Monday, April 10, 2023

Americans Slaughtering their own Mirror their leaders’ Indelible Marks of Slaughter Abroad

(Brand USA)

  • Bush2 ordered unspeakable obliteration citing nonexistent WMDs. 
  • Obama kept a hit list and ordered foreign executions. 
  • Trump ridiculed peoples and nations; withdrew from peace treaties and ordered assassinations.
  • All of these men and partners threw up barricades, sanctioned, stole, starved, and terrorized by act, order, lawmaking or acquiescence.

U.S. Aggression, Death Toll Abroad 2022 update

United States leadership is directly or indirectly (by order, legislation, act or acquiescence) conducting aggression under the pretext of “fighting ‘terrorism’ in 76 countries.” 

The deadliest of these sadistic acts have reportedly occurred against the nations, peoples, institutions and cultures of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Business Insider Daniel Brown and Azmi Haroun, August 26, 2022, “The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have killed at least 500,000 people, according to a report that breaks down the toll,”

Killing Fields Update 2021

“At least 929,000 people have been killed by direct war violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Pakistan.”

Since 2001, “more than 387,000 civilians have been killed in the fighting.”
United States hysteria and reckless actions following the event occurring on September 11, 2001, in New York City and Northern Virginia have forced “at least 38 million” people from their dwellings and homelands of “Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria.” Except World War II, the displacement total “exceeds the total of people displaced by every war since 1900.”

Creating terrorist and terrorism: Countries against which the U.S. has committed aggression, destabilization and occupation have turned into laboratories “in which militant groups… hone techniques of violence and recruitment” spread across the South, Central and West Asia, and beyond. 

Mirrored: Monkey see Monkey do
Sadism in the Homeland

Firearm Deaths, Injuries                                                

Year 2023 to date   



Firearm Deaths, Injuries

•           Gun Violence Deaths (all causes) total: 11,777

•           Gun Violence Injuries total: 9,042

•           Mass Shootings: 147

Deaths, Injuries of Young people

•           73 dead children

•           411 dead teens (ages 12-17)

•           165 injured children

•           989 injured teens

Gun Archive’s latest report April 10, 2023
  • Gun Violence Deaths (all causes) total: 11,525
  • Gun Violence Injuries total: 8,820
  • Mass Shootings: 146
Deaths, Injuries of Young people
  • 71 dead children
  • 398 dead teens (ages 12-17)
  • 157 injured children
  • 973 injured teens

Mass Shootings Ending MARCH, Early April


MARCH 25- 29, 2023                                                            APRIL 1 – 10, 2023

March 25

Hempstead, New York: 0 - 4 

Shreveport, Louisiana: 1-5

Macomb, Illinois: 1-10           


March 26
Minden, Louisiana: 0 - 4        

Little Rock, Arkansas: 2 - 5

Minneapolis, Minnesota: 0- 6 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 2 - 2


March 27

Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 0 – 5

Nashville, Tennessee:  7 -0


March 29

Memphis, Tennessee:  2 – 5

            April 1

Baltimore, Maryland   3 – 1


April 2

Fayetteville, North Carolina:  1 - 4

Moreno Valley, California:     0 - 4

Washington, D. C.: 0 - 4


April 3

Pueblo, Colorado: 1 – 3

Atlanta, Georgia: 1 – 3

Tennessee, Jackson: 0 - 4


April 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 1 – 4


April 5

Virginia Beach, Virginia: 0 - 4           

April 6

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 0 - 4


April 7

New Orleans, Louisiana: 0 – 4

Isle of Palms, South Carolina: 0 – 5


April 8

Houston, Texas: 0 – 4


April 9

Orlando, Florida: 3 – 2


April 10

Louisville, Kentucky:  5 - 4


April 11 

 District of Columbia: 1-3

Wikipedia reported “List of mass shootings in the United States in 2023”


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
3 killed, 3 injured at shootout
Los Angeles, California
1 killed, 3 injured in retail parking lot
Baltimore, Maryland
3 killed, 1 injured

Fayetteville, North Carolina
1 killed, 4 injured at shopping center bar
Washington, District of Columbia
4 injured
Moreno Valley, California
4 injured

Jacksonville, Tennessee
5 injured discovered in automobile
Atlanta, Georgia
1 killed, 3 injured apartment complex
Pueblo, Colorado
1 killed, 3 injured

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1killed, 4 injured in a neighborhood

Virginia Beach, Virginia
4 injured
Kansas City, Kansas
6 injured at scene of drug investigation

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 injured in a neighborhood

Isle of Palms, South Carolina
6 injured on beach
New Orleans, Louisiana
4 injured on Interstate 10
Park Forest, Illinois
1 killed, 3 injured at family gathering

Harris County, Texas
4 injured in parking lot of apartment complex

Orlando, Florida
3 killed, 2 injured at Easter egg hunt in park.

Louisville, Kentucky
5 killed, 8 injured at Downtown bank (shooter recently terminated employee)

Washington DC
1 killed, 3 injured at a funeral home

Americans’ Record Killing their Young hits Headlines.

“Gun deaths of U.S. kids up 50 percent in grim new record,” Xinhua (sourcing Canadian TN and Pew Research), April 11, 2023, Global News, Editor,

Reported in 2021 were an estimated “2,590 gun deaths of children and teenagers under the age of 18.”
Statista Research Department October 19, 2022, report on Assaults in the USA - Year 2021
  • “1.4 million Assaults … (using) personal weapons (e.g., hands, fists, feet)”
  • “69,423 Aggravated Assaults (using) handguns

“Percentage of violent crimes reported to the police”

  • Overall “45.6 percent”
  • Aggravated assault reported: 60.5 percent
  • Rape and sexual assault reported: 21.5 percent

World Population Review “Stabbing Deaths by Country 2023”
North America (excerpt)
  • “Knife-related homicides accounted for less than 20 percent
  • “Firearm deaths were responsible for roughly 76 percent of all homicides
[Stabbing data indicate percentage of homicides committed using knives and sharp objects but are not indicative of the homicide rate or the total number of homicides in a given country]

American Leaders’ Lessons to America’s Young

The masters’ message (mirrored among the masses) is this. When something goes other than “your” way, turn on the tantrum of the child— but this tantrum must be (and is) far… far worse than any tantrum of any child. 

Commit a most heinous act (or a series of them). Kill or maim. Destroy some person, place, or thing. Destroy anything and everything. And, as you are operating in the image of and on orders from a god almighty blame-casting Exceptionalism (conjured up in your own warped mind)expect to get away with Murder. Expect to get off scot-free—unchecked and unchastised no matter what act or how horrific the act you have committed.

There’s something seriously wrong in a homeland where homegrown powers cavalierly and boastfully slaughter over here and over there. And, on top of that, when they carry on a local-to-global business of creating killers and other destroyers.

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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