Friday, June 21, 2024

Spreading Angst, Defaming Immigrants

America's On-air Talkers are deepening the breach in US relations at home and abroad

BECK-QUINN airing via privately-owned WYSL
Avowed substance abuser and drug addict, job hopper, businessman, dabbler in broadcasting self-righteous proselytizing talker Glenn Lee Beck late mornings; former disc jockey turned foul-mouthed half-truths and slanderous falsehoods-spreading talker Jim Quinn early mornings both permitted by WYSL (founding president and owner a dabbler in US radio markets with a university law degree Robert C. Savage) marketed under the words “Radio Livingston” originating in Avon, New York, reaching Rochester metropolitan-Genesee River Valley.
BELLAVIA airing via WBEN (parent publicly traded on NY Stock Exchange through 2023)
Failed candidate for public office, dabbler in radio, wedge-issue monger, off-and-on talker David Bellavia at Audacy Inc (Buffalo, NY, Western New York broadcast area), formerly Entercom Communications Corporation founded by Joseph M. Field, current CEO/former Goldman Sachs investment banker David Field (January 2024 announced filing "for a prepackaged Chapter 11 bankruptcy")
COSBY airing via privately-owned WABC
Avowed daughter of Polish native Ryszard Kossobudzki (Richard Cosby), television personality turned radio talker Rita Cosby at New York City- New Jersey-Connecticut News Talk Radio WABC part of the Red Apple Media Group empire (owner, board chairman and CEO foreign national (nation of Greece) billionaire John A Catsimatidis) which also incorporates Oil and Gas Operations; Gristede’s Supermarkets; and sundry divisions and subsidiaries such as United Refining, Red Apple Food Marts, and Kwik Fill gas stations and convenience stores in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio)

Where we live and who visits and Serves our Shores

    Comprising the designated “Global South”: Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands, Asia’s “developing countries” (including Near Eastern countries); generally including “Brazil, India and China” together with “Indonesia and Mexico” are the “largest Southern states in terms of land area and population.”

    The Global South as designated by ideologically driven United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) encompasses “Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean,” “Asia excluding Israel, Japan, and South Korea,” and “Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand.” UNCTAD is a Geneva, Switzerland, based agency having a separate membership, leadership, and budget; and offering its reports to the UN General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council.

    Comprising the Northern Hemisphere is 68 percent of Earth’s landmass (90 percent of the global population) (both approximates): Continents: North America, Europe, Asia, most of Africa.

Global South Populations on Rosters of America’s Pastime 
US Major League Baseball

Caribbean: 149
South America: 64
Mexico: 12 (North America – Global South)
Central America: 7
South Africa: 1

USA Private Household ( Industry Immigrants

    Statista estimates that of the Private Household sector’s 947,000 workers, 45 percent come from countries other than the United States of America; and “22 percent of all immigrant workers in United States households are unauthorized.”

    The textile, apparel and leather manufacturing industries come in second with 36 percent; and the agricultural industry comes in third with a 33 percent proportion of immigrants.

Quoting Pew Research studies, in “no major American industries (did) immigrants outnumber United States born workers. (emphasis added)

    In 2023 Pew reported that although “immigrants” were still “more likely than U.S.-born workers to work in lower-skill occupations,” a significant shift had occurred.
In recent decades, “the numbers of immigrants in high-skill, non-mechanical jobs have risen,” most notably “in jobs that prioritize analytical skills such as science and math or fundamental skills such as writing and speaking;” and “in jobs in which social skills like negotiation and persuasion are important.”

As immigrant workers have transitioned into employment sectors requiring more highly skilled work, it follows that their numbers have decreased in industries “where social or fundamental skills” such as in hospitality or homemaking “are least important.”

    This month The Washington Times National Weekly is reporting large deficits in hotel income and workers. The American Hotel and Lodging Association cites a shortage of “190,000 jobs” compared with pre-pandemic levels. One analyst told the Times affirmed that “immigrants have better job options” than the usually designated housekeeping jobs. Just because immigrants are coming over the border doesn’t mean that they’re coming for these jobs, he said.

“Traditionally the hotel industry has used a lot of immigrant labor for drudgery because (immigrants) were more willing to put up with longer hours and more unpleasant working conditions.” Now, “they have more options….” 


Talkers on American radio should mind professionalism and their humanity. 

    These individuals and their owners and handlers and lackeys should study more carefully, become better prepared before going on air. Practice due diligence and proper oversight. Put forth far more effort than reading a teleprompter’s script or ripping and reading the day’s prepackaged points. Have some honest to goodness respect for fellow human beings.

    Remember men on a Bridge (I find them hard to forget) suffering the consequences of carelessness in high places: in the press and in the halls of elective and appointive government. Not long after midnight, early one Tuesday morning in late March six construction workers from the world’s Global South lost their lives because of public officials’ (and the news press’s) negligence. These men, ages 25 through 49, died.

Guatemala-Born Dorlian Castillo Cabrera
Guatemala- Born José Mynor López
Honduras-Born Maynor Suazo Sandoval
Mexico-Born Carlos Hernandez
Mexico-Born Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes
El Salvador-Born Miguel Angel Luna Gonzalez

    US media emperors and their talkers, the news press along with officials in public office and their partnering emperors of privately private enterprises are a collective of bad influences. Despite their 24/7 pageantry of propaganda and curious utterances—these entities are practitioners and peddlers of a callous and unconscionable disregard for peaceful relations; and, more generally, a reckless disregard for all life within and beyond our borders. 


Statista. March 20, 2017. “The Industries with the Most Immigrant Workers” by Niall McCarthy, with Infographic by Niall McCarthy Data Journalist IMMIGRATION 

Pew Research February 24, 2020, “The share of immigrant workers in high-skill jobs is rising in the U.S.” by Jesse Bennett

Washington Times National Weekly. “More than 75% of hotels report staffing shortages despite raising wages: Half cited need for more housekeepers.” Print edition Monday June 17, 2024.

USA Facts 2023 “Which industries employ the most immigrant workers? About 5 million foreign-born workers — nearly a fifth of the immigrant workforce — work in education and health services.” USAFacts Team November 10, 2023. 

Baltimore Sun Wikipedia March 26, 2024 (1:28 a.m. Eastern Time): 

Situated in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area was the Francis Scott Key Bridge. On that morning its main spans and three nearest northeast approach spans over the Patapsco River collapsed when a container ship struck a support structure of the bridge extending into navigable waters. Six members of a maintenance crew working on the roadway lost their lives. Two more were rescued from the river.

MLB Advanced Media 2024. “Fourth-most internationally born players featured on Opening Day rosters” Michael Clair. March 29, 2024.

Travel Republic 

World Data 

Insider Radio



Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
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