Wednesday, February 1, 2023

“Deep State” West (UK-USA) elucidated Beyond Rumblings of Conspiracy Theorists

Perhaps an Anachronistic Incestuously Secretive Self-serving Reality

Deep State from a Brit’s Perspective

“Former Number Ten chief adviser Dominic Cummings has confirmed that the ‘Deep State’ is real,” UnHerd reports. 


The notion “DEEP STATE” should not be confused with the existence and diligence of “very good, sensible, intelligent officials with genuine public service (who) understand far better what’s going on than the idiots who were elected,” says Dominic Cummings. Such public servants “are actually trying to stop the idiots who have been elected from doing terrible things.”

Yet “the Deep State is real.

“It controls the vast majority of things in government; and most of the elected people have no understanding or involvement of what’s going on…. There are deeply entrenched institutions which actually control huge amounts of what happens with zero to very little democratic insight or even knowledge or understanding.”

Since Deep State institutions are “incredibly stale and self-reinforcing,” the long-term consequences are that “nothing can change, in any way — including the Deep State itself.”

Biographical notes on Dominic Cummings found at his “Blog”

He runs a company called Siwah Ltd. that “tries to solve problems in management, political, communication areas.” The SIWAH LIMITED (registered address Belmont Business Park, Durham, United Kingdom) website lists Dominic Mckenzie Cummings as sole officer and director of the firm.

In his blog’s biographical material, Cummings states that he has “never been a member of a political party” and that during 2019 and 2020 he was “assistant to the Prime Minister.” Before that, during 2007 through 2014 (with a break in 2010), he was “main adviser” to British MP and foreign minister Michael Andrew Gove. Cummings lists his academic credentials as having graduated from and read “Ancient & Modern History at Oxford University.”

About the news source UnHerd: A Very Interesting Entity and Project

According to its website, UnHerd pushes back “against the herd mentality with new and bold thinking, (providing) a platform for otherwise unheard ideas, people and places.”

The editors say they “instinctively believe that the way forward will be found through a shift of emphasis:
  • towards community not just individualism;
  • towards responsibilities as well as Rights; and
  • towards meaning and virtue over shallow materialism.…
“It’s easy and safe to be in one or other of two camps—defensive liberal or angry reactionary—but UnHerd tries to do something different, and harder.… We want to be bold enough to identify those things that have been lost, as well as gained, by the liberal world order of the past thirty years; but we strive to be always thoughtful rather than divisive.” We align with no political party. “The writers and ideas we are interested in come from both left and right traditions.”

Deep State from a U.S. Perspective

In March 2018, U.S. media reported on a poll taken of fewer than a thousand people by a private former junior college in New Jersey that was chartered as a university in 1995. The Newsweek article reported these Monmouth University poll takers’ findings.

“Most respondents did not know what the term (Deep State) meant….” When given a definition, they “stated they believed it to be real.” Newsweek defined Deep State as “a term for the idea of unelected officials who allegedly manipulate the government behind the scenes.” And so defined—
  • “47 percent” chose “‘probably exists’”
  • “27 percent” chose “‘definitely exists’”
  • “16 percent” chose “likely did not exist”
  • “5 percent” chose the nonexistent option
Newsweek reported further that “eight in 10 Americans believe the U.S. government to be actively spying on citizens.”

The UnHerd article from the British perspective describes Deep State rather differently. Here, Deep State is defined as a body of people (deeply entrenched institutions)—

… Typically, influential members of government agencies or the military (perhaps including, though excluded here, think tanks, major media, academia, various nonprofits and NGOs and complexes such as the military industrialists and lobbyists revolving in and out of government)—
… controlling the vast majority of government; and 
… believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.


UnHerd January 27, 2023, by James Billot “Dominic Cummings: ‘The Deep State is real’”

About Dominic Cummings

About UnHerd

Newsweek 2018 by Greg Price “The Deep State Controls Government Policy in US, Most Americans Believe in New Poll,” March 19, 2018,

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett

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