Monday, March 20, 2023

Hypocrisy Breaches Essential Boundaries, Sadists Celebrate Death, Destruction

Reprehensible Offenses of the Self-righteousness

Designer of Death
 a “Repulsive” 
Client of Madam 
Lauded by Insiders

The Washington Revolving door swings easily for an overt sadist (of questionable origins and personal proclivities) who justifies unspeakable barbarity; is lauded and constantly sought for his advice and opinion by influential organizations, government and media particularly in the United States of America. Though his birthplace seems unknowable, his infamous mark is indelible: the architect of the devastation of Iraq that still hurts Iraq and the entire region.

He is credited with being an old soldier deeply swamped in formulating U.S strategies of aggression during and after the Cold War; and being the “principal author” of a USA published “shock and awe” doctrine. His gigs include acting in advisory capacities to public officials in the U.S. branches of government, European and Indo-Pacific governments, and to top echelon of the U.S. tool known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He is also profiled as founder or otherwise board member attached to investment, media, security and technological entities such as “Killowen Group” (online redirects to the Sinclair media conglomerate) and “CNIguard,” a high technology merchant in war-sounding investigative and security services, energy, and data monetization.

Harlan Kenneth Ullman is also credited with being among the clientele of “D.C. Madam” Pamela Martin & Associates.”

2003 “Shock and Awe” Days 

“The highest intensity of civilian killings (daily basis) over a sustained period occurred during the first three ‘Shock and Awe’ weeks of the 2003 invasion.” 

Civilian deaths during this period “averaged 320 per day and totaled more than 6,735 by April 9, 2003—nearly all attributable to US-led coalition-forces.

By the time of U.S. President George W. Bush made his May 1, 2003. “Mission Accomplished” speech, casualties among Iraqis had reached 7,446.

Callously Slaughtered

More than half of the civilian deaths caused by US-led coalition forces “occurred during the 2003 invasion, and the 2004 sieges of Fallujah.”

2003 -2023
A Call to Mourn

The invasion of Iraq by the United States (this instance of crime originating with what U.S. officials broadcast as “Shock and Awe”), extending from 2003 through 2023, left millions of people dead, displaced, wounded (even the those unborn or being carried in the womb) and widowed, jobless, homeless, and stateless. The numbers vary and are uncertain because invaders (sadists) pride themselves in killing, causing to be killed, ordering and legislating slaughter; and failing to keep count.
“No one has revealed more about the Iraq War’s deadly impact than Julian Assange. And no one is paying a higher price for doing so” writes Josh Dougherty, Senior Iraq Body Count researcher and analyst, in “Punishing the publisher” (December 2020).
The research, recordkeeping and analysis site Iraq Body Count shows 2003-2023 documented civilian deaths from violence ranging from 186,736 to 210,090.

The total violent deaths including combatants estimated at 300,000. The site notes that “further analysis of the WikiLeaks’ Iraq War Logs may add 10,000 civilian deaths.”

Brown University Costs of War Project notes that no one knows with certainty how many people have been killed and wounded in Iraq since the 2003 United States invasion. What is known is that from 2003 through October 2019 “between 275,000 and 306,000 civilians have died from direct war-related violence” caused by the United States of America, U.S. “allies,” Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces.

In addition to direct causes and consequences of the 2003 U.S. invasion are indirect causes and consequences such as the brain drain and rape and rupture of relations internal and regional and equally relentless, the unrepaired
  • Damage to systems that provide food, health care and clean drinking water” and
  • Conditions such as illnesses, infectious diseases, and malnutrition that could otherwise have been avoided or treated.
United States policy actions toward Iraq extended to the 1960s furthered in brutal economic sanctions of the 1990s; and were grossly compounded by the devastatingly barbaric 2003 invasion and its aftermath and occupation. The brain drain (loss of educators, scientists, creators) and the human and regional divisiveness and animosity (where there was none) continue to devastate the country. To the present day, many areas of Iraq still lack even the basics of “access to clean drinking water and housing.”

Deadly Departed D.C. Madam Martin
Servicer of Washington Inmates Betrayed

Deborah Jeane Palfrey media labeled “the D.C. Madam” was founding director and CEO of “Pamela Martin and Associates, an escort agency situated in the District of Columbia.

