Friday, October 13, 2023

ONCE UPON A TIME not very long ago

There was an American Leader who spoke with solid knowledge, on the ground experience

Respectfully and Courageously
He Urged True Peace in the Middle East
That Man from Plains, Georgia

In addition to his civilian service as U.S. President, he had served also in the U.S. Navy and as the State of Georgia's governor. In 1982, former president Carter and his wife Rosalynn Smith Carter established The Carter Center, “a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people around the world. In 2002, Mr. Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. His book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid was published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster (ISBN13: 9780743285032)
“I have spent a great deal of my adult life trying to bring peace to Israel. My prayer is that all of us who want to see Israelis enjoy permanent peace with their neighbors will join in this common effort”—said the thirty-ninth (1977-1981) President of the United States of America James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr. ending his 2006 “Letter to Jewish Community on Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.”

In that letter, Mr. Carter says he had been on a book signing tour when asked and he accepted an invitation to meet with leaders of the Board of Rabbis of Greater Phoenix (six rabbis: three men, three women, five of whom had read his book completely, one partially). They questioned Mr. Carter, and he answered their questions about the text and title of his book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. He later disclosed the thoughts he had shared in that meeting.

“A letter to Jewish citizens of America”
This is an excerpt with minor edits from Mr. Carter’s letter to the Jewish Community containing his thoughts expressed in discussions with the six rabbis.

In the discussions, Mr. Carter “defined the word ‘apartheid’ as
the forced segregation of two peoples living in the same land, with one of them dominating and persecuting the other.”
“… [T]he system of apartheid in Palestine,” he said:
“… is not based on racism, but on the desire of a minority of Israelis for Palestinian land, and the resulting suppression of protests that involve violence.”
Mr. Carter continued: 
“[T]he (extreme partiality) for Israel comes from among Christians like me who have been taught since childhood to honor and protect God’s chosen people from among whom came our own savior, Jesus Christ.

“… [I]n the political arena (additionally) is the powerful influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which is exercising its legitimate goal of explaining the current policies of Israel’s government and arousing maximum support in (the USA).
There are no significant countervailing voices.” [Emphasis added]
Grounding his ideas in solid knowledge and direct (on the ground) experience, Mr. Carter affirmed that in the preceding “33 years” he had traveled “throughout the Holy Land,” making direct “observations…especially within the occupied areas.” Additionally, The Carter Center had “monitored the Palestinian elections of 1996, 2005, and 2006, which required a thorough and intimate involvement with Palestinian citizens, candidates, public officials, and also the top political leaders of Israel who controlled checkpoints throughout the West Bank and Gaza and all facets of the elections in East Jerusalem.”

Clearly in evidence, Mr. Carter said: 
“The Palestinian people were being deprived of the necessities of life by economic restrictions imposed on them by Israel and the United States because 42 percent had voted for Hamas candidates in the most recent election.
“Teachers, nurses, policemen, firemen, and other employees are not being paid, and the U.N. has reported that food supplies in Gaza are equivalent to those among the poorest families in sub-Sahara Africa with half the families surviving on one meal a day. My other request was that American Jewish citizens help to alleviate their plight.”

“… I am (also) familiar with the extreme acts of violence that have been perpetrated against innocent civilians,” Mr. Carter said. “(I) understand the fear among many Israelis that threats against their safety and even their existence as a nation still exist.” He then stressed his “strong condemnation of any acts of terrorism.” (Emphasis added)

What to do?

