Saturday, July 8, 2023

Can Americans do no better than this?

Does Anyone Trust the Fitness of the Crop Set Before Us?

Oklahoma born / California bred Performer and Racialist Cornel Ronald West

Does anyone believe that this man’s entry into the race for the U.S. presidency is reason for glee? He was featured a while back in Entertainment Weekly and other puff entities including NPR for his gig work: “Hip-Hop 101 with Cornel West” by Simon Vozick-Levinson August 2007.

Questions about the quality of Cornel West’s character and work product were reportedly raised in 2000 in a “rebuke” received from the President of Harvard who pointed to the hip hop artist's—
“Missing too many classes, contributing to grade inflation, neglecting serious scholarship, and spending too much time on his financially profitable projects.”
Not producing scholarship “befitting his professorial position.” 
A hip-hop performer (I don’t know of a “musical,” more like “talking,” genre that I abhor more than rap or hip hop) on the level of other dangerous performers (e.g., comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy) pretending preparedness for what he is (they are) clearly unprepared and thus destined to cause great harm to one nation and to many nations.

Cornel West has been given Ivy League positions; but, in my view, he is blatantly unprepared (in temperament and experiential qualification) for the U.S. Presidency. He is unfit for purpose, unfit to serve this nation. 

The people of the United States have for too long made the fatal mistake of essentially certifying (or acquiescing to a flawed system’s choice of) any man (or woman) of a certain age and native birth as qualified to hold the office of U.S. Presidency or to contend or conduct a campaign for that office.

In recent memory, there have been numerous disasters which have harmed other nations and peoples and have harmed the United States by simultaneously neglecting America’s domestic needs. These disasters can be traced to mental, moral, psychological, intellectual, experiential (or all of these) incompetence, defect, unfitness, or unpreparedness of candidates or of those who climbed into the main chair in the oval office.

Some of them had prior executive public office experience (e.g., Reagan, Blythe, and Bush II). Some did not. Here is a crop of unfit contemporary characters (1981-present).
  • B-movie actor Ronald Wilson REAGAN known for questionable debate materials tampering, Iran Contra crimes.
  • William Jefferson Blythe III (aka Bill CLINTON) and wife Hillary Rodham: known for crimes against Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya, sexual harassment, rip off of Haiti crimes and scandals.
  • George W. BUSH: malleable character known for reckless and reactionary arm-chair commanding of maliciously criminal wars of terror.
  • Barack Hussein OBAMA Jr.: malleable character known for arm-chair commanding of mass killings across West Asia and Africa, including the assassination of Libya’s beloved president, continuing (armchair commanded) terror wars against Muslim and Arab countries in Western Asia and other places.
  • Television performer Donald John TRUMP: malleable character known for all-round ineptitude plus sexual harassment scandals, unjustifiable, criminal (armchair commanded) assassination of Iran’s beloved military officer copying years long U.S. administrations’ attacks on Iran’s government, its leaders and scientists; continuing (armchair commanded) terror wars against Muslim and Arab countries in Western Asia and other places.
  • Joseph Robinette BIDEN Jr.: known for on-the-job senility, sexual harassment and other misbehavior, scandals and alleged crimes, continuing (armchair commanded) terror wars against Muslim and Arab countries in Western Asia and other places.

This is the crop. 

This is the crop that, in a coast to coast rigged electoral system, Americans delude themselves into believing they freely choose to lead the nation.

I agree that Kamala Harris is unprepared for the U.S. presidency or its candidacy. It is also my view that other contenders together with Donald Trump, Cornel West and Joseph Biden are unfit for the U.S. presidency.

To my knowledge, based on cursory research, and for the reasons mentioned above regarding the 1981 - 2023 (Nos. 40th-46th) U.S. presidents, the following individuals are also unfit for the position.

Robert Kennedy Jr.,

Marianne Williamson


Larry Elder


Nikki Haley


Will Hurd


Asa Hutchinson


Mike Pence


Vivek Ramaswamy


Tim Scott


Corey Stapleton


Francis Suarez




Does anyone believe this crop of Contenders?

Are Americans willing to toe the line?
Hold their nose?
Do as they’re told?

Are Americans again willing to shrug and pretend that the game was not decided long before they were born? Long before sinister powers forced the citizenry to act as if they’re in control while doing as they are told—settling for the same old crop: the bought and bossed puppets, and their masters who own the table and so the game?


Entertainment Weekly “Hip-Hop 101 with Cornel West,” by Simon Vozick-Levinson
August 10, 2007

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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