Monday, July 31, 2023

Inexcusable, Criminal Acts of Malice in Search of Remedies

 and given strict, consistent, unwavering examples of self-discipline, and respect for others together with lessons and modeling in

  • Constructive use of time (in labor and leisure)
  • Peaceful coexistence, civility, community (neighborliness)
  • On life’s daily journey willing outreach toward understanding others who may appear in some way to be different or to have different values or practices.
Fools and undisciplined people believe they are the be-all and end-all. Believe that they have a “right” to act out their bigotry—in effect, “the” “right to bigotry,” “the” “right” “to offend, “the” “right” “to attack” people whom they (the undisciplined, the fools) condemn or tarnish with some “transgression” they alone conjure up (and spread) on the basis of their delusion, preconception, irrationality, or ideological extremism.

Extremists, anarchists, fools, criminals believe they have a “right” to offend (indiscriminately “the” right to rape, ruin, assault, murder, invade, plunder, starve to death, embargo, deny food, medicine, water, destroy utterly) other people; to desecrate religious images, icons, sacred individuals, places or elements of various peoples.

This is a fallacy, a criminal fallacy and people in places such France and Sweden (or North America) who practice or allow such criminal offense should be arrested. They and their supporters should be called before a truly independent tribunal of justice to answer for their crimes and the self-serving, deliberately erroneous interpretation of the principle or principles of human rights.

Governments (or an individual government) shall make no law restricting the rights of people under their jurisdiction to express themselves in print, in speech, in assembly, in association, in the practice (or non- practice) of a religion. That governments shall make no law is NOT a grant of license or a grant of liberty to lawlessness. Might in and of itself is neither right nor righteousness.

Because the NATO apparatus has USA-powered military industrial matériel and madness does not mean that this cabal or its affiliates (e.g., 1949 – present-member Denmark; 1994 – present-collaborator Sweden, 1949-present-member French Republic) including North American regimes should be allowed to trample on others. Law—the rule and its application—must be impartial, consistent and absolute. Even the jungle has binding laws that are clearly understood; rules that are consistently obeyed by inmates of the jungle.

Without impartial law imposed and practiced consistently in world society, peoples inhabiting the world descend into unrelenting ruthless ricochet, back-and-forth criminal conflict and chaos in which NONE have actual, inalienable rights; NONE are safe and secure to walk freely—to inhabit the world.

Peoples of the world must, therefore, rein in and arrest the ruthlessness, the impunity, the lawlessness practiced by North American and North Atlantic individuals, entities and sycophants who constitute an amoral and deadly assembly of criminals.

Today’s news peg prompting these thoughts.

July 31, 2023, Press TV News 

“Iran FM calls on OIC members to ‘criminalize’ desecration of Islamic sanctities,”

“Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has called on member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to ‘criminalize’ blasphemy against Islamic sanctities, including the desecration of the Holy Qur’an, at the national, regional and international level.”
The Foreign Minister was deeply concerned about “the growing trend of intolerance and violence against Islam and Muslims in some European countries …; (and) the support of (this behavior) by certain ruling factions.” Actions “undermining cultural and religious commonalities among nations and disrespecting human rights” have greater consequences in prohibiting “mutual understanding and the spirit of peaceful coexistence in the international community.”
The minister concluded that “the best interest of everyone is served” when “insults to religions (including Islam)” are “prevented.”


Also on July 31, 2023, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation published a “Resolution on the Repeated Crimes of Desecration and Burning of Copies of al-Mus’haf ash-Sharif in the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of Denmark Approved by (its) 18th Extraordinary Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers”

According to its website, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) made up of fifty-seven member states spread over four continents is after the United Nations, the world’s second largest international organization. Established in 1969, the organization “is the collective voice of the Muslim world” and “endeavors to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various people of the world.”

In a thirty-five-point Resolution, the OIC Strongly Condemned

“Recent despicable acts of aggression against the sanctity of the al-Mus’haf ash-Sharif—in the Kingdom of Sweden (the latest of taking place in Stockholm, the capital city of the Kingdom of Sweden, Thursday 20 July 2023) and in Copenhagen (the capital city of the Kingdom of Denmark on Monday 24 July 2023)
The recurrence of acts of desecration of al-Mus’haf ash-Sharif … and … the continued issuance of permits by authorities allowing that action … (and)

The failure … to take the necessary measures to prevent such acts in Sweden and Denmark
OIC charged that Sweden and Denmark’s failure to take authoritative measures preventing the recurrence of the violence breached “United Nations Security Council Resolution No.2686 (2023) adopted on 14th June 2023 pertaining to international tolerance, peace, and security.”;;

The young must be taught (and taught to identify)

The Unacceptable. 

Accepting the unacceptable IS Unacceptable

And Often Criminal. 

Malice is unacceptable. 

Assault is Criminal 

These should be called out and chastised (corrected) 
At the parental level through proper disciplinary action 
Beyond the sphere of parenting, through proper (independent, impartial) 
prosecutorial and judiciary processes.  

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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