In further response to the rabbis’ questions asking what he would do, Mr. Carter first asked them “to join in an effort to induce the Israeli government to comply with the proposal for Middle East peace. Then he offered these succinct recommendations:   

 “Call on Hamas members and all other Palestinians to renounce violence and adopt the same commitment made by the Arab nations in 2002,” specifically:
  • Full recognition of Israel’s right to exist in peace within its legally recognized 1967 borders (to be modified by mutual agreement by land swaps) …” in compliance with “United Nations Resolutions, the official policy of the United States, commitments made at Camp David in 1978 and in Oslo in 1993, and the premises of the International Quartet’s ‘Roadmap for Peace.’”
  • Immediate “resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians” (consistent with the official spokesman for the Palestinians, head of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization, President Mahmoud Abbas, who “has repeatedly called for peace talks.”
At the end of his discussion with the rabbis in 2006, Mr. Carter reported that together they “held hands in a circle while one of the rabbis prayed.” At their request, he “autographed copies of (his) book (Palestine Peace Not Apartheid),” and Chaplain (Colonel) Rabbi Bonnie Koppell gave (him) a prayer book.”

“My own prayer,” Mr. Carter concluded, “is that all of us who want to see Israelis enjoy permanent peace with their neighbors join in this common effort.”

The Carter Center press release “Center Jimmy Carter Issues Letter to Jewish Community on Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, December 14, 2006, “Jimmy Carter Issues Letter to Jewish Community on Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” December 15, 2006,

In the Moment (an update)

Dimitri Lascaris’s October 11, 2023, piece (excerpted)

Lawyer, journalist and activist Dimitri Lascaris recalls that over many decades the “Israeli government has tested the boundaries (but) rarely exceeded boundaries of the world’s tolerance.”

Relatively Recent Examples of Israel’s testing of the world’s tolerance

“Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza displaced 500,000 people and destroyed or damaged more than 20,000 Palestinian homes, 148 schools and 15 hospitals.”

(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reported that year that “the unemployment rate in Gaza had reached 44 percent”; and projected that, by the year 2020, close to 100 percent of Gaza’s drinking water supply would be unsafe.)

The Israeli military in 2018 reacted to “thousands of Gazans’ … peaceful ‘Great March of Return’ … by killing more than 150 Palestinians and injuring at least 10,000 others, including 1,849 children, 424 women, 115 paramedics and 115 journalists. An Israeli sniper also shot a Canadian-Palestinian doctor, Tarek Loubani.”

Then, NOW

“In the past,” Lascaris writes, “when the international community’s outrage at Israel’s criminality approached unmanageable levels, Israel lowered the pain dial on the Palestinian people. When the suffering of Palestinians receded from the world’s consciousness, Israel then ratcheted up the pain dial.

“This week, that cycle of calibrated depravity was broken…”— circumstances in which only the government of the United States “could rein in Netanyahu …

(Benjamin Netanyahu: an Israeli Likud Party politician and Israel Defense Forces (1967-) member raised in Jerusalem (and for a time in the U.S. city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania); a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) employed by the Boston Consulting Group before returning to Israel (1978); and later assuming the post of Israel’s UN representative (1984-1988); and reigning more than 17 years in the post of Israel’s premiership (1996 – 1999; 2009 – 2021; December 2022 –present).

“… [B]ut the Biden administration is too weak, too distracted by its failing proxy war in Ukraine, and too incompetent to intervene.…”

Is there a true moment of Awakening…  
(stir from distraction and slumber)
or Reckoning 
On the horizon?

Dimitri Lascaris concludes:

“The reality of what Israel has become is now too obvious to ignore. The international community cannot stand idly by any longer. In the weeks and months ahead, I believe that the conscience of the world will be awakened.

“The only question is: how many more Palestinians will the West allow to die before that moment comes?”

Dimitri Lascaris “Israel’s genocide in Gaza is no longer ‘incremental’” posted October 11, 2023, in Human Rights, International, Middle East, Dimitri Lascaris is a multinational lawyer, journalist and activist based in Canada

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett 
Author’s links:

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Wars making more Wars Sustained by Extreme Arrogance, Calculated Ignorance, Suspended Rights—


Rabid “Righteousness”
Ghosts of McCarthyism, Tribalism
War Industrialists plying Propaganda,
Protecting their Trade and Investments

