Thursday, April 20, 2023

Suffering inflicted on Migrants long before Advent of Border Predators

More than a Century of Foreign Intervention

Earlier this year a writer published with the New York Post seemed to express “migrant” shock. Americans express “shock” a lot—often over crises they have caused, contributed to, or created.

Americans seem to like that word so much so that when the sadists in and around Washington attacked Iraq under demonically false charges in 2003—they like demonizing too—they named their murderous spree “Shock and Awe.”

When Americans led by government officials and loud media are not feigning “thoughts” and “prayers” and thanking unwilling sheep for sacrificing themselves to slaughter or mental maiming, they are feigning shock.
  • · Shock for rabid violence.
  • · Shock for rabid corruption in and around government.
  • · Shock for homelessness and poverty and inferior education and rabid drug taking

    And, yes, as this New York Post author is shocked that people forced from their homelands by actions taken by USA entities are further injured on entry or when trying to enter the USA.
In commemoration of “Human Trafficking Awareness”— the Americans together with the UN like designating “days” for this and that (like mouthing vacuous thoughts and prayers) but not cooperating with each other and with nations in solving problems—the writer reports that:

Migrants are “deposited on the streets of (U.S.) cities and in towns of border states.” Some are “transported to destinations around the country where they are often isolated and vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking.”

Migrants are often picked up by traffickers promising jobs but who “lure them into indentured servitude, peonage, sex trafficking, extortion.” Traffickers will “demand” that migrants “pay off their debts by working for smugglers.” New York Post January 1, 2023 by Jessica M. Vaughan “Biden’s border policies facilitate shocking modern slavery,”

Americans also have deliberately short memories. They present a character of calculated ignorance. They love casting blame. All of these the writer demonstrates.

But the story is much bigger and deeper—far more horrendous—then the writer pretends. There is always a prior, a previous happening.

In this case, the prior is a decade’s long unquestioned (unchecked and unchastened) phenomenon: United States officials and their partners and paymasters’ interfering with violent aggression in other nations all across Asia, the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

Below is reflected part of the phenomena of injury inflicted on people long before they become migrants; and land on the borders of people who take pride in inflicting further injury on migrants and on the homelands of people forced by foreign aggression and interference to leave their homelands.

USA Foreign Invasions, Interventions
Involvement in Regime Changes

Pre-Cold War 1800s-early 1900s
Cold War 1947-1991

Pre-Cold War 

  • Mexican–American War (1846-1848)
  • Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom-coup d’état against Queen Liliʻuokalani (1893)
  • United States Invasions in Latin America: “Banana Wars” (1898-1934)
  • United States Occupations (Provisional Government) of Cuba:
  • First Occupation 1898 / Second Occupation (1906-1909)
  • United States Military Government in Cuba (1906-1909)
  • United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution/Mexican Border War (1910-1919/20)
  • United States occupation of Nicaragua (1912-1933)
  • United States occupation of Veracruz (1914 April - November Veracruz, Mexico
  • United States occupation of Haiti (1915-1934)
  • United States occupation of the Dominican Republic (1916–1924)

Cold War era (1947-1991)

Italy (1948–1960s)

Coup d’état Syria (1949)

Albania (1949–1953)

Coup d’état Iran (1953)

Coup d’état Guatemala (1954)

Syria (1956–1957)

Indonesia (1957–1958)

Assassination attempts on Fidel Castro (1959–2000)

Cambodia, Bangkok Plot to topple Prince Norodom Sihanouk (1959)

Coup d’état Congo (1960)

Bay of Pigs Invasion/Cuba (1961)

Operation Mongoose/Cuba (1961)

Dominican Republic (1961)

Coup d’état South Vietnam (1963)

Coup d’état Brazil (1964)

Dominican Civil War (1965)

Indonesia (1965–1966)

Coup d’état Brazil Ghana (1966)

Coup d’état Bolivia (1971)

Coup d’état Chile (1973)

Chile (1970–1973)

Angolan Civil War (Cold War era Communist v anti-Communists 1975–1992; 1st and 2nd Congo War1996-2002)

Coup d’état Argentina (1976)

Coup d’état El Salvador (1979)

“Operation Cyclone” Afghanistan (1979–1989)

Nicaragua, Contras (1981–1990)

Somalia 1981/1988/1991- present

Chad (1982)

United States invasion of Grenada (1983)

United States invasion of Panama (1989-1990)

 Post Cold War 1991-Present 

1991-2013-2014-present [In a December 2013 speech before the “US–Ukraine Foundation,” a U.S. State Dept employee revealed that “the US had spent about $5 billion on democracy-building programs (read: programs of internal meddling, indoctrination, destabilization) in Ukraine since 1991” (emphasis added)

1991 Iraq

2003–2021: Iraq

1991 Haiti

2004: Haiti (coup d’ état)

1992-1996 Iraq

2005: Kyrgyzstan

1994–1995: Haiti

2006–2007: Palestinian Territories

1996 Coup d’état attempt: Iraq

2005–2009: Syria

1996–1997: Zaire

2011: Libya

1999: Bombing of Yugoslavia

2012–2017: Syria

2000: FR Yugoslavia


2001–2021: Afghanistan

2015-present: United States Army SF/ Navy supported KSA in Yemen/Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict


  Reference and news sources

United States officials and lawmakers have involved this nation in foreign interventions

throughout the history of the United States of America.

Some “400 military interventions between 1776 and 2019” have been documented. Half of these occurred since 1950. More than a quarter of them occurred during the post-Cold War era.

A variety of objectives were asserted by someone. Al involved force, aggression, harm. Interventions have been reported to have “revolved around economy, territory, social protection, regime change, protection of US citizens and diplomats, policy change, empire, and regime building.

All have involved force, aggression, harm. All involved waste, want, fraud, and abuse. All caused migration, displacement, disease, starvation, illness, injury to mind and body. 

In one way or another, all have caused loss, ruin, or death.

But distracted Americans are not listening. 

These Americans seem to prefer ignorance. And government officials and media (traditional and nontraditional) are more than willing to serve up round-the- clock distraction, propaganda and pageantry, ignorance, blame casting, and utter nonsense.

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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