Thursday, May 16, 2024

“Liberal” “Progressive” Assassin takes aim at a Peacemaker

Profile of a Peacemaker committed to Diplomacy, Sovereignty

One the few leaders of an EU or a NATO country who takes a position that is different from the prevailing Collective Western view.
“I will support zero military aid to Ukraine…. An immediate halt to military operations is the best solution we have for Ukraine. The EU should change from an arms supplier to a peacemaker.”

“As long as I am the head of the Slovak government, I will never agree that a country should be punished for fighting for its sovereignty. I will never agree with such an attack on Hungary.”

“Ukraine is not a sovereign, independent country. Ukraine is under the absolute influence of the United States of America…. [T]he EU is making a huge mistake, not wanting to keep a sovereign view of Ukraine, and only agreeing to what the US says.”

“[T]here are countries that are ready to send troops to Ukraine. There also are countries that say ‘never’ to that; Slovakia is one of them; [a]nd there are some countries that say such ideas deserve consideration.”

The Slovak Republic is a mountainous country (sloping into fertile lowlands of the Danube River plain); a landlocked country in Central Europe bordering Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Austria, and the Czech Republic; with a population of (circa) 5,445,040 people: 80 percent Slovak, 20 percent Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Pole, German, 

    In the latter half of the twentieth century: the Slovak Socialist Republic within the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic changes the unitary Czechoslovak state into a federation in January 1969; the Slovak Republic changes name within established Czech and Slovak Federative Republic in March 1990; then came the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in January1993. The Slovak Republic has been a member of the military alliance NATO since 2004. (World Atlas, latest update February 24, 2021, and other reference sources)

Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic 
Robert Fico

Google translation of text entered at official government website, some news reporting
“I say it loud and clear …: The war in Ukraine didn’t start yesterday or last year. It began in 2014 when the Ukrainian Nazis and fascists started to murder Russian citizens in Donbass and Lugansk”— Robert Fico
After becoming prime minister for a third time in October 2023, Robert Fico “reversed the previous government’s decision to send weapons to Ukraine.” Fico argued also “that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia should be resolved through diplomacy.”

The Leader’s Work Record


1982 – 1986: Law Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava; degree JUDr. [JUDr: Juris Utriusque Doctor (Doctor of Both Laws, i.e., Civil [secular] and Church [Canon] laws), a degree within the tradition of several centuries, originally the highest possible degree.]

1987 – 1988: judicial practice and completion of judicial exams, professional qualification for performing the function of a judge

1988 – 1992: Postgraduate studies at the Institute of State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the field of “Criminal Law,” degree CSc. (“The death penalty in Czechoslovakia”)

2002: habilitation, title Doc. (“Necessary Defence”)

Professional Practice

1986 - 1987 basic military service, assistant to the military investigator

1986 - 1995 Legal Institute of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

1992 (Since 1992) member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic

1992 - 1995 deputy director of the Legal Institute of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

1992 - 2002 member of the Constitutional Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic

1994 - 2000 agent for the representation of the Slovak Republic in proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights and the European Commission for Human Rights

1994 - 2005 member of the permanent delegation of the National Council of the Slovak Republic to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (in 1999, head of this delegation)

1995 - 2003 Chairman of the Prison Commission at the Constitutional Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic

2002 - 2004 observer of the National Council of the Slovak Republic in the European Parliament

2002 - 2006 member of the Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for human rights, nationalities and the status of women

2006 - 2010 Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic

2010 - 2012 vice-chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic

2012 - 2016 Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic

2016 - 2018 Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic

2018 - 2023 member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic

2023 (October -): Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic

Political Activity

1994 – 1996: Chairman of the Club of Deputies of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for the Party of the Democratic Left

1996 – 1999: vice-chairman of the Democratic Left Party

1999 (since 1999): chairman of the political party SMER - social democracy

2002 - 2006 chairman of the Club of Deputies of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for SMER - social democracy

Other activities

  • · Author of professional articles
  • · Author of several approved laws
  • · Study stays focused on criminal law and human rights in the USA, England, Finland, Belgium and France
  • · Participation in several international conferences and seminars
  • · Teaching activities
  • · Extensive publishing activity
  • · Member of the editorial board of the Judicial Review
  • · Coauthor of the project of the Slovak National Center for Human Rights
  • · Founder of the Center for Victims of Crime



This past Wednesday (May 15, 2024), an assassin fired several shots, “at point-blank range,” against the Prime Minister of Slovakia. At the time, the minister was “greeting supporters in the small town of Handlova.”


Slovak Republic government website
Google Translation
General references

News sources

Berezovsky, Georgiy (Vladikavkaz-based journalist). 2024. “‘No country should be punished for its sovereignty’ – Fico in quotes… How Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt, sees the world and what he says” RT World News Feature. May 15, 2024.

______. 2024. “‘No Country Should Be Punished For Its Sovereignty’ – Fico in Quotes.” Intel Drop Feature. May 16, 2024.

RT World News. 2024. “Slovak prime minister survives surgery after assassination attempt: As it happened Robert Fico was wounded when an assailant fired multiple shots outside a government meeting.” RT live updates. May 15, 2024.

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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