PALESTINE 1947-2023

France24 TIMELINE “From 1947 to 2023: Retracing the complex, tragic Israeli-Palestinian conflict:
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict was reignited once again on October 7 after a surprise offensive launched by Hamas against Israel. In retaliation, Israel ordered air strikes and a ‘complete siege’ of the Gaza Strip, the Hamas-run Palestinian enclave. This is a new deadly episode in a conflict that has its roots deep in the mid-20th century. FRANCE 24 traces its history.” October 11, 2023 By Natasha LI - Jean-Luc MOUNIER,

Ray McGovern October 2023 on Palestine (excerpt) 

Getting Away with Murder: 
“On June 8, 1967, Israel tried to sink the intelligence collection ship USS Liberty and leave no survivors – in full daylight in international waters off the Sinai coast during the 6-day Israeli-Arab war. Washington (including the US Navy!) covered up the killing of 34 US sailors and the wounding of 170 others. Thus, Israel learned that it could literally get away with murder – of US servicemen, as well as Palestinians.”

“… On Nov. 22, 1967, UN Resolution 242, adopted unanimously, called for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the ‘territories occupied in the recent conflict’. Israel withdrew from the Sinai after the Egypt-Israel peace treaty of 1979. It did not withdraw from other lands occupied in 1967 – the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights in Syria.

“As for Gaza, it has been blockaded to the point that it is almost impossible to get in or out – as I experienced personally in 2011 with gutsy, justice-oriented folks like Alice Walker on the aborted voyage of the ‘U.S. Boat to Gaza’.”

“…The extremists now heading the Israeli government have made no secret of their plans to move even more forcefully against the Palestinians. It was/is a powder keg that has now exploded.”  Ray McGovern “‘Can you give a brief synopsis of what’s happening in Israel?’ Answer to a Close Friend on Palestine” October 8, 2023,
Ray McGovern is a Bronx, New York, native (fluent fluent in Russian, German, and Spanish) who relocated to Washington, D. C. in the early 1960s and served successively through the Federal administrations of John F. Kennedy and George H. W. Bush as “Army infantry/intelligence officer then CIA analyst. In January 2003, he “co-created Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose how intelligence was being falsified to ‘justify’ war on Iraq.”

Commentators Civilly Exercising Free Speech Right

Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine
“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.

“Today’s events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison. Israeli officials promise to ‘open the gates of Hell;’ and the massacres in Gaza have already commenced. Palestinians in Gaza have no shelters for refuge and nowhere to escape. In the coming days, Palestinians will be forced to bear the full brunt of Israel’s violence.

“The apartheid regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years. From systematized land seizures to routine airstrikes, arbitrary detentions to military checkpoints, and enforced family separations to targeted killings, Palestinians have been forced to live in a state of death, both slow and sudden.

“Today, the Palestinian ordeal enters into uncharted territory. The coming days will require a firm stand against colonial retaliation. We call on the Harvard community to take action to stop the ongoing annihilation of Palestinians.

“This statement was co-authored by a coalition of Palestine solidarity groups at Harvard. For student safety, the names of all original signing organizations have been concealed at this time. Contributed by The Harvard Crimson “Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups” Original Document (PDF)
Related to the latest conflict in Palestine, the Harvard University Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee this past Saturday released a statement “originally co-signed by 33 other Harvard student organizations” charging “the Israeli regime entirely (with responsibility) for all unfolding violence.” In later responses, the group affirmed “what should be obvious: the PSC staunchly opposes violence against civilians — Palestinian, Israeli, or other.”

