recreation or research institutions” (source US President Biden).

US Balloon Shooter: Background

Multi-billion $ Waste

US F-22 Raptor Jet’s shooting down balloon at cost of $206 million to $216 million per jet

F-22 AIM 9X Sidewinder missile Shoot-down of a “‘harmless’ high-altitude floating object” over Montana wasted some “$400,000”

The F-22 Raptor is manufactured by heavy lobbyists and super contributors to US political campaigns—Lockheed Martin, Boeing. Their products are used primarily by the United States Air Force.
The US affair with this militarist machine extends to the 1990s and during the US wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq the Rumsfeld Department of Defense supported procurement of 183 operational aircraft projected in 2006 to cost $62 billion. A US Congressional spending bill in 2008 upped the total aircraft production orders to 187.

With delays and cost overruns (aka waste, fraud and abuse) the total F-22 program cost by 2011 was “estimated” at $67.3 billion ($360 million estimated for each operational aircraft delivered). Added to this estimate was Research, Development, Test and Evaluation cost at $32.4 billion; procurement and military construction at $34.9 billion; incremental cost at $138 million. (Source: Wikipedia (“What is the US F-22 Raptor Jet?” February 7, 2023
The recent shoot-down exercises (four reported) cost the people of the United States (conservatively estimated) “more than $2.1 million.”

Forbes writer David Hambling concludes

While US officials deny that the USAF flies spy balloons over China … there seems to be an admission of a US “espionage balloon program” in the form of a “tactical use” “military” program.

It seems clear that contrary to current hysterical reports the US shoot downs of aerial objects have been longer term and more calculated. It is “a good bet that ‘counter-stratospheric capability’— once a very niche interest—is now enjoying a lot more attention than previously.”


America’s People Discarded

Homelessness in the United States of America exceeds half a million. As with unemployment and under employment figures, because of the nature and insufficient investigation and reporting and care— the homelessness figures are mere estimates. With the economic condition, the waste, fraud and neglect, the figures are inevitably rising.
Many homeless people in the United States suffered untreated “post-traumatic stress disorder, mental illness, domestic abuse, drug addiction, disability, and HIV/AIDS.”

Estimates reported:

  • 580,466 in 2020: 65 percent sheltered; 35 percent unsheltered
  • 326,126 people Languishing in transitional housing and homeless shelters
U.S. States with most Homelessness (estimated 2021 totals recorded)

California 161,548

New York 91,271

Florida 27,487

Texas 27,229

Washington 22,923

Massachusetts 17,975

Oregon 14,655

Pennsylvania 13,375

Arizona 10,979

Ohio 10,655







U.S. Cities with most Homeless people (estimated 2020 totals recorded)

New York City 77,943

Los Angeles City and County 63,706

Seattle/King County 11,751

San Jose/Santa Clara City and County 9, 605

Oakland, Berkeley/Alameda County 8,137

San Francisco 8,124

San Diego City and County 7,638

Phoenix, Mesa/Maricopa County 7,419

Santa Ana, Anaheim/Orange County 6,978

District of Columbia 6,380







 2011-2021 USA 
Estimated totals of homeless individuals

2011: 623,788

2012: 621,553

2013: 590,364

2014: 576,450

2015: 564,708


2016: 549,928

2017: 553,742

2018: 552,830

2019: 567,715

2020: 580,466

2021: 326,126

The count or check on homelessness was significantly affected by the heightened period of the 2019 pandemic; and the pattern continued in the years closely following.

The EarthWeb article on Homelessness in the United States concludes that the rise in homelessness has been increasing continuously since 2016.
Most of the homeless are unaccompanied people: estimated at 66.7 percent.
Homeless families are estimated at 33.3 percent.,are%20living%20in%20transitional%20housing%20and%20homeless%20shelters. The source “EarthWeb” defines itself as “a resource discovery platform” whose mission involves tracking social and technological trends and offering “in-depth content” for making “informed decisions.”

