Friday, February 3, 2023

USA Drive toward Self Annihilation Reflected in Domestic, Foreign Matters

UPDATE 2023 late January through February 3

Domestic GV Death toll approaches 4,000, including:

  • More than 500 Dead and Wounded Children and Teens and
  • More than 50 mass shootings 
Figures rising daily.


    Febraury 2-3, 2023, Gun Deaths (latest update from GVA)

    Deaths all causes: 3,936 

    Homicide/Murder/Unintentional/DGU:  1,692

    Suicide: 2,244

    Injuries Total: 2,923

    Mass Shootings:  54 

    Mass Murders:  6

    Dead Children: 22



    Dead Teenagers: 138     



    Injured Children: 46



    Injured Teenagers: 323





    FIREARMS – Mass Shootings February 2023

    # KILLED - # INJURED February 1

    Texas City, TX      

    0 – 4

    Los Angeles,  CA

    0 -5


    2019 Percentage of residents living in poverty
    Texas City, Texas: 19.1 percent
    Total Population: 51,898

    Los Angeles, California: 16.7 percent
    Total population 3,898,747

    Additional sources,_Texas


     diabolical pattern is played out by Americans (those who inhabit the USA) and their partnering mercenaries at home and abroad: on USA streets and in neighborhoods; against nations and peoples of the world.

    Extremists wrap themselves in a religion of “Exceptionalism” and demand “their way,” “like us,” “do what we tell you to do,” “stay in line or else” suffer "our" instruments of aggression.

    These extremists fume, self-righteously, and harbor irrational resentments. They manufacture and spread untruths of some fancied or fanciful offense (in their minds, balloons become missiles).

    They demonize and cast blame.

    They carry out or cause to be carried out a final, fatal EXECUTION:

    Starve or maim the “other” (or others), poison with germs and chemicals, block access to essential trade, economic and financial sectors, and deny social, economic, human development and self-determination. Slaughter the “other” or “others” outright.

    US Bloodletting footprint across the world
    2023 ending January into February

    Beyond the Beltway Headlines 

    January 11-31


    “‘Weapons supplied to Saudis by US, UK killed hundreds of Yemenis’: Report,”

    “‘Washington chiefly responsible for humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen’: Information minister,”

    UKRAINE (tool)

    “US, NATO on brink of direct war with Russia over Ukraine,”,-NATO-on-brink-of-direct-war-with-Russia-over-Ukraine

    “US senators pressure (US President Joseph) Biden for more sanctions against Russia, allies over Ukraine war,”

    February 1-3

    UKRAINE (tool)

    “US to arm Ukraine with ‘longer-range’ missiles – Reuters: “Washington is reportedly preparing a new $2 billion aid package, including munitions that can strike deep in Russian territory,”

    “‘US knowingly ignored Russia’s red lines on NATO expansion’: Report,”

    US Strangling Sanctions

    “The United States is actively working to discourage countries willing to normalize relations with Syria, according to a report. “‘US giving cold feet to countries willing to normalize with Syria’: Report,”

    “‘US inflicted huge losses on Syrian economy through war, sanctions’: Syrian officials”
    “‘The United States’ illegal military presence in Syria, accompanied by systematic looting of the nation’s natural resources and economic sanctions, have inflicted huge losses on the Arab country,’ Syrian officials say,”

    (Western Pacific Ocean)
    Shores of South China
    Indochinese Peninsula
    Islands of Taiwan, and Philippines

    Philippine government “agrees to give US expanded access to military bases”: according to military experts, “Washington’s access to those bases could provide US forces a strategic position from which to mount operations in the event of a conflict over Chinese Taipei or in the South China Sea. China claims sovereignty over virtually all of the South China Sea…. The waters are believed to sit atop vast reserves of oil and gas.”

    Military Aggression Alliance NATO

    “US senators say no F-16 upgrades for Turkey if it blocks NATO bid of Finland, Sweden”: “US Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), co-chairs of the Senate NATO Observer Group, led 25 of their colleagues in a letter to the president, saying, ‘Congress cannot consider future support for Turkey, including the sale of F-16 fighter jets until Turkey completes ratification of the accession protocols.’
    “‘Failure to ratify the protocols or present a timeline for ratification threatens the Alliance’s unity at a key moment in history, as Russia continues its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.’”

    A Land of Extremism and its adherents
    to Exceptionalism and Emotionalism, Belligerence and Impunity 
    Marked by a Careless, Criminal Disregard for Life.

    Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
    Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
    Author’s links:

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