Powerful Forces Arrayed Against Commentators and their Free Speech Right
Four Moneyed Men: Ackman, Broukhim, Neman, Wurzak

  • ““I have been asked by a number of CEOs if Harvard would release a list of the members of each of the Harvard organizations that have issued the letter assigning sole responsibility for Hamas’ heinous acts to Israel, so as to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members…. If… their members support the letter they have released, the names of the signatories should be made public so their views are publicly known”—William Albert ACKMAN Pershing Square Capital Management CEO Hedge fund manager, university thesis “Scaling the Ivy Wall: The Jewish and Asian American Experience in Harvard Admissions.” 
  • “I would like to know so I know never to hire these people”—Jonathan NEMAN CEO of a “massive high-priced-salad chain” (Sweetgreen, Inc.) quoted opining “that ‘no vaccine ‘nor’ mask will save us’”
  • “We are in …”— Michael BROUKHIM co-CEO customer services entity (FabFitFun) specializing in video editing, finance, “lifestyle membership and shopping experience”;
  • “I second this”—Jake WURZAK “vertically integrated hospitality investment and development” (DoveHill Capital Management) industrialist CEO Yahoo and LinkedIn
The Crimson October 11, 2023 “Harvard Students Doxxed, Groups Withdraw Signatures Amid Continued Backlash to Israel Statement,” Sarah G. Erickson, Crimson Staff Writers J. Sellers Hill and Nia L. Orakwue,;
Axios October 12, 2023 “CEOs seek to blacklist Harvard students after signing pro-Palestinian letter,” Shauneen Miranda

Online, On Street Intimidation

“By Tuesday evening, at least four online sites had listed the personal information of students linked to clubs that had signed onto the statement, including full names, class years, past employment, social media profiles, photos, and hometowns.”

On Wednesday, a billboard truck “digitally displaying (labeling ‘anti-Semites’) the names and faces of students allegedly affiliated with student groups that signed onto a controversial statement” drove… through the streets surrounding Harvard’s campus ….”

“As Students Face Retaliation for Israel Statement, a ‘Doxxing Truck’ Displaying Students’ Faces Comes to Harvard’s Campus,” Crimson Staff Writers J. Sellers Hill and Nia L. Orakwue, October 11, 2023,

Is Freedom Mere Fancy

Is freedom only free for the few? Does freedom exist only by permission of the whimsical and their whims?

Are the multitudes of nations, cultures and peoples’ assertions and exercise of free expression, free speech, free assembly, free association—indeed, freedom of life and liberty, freedom of security and serenity, freedom to be left alone—only to be had and sustained or ensured by fiat or the fancy of the moneyed mighty?

Say it isn’t so, Sam. Say it isn’t so.

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Friday, October 6, 2023

Ending Baseball Season Looking toward Columbus Day

Caribbean Vicinity USA MLB 

Players Starting 2023 Season

  •  Dominican Republic: 104

  • Venezuela: 62

  • Cuba: 21

  • Puerto Rico: 19

  • Mexico: 15 [Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Gulf of Mexico]

  • Colombia: 7

  • Panama: 4

  • Bahamas: 2

  • Nicaragua: 2

  • Brazil: 1 [on the Atlantic Ocean pm southern borders of Venezuela and Colombia]

  • Honduras: 1

Article “MLB players list by country (non-US)” (excerpted) Plus References 

Then to Now 

USA Weekend (shopping) Commemoration before October 12

reportedly derives from “Caribs” (the name of an indigenous people who lived in the sea region dating back to the late 15th century)

Italian explorer Christopher Columbus
reportedly was the first European to enter the Caribbean Sea and (in 1492) land on the Island of Bahamas. After Columbus came Spanish, British, Danish, Dutch, French, among other colonialists.

Caribbean Sea Vicinity (South) Colombia, Panama, Venezuela; (West) Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula; among the in the Greater and Lesser Antilles: Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico

Lest we Forget

Caribbean peoples didn’t wake up one morning and decide “I don’t like my homeland” “I think I’ll sell myself and my children to some human traffickers, buy myself a dangerous journey to somewhere else,” and at the end of my journey suffer further the contempt and often violence of strangers.

Consequences have causation, preconditions, prior happenings. Down through the decades, individuals in the United States of America have ordered unspeakable acts. They have unleashed all manner of elements and entities (including criminal elements), various governmental and nongovernmental personnel and operatives to intervene relentlessly in the Caribbean Basin.