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

A St. Valentine’s Day UPDATE a month before mourning of Barbarous attack on Mesopotamia—

Stateside USA Gun Violence February 4-14

Domestic GV Death toll exceeds 5,000 

More than 700 Dead and Wounded Children and Teens
Close to 70 mass shootings
All areas rising daily


Febraury 14, 2023, Gun Deaths (latest update from GVA)

Deaths all causes: 5,227 

Homicide/Murder/Unintentional/DGU:  2,257

Suicide: 2,970

Injuries Total: 3,889

Mass Shootings:  68 

Mass Murders:  6

Dead Children: 26



Dead Teenagers: 191    



Injured Children: 59



Injured Teenagers:  425


FIREARMS – Mass Shootings February 4-14, 2023

# KILLED - # INJURED February 4-5

Huntsville, TX


Newport, AR


Tucson,  AZ


Stockton, CA


Peyton, CO


 # KILLED - # INJURED February 6-10 

Corpus Christi,  TX


Elizabeth, NC


New Orleans, LA


Laurinburg, NC


Bronx, NY


 # KILLED - # INJURED February 10-14 

Brooklyn, NY


Louisville, MS


East Lansing, MI


Pittsburgh, PA


Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Wrongdoing accepted by Citizenry Codified by Congress

A Case of Ethics and Aliases

American North, American South, Eastern European—
Whatever suits

George Anthony Devolder Santos (b. 1988) is reportedly the son of Brazilian citizen Fátima Aziza Caruso Horta Devolder who migrated to the U.S. state of Florida in 1985 “as a migrant worker to pick beans” and later moved to New York City where she “worked as a housekeeper, cook, and nanny” (Santos’ father, George Santos, Gercino António dos Santos Jr., a house painter). The son obtained a “high school equivalency diploma.” Though the son has claimed college graduation, investigations have concluded that “There is no known record of Santos ever having attended any college or university; both colleges he claimed to attend have said they have no record of him.”
Malfeasance means wrongdoing or misconduct especially by public officials
Misfeasance refers to the performance of lawful acts in an illegal or improper manner
Gaming the system means taking dishonest advantage of, i.e., cheating

Corrupt (as adjective) may mean degenerate, depraved, miscreant, nefarious, perverse; crooked; (one who seeks) sordid advantage with little regard to moral or legal bars (standards, checks) synonymous mercenary, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous, venal.

Synonymous for LAZY are indolent, unindustrious, neglectful, negligent, remiss, shiftless—direct opposites of diligent, hardworking, industrious


Degeneracy, Shiftlessness, Wrongdoing
A Timeline

2008 (circa), George Anthony Devolder Santos joins his mother in Brazil; “two former acquaintances said that he competed as a drag queen in Brazilian beauty pageants in 2008 using the drag name Kitara Ravache.”

“During his stay in Brazil (circa 2008-2011), “an acquaintance paid him and his mother to play bingo, which was illegal gambling.”

In Brazil, George Anthony Devolder Santos “forged checks stolen from a man his mother was caring for…. When writing the checks, Santos presented identification bearing his photo but the check owner’s name.


Brazilian Police charged Santos with check fraud (Santos left Brazil while the check fraud case against him there was ongoing) and the Brazilian court archived the case “because authorities there were unable to locate Santos.” (January 2023, “Rio de Janeiro prosecutors announced that they would revive the fraud charges because Santos’s whereabouts had become known.”

2011 - 2012

George Anthony Devolder Santos moves to New York City (and works) “as a customer service representative at a call center for Dish Network in College Point, Queens” (Santos claimed and later retracted that held simultaneous employment at Citigroup) During this period, he is reportedly “evicted from rented Queens Borough properties (in Jackson Heights, Whitestone, and Sunnyside) three times” “over unpaid rent.”

“Throughout his career,” George Anthony Devolder Santos “has used various aliases” such as “‘Anthony Zabrovsky’ (to fundraise for a pet charity or claim a particular ethnic heritage) and ‘Anthony Devolder’” (for other dealings)”


Using the name “Anthony Devolder,” he knocks on the door of a candidate for the New York State Senate, asks about “volunteering for her campaign, …” says “he worked on Wall Street and could get large donors there to contribute.” He takes “a few campaign signs,” after which the candidate’s “staff heard little further from him.”


November 2019, Santos launched his first campaign for the U.S. Congress; and in mid-January 2020, he began working for a Florida-based alternative investment firm (Harbor City Capital) against which the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a civil suit (in 2021-2022) “accusing the company of running a $17 million Ponzi scheme.”

According to the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, Santos ran an “unsuccessful candidate for election to the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress” (Wikipedia reports he refused to concede).

Santos was reportedly paid by Harbor City “at least through April 2021.” He then establishes something called “the Devolder Organization” concerning which Santos’ “financial disclosure forms (list no) clients using this company’s services.”