According to Vanity Fair (2008), the company’s clients included “men ranging from C.E.O.’s to store clerks….” Among them were “former Deputy Secretary of State (also responsible for the Bush administration’s foreign aid programs) Randall Tobias (age 66); Pentagon adviser and author Harlan K. Ullman (age 67); and U.S. Senator (from Louisiana) David Vitter (age 47). Tobias, “whose mandate included withholding grants from countries with legalized prostitution,” resigned.

Women employed by the company (“virtually all” of them) “were in it for … the money: ‘They needed to pay off college loans, or put themselves through college or their children, or pay for that condo their day jobs couldn’t get for them,’ Palfrey said. …; and, in general, Palfrey felt a little sorry for the men who called. “…  [I]t takes a certain amount of loneliness for anyone to call the number advertised,’ she said.” In one instance, “a former lobbyist (had written) to her …(saying): ‘I am not ashamed I used Pamela Martin & Associates.’”

“On March 1, 2007, Deborah Jeane Palfrey was indicted for running a prostitution enterprise” (a charge she had disputed, repeatedly, and turned down a “plea deal”). She then “threatened to sell the agency’s phone records to the highest bidder” (and) “gave four years’ worth …to ABC News.”

At trial, thirteen former escorts and three former clients testified. To a reporter who asked, two women who worked for the agency said the company was known for being “the highest-quality operation of its kind in Washington, D.C., thanks to Palfrey’s professionalism.” A life-ending chronology went like this. 
  • May 2007, an ABC news team “reported on their efforts to determine the identities of Palfrey’s clients from her phone records.
  • May 4, 2007, Palfrey appeared on ABC’s 20/20 as part of an investigative report.
  • July 9, 2007, Senator David Vitter acknowledged his patronage of Pamela Martin & Associates escort service.
  • April 15, 2008, a jury found Palfrey guilty of money laundering, using the mail for illegal purposes, and racketeering.
  • May 1, 2007, Mrs. Blanche Palfrey, at her home in Tampa, Florida, found the body of her daughter, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, “hanging from a metal bar in a shed.”
In the posthumous article, Vanity Fair reporter Vicky Ward wrote that D.C. Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey “played a risky game in catering to Washington’s power brokers with her upscale escort service;’ and that Palfrey’s “suicide … marked a tragic—and not unexpected—end for a complicated woman who believed she was unfairly victimized.”
The deceased was a native of Charleroi, Pennsylvania (pop. 5,000). She was a baccalaureate graduate in criminal justice; had studied law and had completed a paralegal course.

At one point in the prosecutorial process, the deceased had sought testimony from one senator, Senator Patrick Leahy, because of “his knowledge of the ‘corruption’ of the (U.S.) justice system by political influence.” Deborah Jeane Palfrey seemed to have believed that the U.S. justice system failed her.
Deborah Jeane Palfrey March 18, 1956 – May 1, 2008


Many years ago, I remember thinking…

We Americans should get down on our knees and ask forgiveness for the unconscionable things we have done to peoples, countries, nations, and lands around the world. Make a solemn promise to do better and mean it.  

Then I remembered… 
Sadists never say sorry. Never work, earnestly, to correct their path or mend their ways or end the harm they inflict.
Consider their film images and their awards for those horrid images, their broadcasting and videos and podcasting; their offhanded violence and vulgarity of language.
Sadists relish the letting of blood (other people's blood), and the forced cry of Uncle. 
The sadists (and wannabes) commit death and destruction; and celebrate death and destruction.


Peg: On March 20, 2023, Harlan Ullman was the guest on RT’s “Going Underground” with interviewer Afshin Rattansi the edition headlined “Iraq War 20th anniversary: ‘Shock & Awe’ architect says invasion was Desert Storm on steroids”

Harlan K. Ullman

Iraq Body Count

Costs of War: Iraq

Vanity Fair Magazine “The Oldest Profession” May 6, 2008, Issue “No Way to Treat a Lady,”

Deborah Jeane Palfrey Wikipedia

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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