USA Reign of terror
Violent aggression
in the Caribbean

1898-1934 was pejoratively named the era of “Banana Wars.” Often, today, Americans, amid their made-in-the-USA moment of chaos, are heard to say, “we are acting like” or “we are not a Banana Republic”—when in fact USA born and bred elements are the creators of the construct or pattern that results in what is called “Banana Republic.”  The culprits just brought their usual pattern home. 

The United States callously and criminally has staged numerous military invasions and interventions and occupations in Central America and the Caribbean. 

The following is a shortened version of their impunity. The crimes they have committed and gotten away with in the Caribbean alone

CUBA 1898 – through 20th into 21st century

1898–1902, 1906–1909, 1917–1922 U.S. occupation; U.S. and its militaries invasions, occupations, capriciously courting, then threatening, then overthrowing heads of state

1960s (before, after, continuing) U.S. forces involved in training, supplying, supporting traitorous external efforts to overthrow Cuba’s head of state. After 1960, U.S. intelligence operatives persisted in attempts to assassinate Cuba’s head of state.

NICARAGUA 1912 -1933; 1981-1990

1912 -1933 USA and US Marines (promoting big business interests) invaded and occupied Nicaragua and when the citizenry rebelled the invaders slaughtered them; and continued the foreign occupation

1981-1986-1990 U.S. (CIA) recruited and organized group (called “Contras”) funded by Reagan government’s illegal transnational arms sales to overthrow Daniel Ortega-led Sandinista government and install a U.S. favored head of state.


USA backed overthrow of democratically elected government of Jacobo Arbenz.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1961, 1961-1963, 1965

US (CIA) supplies weapons involved in assassinating head of state (1961)
US entities support then remove successor head of state (1962-1963)
U.S. government orders invasion to put down the consequences of their previous interventions (1965)


The actions taken by the United States declared by UN General Assembly and by the UN Security Council (before a USA veto) to be a “flagrant violation of international law” included the U.S. military and lackeys’ invasion and overthrow of the sitting government (Grenada October 25, 1983).

PANAMA 1981-1994

USA courts Panamanian ruler-drug dealer (Manuel Noriega) as convenient ally in quest to overthrow Nicaraguan government; later USA labels enemy and Reagan government (Elliott Abrams) promotes invasion of Panama (and overthrow of former ally turned enemy Noriega)

1989-1994 U.S. military invasion, occupation, regime change

HAITI 1909 through 1900s (continuing)

Precursor to Economic Sanctions: Financial and economic plunder, strangulation, obstruction

Big banking business and investors backed by USA Government acquires managing stake of the National Bank of Haiti creating a “Bank of the Republic of Haiti” that held payments from the Haitian government and led to citizenry unrest. U.S. elements calling themselves “diplomats” conspired to take possession of Haiti’s finances.

1915 – 1947 with everlasting consequences

USA invasion, occupation, and takeover of government, declaration of martial law, installation of military regime (US Marines and lackeys) as actual head of state (despite Haitian elected heads of state). From 1919 through 1947, the United States controlled Haiti’s banking and financial affairs.

The foreign (USA) regime in Haiti resulted in uprisings and caused the deaths of “several thousand” and “numerous human rights violations” (including Marines-inflicted “torture and summary executions”); the USA regime also caused “hundreds of thousands of deaths” through its practice of “forced labor.” U.S. personnel were reportedly well-compensated while Haitians languished in poverty (extending to the present day).

1985 – 1991; 1994-1995

USA operatives infiltrate, train criminal elements and lackeys; then these entities conduct regime change of newly elected head of state (1985-1991)

USA government and operatives threatened and removed from office Haiti’s head of state, i.e., the previously USA trained criminal coup element, and promoted return of Haiti’s democratically elected the head of state previously overthrown by USA elements (1994-1995).

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Now RUST once was the “HEARTLAND of American Industry,” “Focal point of United States Manufacturing”

Then came (or were there always) Narrow interests and Carelessness, Poor Planning and Off shoring replacing Effort and Innovation resulting in Disabling and Demise all round(?)