The Santos political campaign organization during 2020 was given the descriptive “a walking campaign-finance violation.” He known for (GAMING): “frequently volunteering ideas for getting around restrictions” such as having donors who had reached their donation limit donate the funds to other party members’ PACs; and then have those donations cycle back to Santos or his campaign enterprise.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) reportedly dispatched “20 letters to the Santos campaign” during 2021 and 2022 regarding disclosure reporting problems. “Fourteen letters concerned either contributors who had apparently exceeded the $2,900 per cycle limit and insufficient information on the terms and any co-guarantors; or collateral of loans to the campaign.”

Santos organization reports “also unlawfully described contributions as coming from anonymous donors.”


George Anthony Devolder Santos on a podcast in early December 2022 tells “two Brazilian journalists that he plans “to donate his congressional salary, dividing it among four (unnamed non-governmental organizations …, claiming that he was independently wealthy and did not need a salary.” The source of his “claimed wealth” Santos also “refused to clarify.”

A Santos email offers “a bus trip to Washington that included an opportunity to attend his swearing-in ceremony and a campaign-led tour of the ‘Capitol grounds’—HITCH: “a “$100” to “$500” “donation.” Ethical standards promulgated by Congress prohibit selling public office, selling public officials, or selling the U.S. Capitol into which category fits Santos’ “charging for tours of the U.S. Capitol.”


Santos was elected and sworn in to the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress (January 3, 2023-present)

On his House of Representatives official website Santos describes himself as “the first non incumbent openly-gay Republican elected to Congress” (

[Wikipedia article notes that between 2012 and 2019 Santos was “married to a woman.”]

Congressman Santos, in January, denies having been “a drag queen.” He termed “the allegations ‘categorically false’ and accused the media of making ‘outrageous claims about (his) life.’” A couple of days after this statement the congressman is quoted saying “‘I young and I had fun at a festival.’”

On January 11, Congressman Santos is urged by four congressional colleagues to submit his resignation from the House of Representatives. Santos refuses to resign.

In the first weeks of the 118th Congress, Congressman Santos cosponsors “a resolution calling for the impeachment of “U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.”

February News Reporting:
George Anthony Devolder Santos

“George Santos officially under investigation from House Ethics Committee,” by Brad Reed “Scandal-plagued Rep. George Santos (R-NY) is now facing yet another investigation.”

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has confirmed to a major news outlet that “the House Committee on Ethics has launched a formal inquiry into Santos.” The congressman is said to be facing allegation that include these.
  • Sexually harassing an aide,
  • Stealing money from a disabled veteran that was intended to care for his dying service dog, and
  • Lying about nearly every single aspect of his work, academic, and family history
Meanwhile, “A caravan of Santos’ constituents …traveled to Washington D.C., on Tuesday to demand (Santos’) resignation.” Source: Raw Story February 07, 2023,

The Ethics Committee
Three main functions

The Ethics Committee, through an “Advice and Education” (non-investigatory) office, answers questions and provides ethics training to Members, officers, and employees of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Committee investigates and adjudicates “any alleged violations” by House Members, officers, or employees of the House rules or any related statutes.

The Committee reviews “financial disclosure statements filed by Members, candidates, senior staff, and shared staff.”

Office of Congressional Ethics

The Office of Congressional Ethics was established by the U.S. House of Representatives as “an independent, non-partisan entity charged with receiving and reviewing allegations of misconduct concerning House members and staff. When appropriate, the OCE refers matters to the Committee on Ethics.

Ethics Committee News January 9-11

“House Republicans voted to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics, and George Santos said it was ‘fantastic’” by Bryan Metzger

“The House of Representatives has passed a new set of rules to govern the chamber that will severely weaken the ability of the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate members of Congress suspected of wrongdoing.”

Three Congresses ago, Members of the House of Representatives “voted in conference to subsume the OCE … under the House Ethics Committee.” This action “effectively neutered” the Office until a presidential tweeted opposition effected a reversal of course.

This latest action “will make it extraordinarily difficult for the body… to have sufficient resources to carry out its work.

This is a regressive move in that this particular office operating “independently of Congress … has generally appeared more effective—than the self-policing House and Senate ethics committees—at investigating allegations of wrongdoing.” Source: Business Insider,


The Citizenry Acquiesces and Congress regresses into a jungle without Rules, Checks, and Standards. There must be some absolutes that are applicable to all; without these the center will not hold.

The absence of principles means that all sense, all actuality of law and morality (that is to say not merely in words, empty by definition, but in determined and enforceable actions) are in freefall, decline, utter failure. That which is essential is no more. What should be dependable cannot be depended on.  The center sinks into oblivion.

