Thursday, September 14, 2023

Questionable “Influencers” Loosed on the World

Kingdom of the Strange:
Lunatics and Illiterates Abroad

Portrait of a Dangerous Person’s Tracks in the Road

Questionable Individual Questionably Connected 

  • Secretly funded
  • No apparent substantive or relevant education or training
  • No critical understanding of Eastern European or Asian cultures, and 
  • No essential language literacy


The individual observed in Nevada September 2020 working with Republican candidates as an “opposition research operative

Clark County, Las Vegas area, Nevada, USA 
Post 2020 USA Presidential Election

The individual joins “efforts to bring members of the ‘Proud Boys’… to a rally in front of the Clark County Department of Elections” (Las Vegas, Nevada area).
The individual receives “message from the vice president of McShane LLC” (according to Linkedin’s entry a Las Vegas based “advertising services” firm engaged in “web design, video production, targeted digital ads, peer-to-peer texts and calls, and strategic consulting”) “hired by the Republican Party to investigate electoral fraud.”
The individual “contacts a group of far-right activists, at least one of whom was a member of the ‘Proud Boys’” followed by the Clark County Republican Party’s banning from participation their events designated individuals, one of whom had been “a ‘Proud Boy’ the prior individual “had contacted when recruiting for the Clark County rally.”


The individual in the spring of 2021, under name change and under the Democratic Party banner, decides to run (and by October discontinues the campaign) for a seat on the Las Vegas City Council

2022 Eastern Europe

The Individual arrives in Ukraine on March 4, 2022, and establishes residence in a city in Eastern Ukraine from which the individual sends messages to a San Francisco, California-headquartered establishment under Q Digital called “LGBTQ Nation” whose marketed audience is the named group. Questionably financed and situated in a conflict zone hotly debated by world powers East and West, this individual sends ethnically divisive messages further inflaming relations between neighbors and kin—fired by a resurrected WW2-era element.

The individual shows up in August 2022 in Ukraine’s Ministry Defense with no relevant education or language facility, engaged in “writing ‘policy’ papers and ‘analyses;’” and by October 2022 is announcing apparent pledge of allegiance to Ukraine and entry into the “Armed Forces of Ukraine” (“AFU”).

Ending 2022

This individual—with allegiance to the armed forces of Ukraine and with no apparent wealth or schooling or stated source of funding—in December 2022, meets (site undisclosed) with members of the Congress of the United States and other questionable “influencers” to include Mississippian Roger Frederick Wicker (Federal Washington gerontocrat: on staff of MOC Trent Lott 1980-1982; ensconced in 15 U.S. Congresses: U.S. House 1995-2007; U.S. Senate 2007 – present 2023); sundry aides, activists and NGO operatives; and members of the Washington, D.C.-headquartered U.S. Congress-created “independent U.S. government agency” known as “the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.”

2023 early and through 

The individual, after being “wounded” in February 2023 and in recovery, “returns” in May 2023 to Federal Washington, D.C.; and holds court (reportedly) with sundry “influencers” to include Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, various aides; and (even MORE CURIOUS) Spanish (immigrant, 2013-documented U.S. citizen) celebrity chef, restaurateur, NFP NGO founder José Ramón Andrés Puerta.
In this week’s news from international presses, this individual—a U.S. native (Floridian) pledging allegiance to the president of a section of Ukraine and in an apparent mental breakdown—is discovered erupting in maniacal manifesto: “that ‘next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash even harder, and their rabid mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see a favorite Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes.’”


This questionable influencer loosed on the world
has been identified in news and reference sources as “Sarah Ashton-Cirillo” “formerly Sarah Cirillo and Sarah Ashton,” “an American” “serving as a spokesperson for Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces.”

Composed, referenced, compiled and edited with additional text; no claim in directly quoted material or individual images—Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
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