Callously and corruptively, U.S. policy makers have colluded with sinister influencers, partners and wannabe powers more and more deeply entrenched and shuttling in and out and around Federal Washington. 

They have carried on continuous pageantry—diversions, distractions, blame fests against any individual or entity “other than themselves” (any other person, place or thing including actual victims). 

They have turned America’s heart to RUST.

From the latter half of the twentieth century onward, the United States of America BETRAYED by its “leaders” saw closed then abandoned factories (vital workplaces).

Physical infrastructures (together with health, educational, welfare, social institutions) have failed or are in freefall leaving a blight on the land, causing outflow, brain drain, the hemorrhaging of populations (precursor to twenty-first century America’s on-the-street-under bridges-in-tunnels unable to flee homeless) in search of fruitful work, living wages, better chances, better living conditions—
(just as millions of migrants, under the constant onslaught of US policy makers and their partners’ rulemaking, orders and conduct of unspeakable global aggression—THEN ABANDONED—are forced to flee their homelands in search of fruitful work, living wages, better chances and better living conditions).
Public and Private Powers have colluded in the decimation of industry: failing to update and to incentivize updating industry, equipment, materials, employee training; failing to plan for the future, to innovate and incentivize substantive innovation. Instead, the partners chose narrow and short-termed interests (over the public good, America’s general welfare), laziness over effort. The public official-major media-owner company cabal practiced obfuscation and deregulation, exchange of payoffs and kickbacks; hoodwinking workers, begetting owner-worker battles stretching into the present day—CODE BLUE RED permanent breakdown. The patient is DOA. 

United States Presidents 42-46 NET WORTH

42. William Jefferson Blythe III (“Bill” “Clinton”) before, after presidency: $1.3 million -

$241.5 million

43. George Walker Bush before, after presidency: $20 million -

$40 million

44. Barack Hussein Obama Jr. before, after presidency: $1.3 million -

$70 million

45. Donald John Trump before, after presidency: $3 billion -

$2.3 billion

46. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. before, during presidency: $8 million -

$10 million

Rich to RUST

Baltimore Pittsburgh Buffalo Cleveland Detroit 
Focal point of American industry lost

  • Baltimore, Maryland once was “a Mecca” for metal and ship-building production
  • Buffalo, New York State once was the world’s “largest grain port”
  • Chicago, Illinois once was America’s great railroad hub: one of the country’s “largest railroad centers” and serving “as a base for the manufacture of freight and passenger railroad cars.”
  • Cleveland, Ohio once was “home to Standard Oil Company” (dating back to the nineteenth century) and “a notable transportation hub”
  • Detroit, Michigan once was the “center of the American automobile industry,” home of ‘Big Three’ automakers: Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania once was “a center for steel manufacturing” (also dating back to the nineteenth century)

Of the abandoned and betrayed poverty-stricken States of the United States of America, which ones are within the RUST BELT?

RUST Belt States






  1. OHIO


 RUST Belt States’ Poverty Rates

1.      Illinois

8.6 percent

2.      Indiana

11.1 percent

3.      Michigan

10.6 percent

4.      Missouri

10.0 percent

5.      New York

12.1 percent

6.      Ohio

12.5 percent

7.      Pennsylvania

9.7 percent

8.      West Virginia

14.0 percent

9.      Wisconsin

8.2 percent

117th U.S. Congress (RUST Belt-COVID 19 Era) 


1.         Sen. Rick Scott (Florida):                             $200,327,223

2.         Rep. Michael McCaul (Texas):                    $125,880,292

3.         Rep. Darrell Issa (California):                     $115,850,012

4.         Rep. Vern Buchanan (Florida):                   $113,384,088

5.         Sen. Dianne Feinstein (California):             $96,518,036

6.         Sen. Mark Warner (Virginia):                     $93,534,098

7.         Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah):                            $85,269,083