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Friday, February 3, 2023

USA Drive toward Self Annihilation Reflected in Domestic, Foreign Matters

UPDATE 2023 late January through February 3

Domestic GV Death toll approaches 4,000, including:

  • More than 500 Dead and Wounded Children and Teens and
  • More than 50 mass shootings 
Figures rising daily.


    Febraury 2-3, 2023, Gun Deaths (latest update from GVA)

    Deaths all causes: 3,936 

    Homicide/Murder/Unintentional/DGU:  1,692

    Suicide: 2,244

    Injuries Total: 2,923

    Mass Shootings:  54 

    Mass Murders:  6

    Dead Children: 22



    Dead Teenagers: 138     



    Injured Children: 46



    Injured Teenagers: 323





    FIREARMS – Mass Shootings February 2023

    # KILLED - # INJURED February 1

    Texas City, TX      

    0 – 4

    Los Angeles,  CA

    0 -5


    2019 Percentage of residents living in poverty
    Texas City, Texas: 19.1 percent
    Total Population: 51,898

    Los Angeles, California: 16.7 percent
    Total population 3,898,747

    Additional sources,_Texas


     diabolical pattern is played out by Americans (those who inhabit the USA) and their partnering mercenaries at home and abroad: on USA streets and in neighborhoods; against nations and peoples of the world.

    Extremists wrap themselves in a religion of “Exceptionalism” and demand “their way,” “like us,” “do what we tell you to do,” “stay in line or else” suffer "our" instruments of aggression.

    These extremists fume, self-righteously, and harbor irrational resentments. They manufacture and spread untruths of some fancied or fanciful offense (in their minds, balloons become missiles).

    They demonize and cast blame.

    They carry out or cause to be carried out a final, fatal EXECUTION:

    Starve or maim the “other” (or others), poison with germs and chemicals, block access to essential trade, economic and financial sectors, and deny social, economic, human development and self-determination. Slaughter the “other” or “others” outright.

    US Bloodletting footprint across the world
    2023 ending January into February

    Beyond the Beltway Headlines 

    January 11-31


    “‘Weapons supplied to Saudis by US, UK killed hundreds of Yemenis’: Report,”

    “‘Washington chiefly responsible for humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen’: Information minister,”

    UKRAINE (tool)

    “US, NATO on brink of direct war with Russia over Ukraine,”,-NATO-on-brink-of-direct-war-with-Russia-over-Ukraine

    “US senators pressure (US President Joseph) Biden for more sanctions against Russia, allies over Ukraine war,”

    February 1-3

    UKRAINE (tool)

    “US to arm Ukraine with ‘longer-range’ missiles – Reuters: “Washington is reportedly preparing a new $2 billion aid package, including munitions that can strike deep in Russian territory,”

    “‘US knowingly ignored Russia’s red lines on NATO expansion’: Report,”

    US Strangling Sanctions

    “The United States is actively working to discourage countries willing to normalize relations with Syria, according to a report. “‘US giving cold feet to countries willing to normalize with Syria’: Report,”

    “‘US inflicted huge losses on Syrian economy through war, sanctions’: Syrian officials”
    “‘The United States’ illegal military presence in Syria, accompanied by systematic looting of the nation’s natural resources and economic sanctions, have inflicted huge losses on the Arab country,’ Syrian officials say,”

    (Western Pacific Ocean)
    Shores of South China
    Indochinese Peninsula
    Islands of Taiwan, and Philippines

    Philippine government “agrees to give US expanded access to military bases”: according to military experts, “Washington’s access to those bases could provide US forces a strategic position from which to mount operations in the event of a conflict over Chinese Taipei or in the South China Sea. China claims sovereignty over virtually all of the South China Sea…. The waters are believed to sit atop vast reserves of oil and gas.”

    Military Aggression Alliance NATO

    “US senators say no F-16 upgrades for Turkey if it blocks NATO bid of Finland, Sweden”: “US Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), co-chairs of the Senate NATO Observer Group, led 25 of their colleagues in a letter to the president, saying, ‘Congress cannot consider future support for Turkey, including the sale of F-16 fighter jets until Turkey completes ratification of the accession protocols.’
    “‘Failure to ratify the protocols or present a timeline for ratification threatens the Alliance’s unity at a key moment in history, as Russia continues its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.’”

    A Land of Extremism and its adherents
    to Exceptionalism and Emotionalism, Belligerence and Impunity 
    Marked by a Careless, Criminal Disregard for Life.

    Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
    Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
    Author’s links:

    “Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

    Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...