Friday, October 6, 2023

Ending Baseball Season Looking toward Columbus Day

Caribbean Vicinity USA MLB 

Players Starting 2023 Season

  •  Dominican Republic: 104

  • Venezuela: 62

  • Cuba: 21

  • Puerto Rico: 19

  • Mexico: 15 [Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Gulf of Mexico]

  • Colombia: 7

  • Panama: 4

  • Bahamas: 2

  • Nicaragua: 2

  • Brazil: 1 [on the Atlantic Ocean pm southern borders of Venezuela and Colombia]

  • Honduras: 1

Article “MLB players list by country (non-US)” (excerpted) Plus References 

Then to Now 

USA Weekend (shopping) Commemoration before October 12

reportedly derives from “Caribs” (the name of an indigenous people who lived in the sea region dating back to the late 15th century)

Italian explorer Christopher Columbus
reportedly was the first European to enter the Caribbean Sea and (in 1492) land on the Island of Bahamas. After Columbus came Spanish, British, Danish, Dutch, French, among other colonialists.

Caribbean Sea Vicinity (South) Colombia, Panama, Venezuela; (West) Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula; among the in the Greater and Lesser Antilles: Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico

Lest we Forget

Caribbean peoples didn’t wake up one morning and decide “I don’t like my homeland” “I think I’ll sell myself and my children to some human traffickers, buy myself a dangerous journey to somewhere else,” and at the end of my journey suffer further the contempt and often violence of strangers.

Consequences have causation, preconditions, prior happenings. Down through the decades, individuals in the United States of America have ordered unspeakable acts. They have unleashed all manner of elements and entities (including criminal elements), various governmental and nongovernmental personnel and operatives to intervene relentlessly in the Caribbean Basin.

USA Reign of terror
Violent aggression
in the Caribbean

1898-1934 was pejoratively named the era of “Banana Wars.” Often, today, Americans, amid their made-in-the-USA moment of chaos, are heard to say, “we are acting like” or “we are not a Banana Republic”—when in fact USA born and bred elements are the creators of the construct or pattern that results in what is called “Banana Republic.”  The culprits just brought their usual pattern home. 

The United States callously and criminally has staged numerous military invasions and interventions and occupations in Central America and the Caribbean. 

The following is a shortened version of their impunity. The crimes they have committed and gotten away with in the Caribbean alone

CUBA 1898 – through 20th into 21st century

1898–1902, 1906–1909, 1917–1922 U.S. occupation; U.S. and its militaries invasions, occupations, capriciously courting, then threatening, then overthrowing heads of state

1960s (before, after, continuing) U.S. forces involved in training, supplying, supporting traitorous external efforts to overthrow Cuba’s head of state. After 1960, U.S. intelligence operatives persisted in attempts to assassinate Cuba’s head of state.

NICARAGUA 1912 -1933; 1981-1990

1912 -1933 USA and US Marines (promoting big business interests) invaded and occupied Nicaragua and when the citizenry rebelled the invaders slaughtered them; and continued the foreign occupation

1981-1986-1990 U.S. (CIA) recruited and organized group (called “Contras”) funded by Reagan government’s illegal transnational arms sales to overthrow Daniel Ortega-led Sandinista government and install a U.S. favored head of state.


USA backed overthrow of democratically elected government of Jacobo Arbenz.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1961, 1961-1963, 1965

US (CIA) supplies weapons involved in assassinating head of state (1961)
US entities support then remove successor head of state (1962-1963)
U.S. government orders invasion to put down the consequences of their previous interventions (1965)


The actions taken by the United States declared by UN General Assembly and by the UN Security Council (before a USA veto) to be a “flagrant violation of international law” included the U.S. military and lackeys’ invasion and overthrow of the sitting government (Grenada October 25, 1983).

PANAMA 1981-1994

USA courts Panamanian ruler-drug dealer (Manuel Noriega) as convenient ally in quest to overthrow Nicaraguan government; later USA labels enemy and Reagan government (Elliott Abrams) promotes invasion of Panama (and overthrow of former ally turned enemy Noriega)

1989-1994 U.S. military invasion, occupation, regime change

HAITI 1909 through 1900s (continuing)

Precursor to Economic Sanctions: Financial and economic plunder, strangulation, obstruction

Big banking business and investors backed by USA Government acquires managing stake of the National Bank of Haiti creating a “Bank of the Republic of Haiti” that held payments from the Haitian government and led to citizenry unrest. U.S. elements calling themselves “diplomats” conspired to take possession of Haiti’s finances.

1915 – 1947 with everlasting consequences

USA invasion, occupation, and takeover of government, declaration of martial law, installation of military regime (US Marines and lackeys) as actual head of state (despite Haitian elected heads of state). From 1919 through 1947, the United States controlled Haiti’s banking and financial affairs.

The foreign (USA) regime in Haiti resulted in uprisings and caused the deaths of “several thousand” and “numerous human rights violations” (including Marines-inflicted “torture and summary executions”); the USA regime also caused “hundreds of thousands of deaths” through its practice of “forced labor.” U.S. personnel were reportedly well-compensated while Haitians languished in poverty (extending to the present day).

1985 – 1991; 1994-1995

USA operatives infiltrate, train criminal elements and lackeys; then these entities conduct regime change of newly elected head of state (1985-1991)

USA government and operatives threatened and removed from office Haiti’s head of state, i.e., the previously USA trained criminal coup element, and promoted return of Haiti’s democratically elected the head of state previously overthrown by USA elements (1994-1995).

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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