8.         Sen. Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut):    $85,231,232

9.         Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (Indiana):            $74,629,062

10.       Rep. Doris Matsui (California):                   $73,872,062

11.       Rep. Roger Williams (Texas):                      $67,438,045

12.       Rep. Peter Meijer (Michigan):                     $60,514,285

13.       Rep. Suzan DelBene (Washington):            $52,156,097

14.       Rep. Nancy Pelosi (California):                   $46,123,051

15.       Rep. Scott Peters (California):                     $39,738,062

16.       Rep. Jay Obernolte, (California):                $39,250,014

17.       Rep. David Trone (Maryland):                    $32,927,094

18.       Rep. Don Beyer (Virginia):                          $29,805,092

19.       Rep. Kathy Manning (North Carolina):     $27,202,287

20.       Rep. Kevin Hern (Oklahoma):                     $26,761,380

21.       Rep. Dean Phillips (Minnesota):                  $24,778,495

22.       Rep. Fred Upton (Michigan):                      $24,692,218

23.       Rep. John Rose (Tennessee):                       $23,362,065

24.       Rep. Sara Jacobs (California):                    $21,428,125

25.       Rep. Ralph Norman (South Carolina):       $20,679,156


USA Poverty Rates (RUST Belt States in red)

Rank       State       Percentage of Population

below Poverty Line



23.10  percent



22.10  percent



21.20  percent


West Virginia

20.60  percent



20.00  percent


New Mexico

20.00  percent


District of Columbia

19.00  percent



18.40  percent



17.80  percent



17.30  percent



17.30  percent


North Carolina

17.10  percent



17.00  percent



16.80  percent



16.70  percent


South Carolina

16.50  percent



16.40  percent



15.80  percent



15.60  percent



14.80  percent



14.60  percent



14.60  percent



14.40  percent


New York

14.00  percent



13.70  percent



13.60  percent


South Dakota

12.80  percent



12.50  percent



12.40  percent



12.30  percent



12.10  percent



12.00  percent



12.00  percent



11.90  percent



11.80  percent


Rhode Island

11.30  percent


New Jersey

11.30  percent



11.00  percent



10.90  percent



10.80  percent



10.40  percent



10.30  percent



10.20  percent



10.20  percent



9.90  percent



9.70  percent


North Dakota

9.70  percent



9.30  percent



8.60  percent



8.30  percent


New Hampshire

7.20  percent


  • World Atlas “Rust Belt United States,” World Atlas “US Poverty Rate by State,”
  • Wikipedia “Rust Belt”
“‘Rust’ refers to the impact of deindustrialization, economic decline, population loss, and urban decay … attributable to the shrinking of the once-powerful industrial sector especially including steelmaking, automobile manufacturing, and coal mining.”

Hardest hit Cities and Regions: Northeast and Midwest regions including Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Jersey City, Newark, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Toledo, Trenton, Youngstown; other areas of New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Upstate New York.

Though “New England was also hit hard by industrial decline …, cities closer to the East Coast (e.g., New York metropolitan, Greater Boston) … have been able to adapt by diversifying or transforming their economies to shift focus toward services, advanced manufacturing, and high-tech industries.”
  • Investopedia “Rust Belt: Definition, Why It’s Called That, List of States,” James Chen updated November 29, 2022
“The COVID-19 pandemic hit the Rust Belt hardest.” Remaining factories were forced to close, gains manufacturing jobs were lost. Blue-collar workers were unable to “work from home.” Double crises of the pandemic and mental health declines hit “nine out of 13 cities studied in the Rust Belt.”
  • Business Insider “Meet the 25 wealthiest members of Congress,” Madison Hall and Angela Wang December 14, 2021,
  • The Inquisitr “How President Joe Biden's Net Worth Increased By $2 Million Being in the White House for 2 Years,” Juwairiya Shariq,
  • Cheapism, “U.S. Presidents' Net Worth, Before and After Taking Office,” Andrew Lisa, February 17, 2023,

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

“Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...