Wednesday, November 20, 2024

A Different TIME, a Different TONE

A Time and Tone that Recognized World Nations and Cultures, Understood and Embraced Multilateralism, Respectfully Engaged all Peoples of the world 

One world leader and 
head of state 
comes to mind:
Dr. Angela Merkel.

“… We want to collaborate in peace and friendship with all the other countries of the world.”
“In all our interests, we will gear our policy to human rights, to more prosperity, and to advancement—FOR US ALL” (emphasis in caps added) said the former Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel addressing ambassadors from every corner of the world.

TO Eurasia 
(approx. 36 percent of the Earth’s land area)—situated in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres and comprising (a) the two most populous countries in the world (China and India); and (b) several of the world’s largest economies (e.g., China, Japan, Germany, Russia, and India): 

“We traditionally enjoy close relations with our neighbours—an obvious example is Ukraine” and, of course, “Russia …also stands out most prominently. … I can tell you that collaboration with Russia, on the part of the EU, as well as Germany in particular” — “will remain a major priority.” 

TO East Asia
Looking toward an approaching trip to the People’s Republic of China, she said,

“We will discuss German-Chinese cooperation.” With India “We have also launched intergovernmental consultations …. As you can see, we keep putting one foot in front of the other.…” 

TO Western Asia: 

“(We are) … saddened … that little to no progress seems possible—or at least has been possible—on the Middle East conflict. Germany will be continuing to campaign for a two-state solution with Israel as a Jewish state and another state for the Palestinians. We will keep working hard on that.” 
“… [T]here are sure to be complicated processes ahead. … No matter which country you should care to name, we will do our bit to advance its development.

“It is our hope that human rights will be respected…, and we are right behind the Arab League in everything it is doing in that regard.”

TO South Asia
(Afghanistan): Addressing the “Government of Afghanistan,” she said,

“It is our intention to complete the transfer of responsibility for security in the near future. We stand by that plan. … I believe that Afghanistan (desires) to stand on its own two feet. We will also support the reconciliation process wherever we can.”

TO Africa: 

“We are glad to see that there have been various favourable developments in Africa, our neighbouring continent.… The partnership between the EU and the African Union is very important to us. I can promise the AU that we will carry on at its side this coming year. … People in Europe often think that it is only here that there’s always an election on – but it is just the same in Africa.”

January 26, 2012, in Berlin, a Speech by Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel at the New Year reception for the Diplomatic Corps

[Text Excerpted] 
Prolific Southern-Born American Writer Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
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