Thursday, December 5, 2024

Honest SHARING (Truth) does far more good than BLAMING.

Viruses know no boundaries. It is time for countries to reach out and help one another—cooperate in the sharing of information, medical practice, expertise, equipment [Malaysian Consulate General-Nanning Head of mission Consul General Azlimi Zakaria at China-ASEAN leaders meeting November 2020]

Echo-Chambered Headlines
Never based on shoe-leathered Ferreting out Truth

Truth From the Far East 

August 2020 PRC officials expressed their desire that United States officials open US bio-labs to media scrutiny. 
“We would really hope that the United States could 
  • Open up its research base at Fort Detrick to the media 
  • Release more information about its OVER 200 BIO-LABS OVERSEAS (caps emphasis added), and
  • Invite WHO (World Health Organization) experts into (these labs) to conduct origin-tracing so it has a chance to tell the truth and offer an explanation to the American people and the international community.” (PRC spokesperson Zhao Lijian 2020) 
“…[I]n sharp contrast with U.S. political parties who put political gains first,” Zhao Lijian said, Chinese leadership “puts people and life front and center…; the Chinese government’s epidemic response can stand the test of time and history.” (Xinhua; China Diplomacy

Truth from the Homeland

2007 US Congressional Subcommittee meeting on “Germs, Viruses, And Secrets: The Silent Proliferation of Bio-Laboratories in The United States” (excerpt from hearings): 
“No one in the Federal Government … knows for sure how many of these labs there are in the United States, much less what research they are doing or whether they are safe and secure”— Hon. Bart Stupak, US Representative from the state of Michigan.


“We know that the NIH said there were 277 in 2005 and today the number is estimated to be around 400.” There is a “lack of communication among agencies”: “… the FDA, the CDC, the NIH…; whether it is in health” …, a “sub,” “… inter-agency,” or an “intra-agency,” “communication and collaboration, the sharing of information seems (inadequate, unacceptable)” especially when considering … the type of research at issue— Hon. Marsha Blackburn, US Representative from the state of Tennessee.

Witnesses from the GAO (US Government Accountability Office) together with other knowledgeable agencies have given testimony that dramatic increases have occurred “in the number of high-level biosafety labs” in operation “over the last decade” (1997-2007). 
“… At the height of the Cold War…, this country had only two Level-4 laboratories (laboratories that handle deadly diseases that have no cure): one was at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and another belonging to the Army at Ft. Detrick, Maryland.” —Hon. John D. Dingell, US Representative from the state of Michigan 

[Under an hour’s drive from Washington, DC, Fort Detrick sits on a 1,200-acre (490 ha) campus whose inmates “conduct biomedical research and development, medical materiel management, global medical communications; and study foreign plant pathogens as well as Ebola and smallpox pathogens (gen reference]

“The problem is… as the number of labs increases, the risk increases; and as that risk increases, oversight becomes more difficult. As oversight becomes more difficult, the transparency of what is going on in the laboratories vanishes; and that is the major concern”—Hon. John D. Dingell, US Representative from the state of Michigan.

In January of 2023, according to a Time Magazine article later that year 
“a group of scientists recommended ‘enhanced oversight’ of (an interesting exception) non-federally funded research.”
They pointed to the obvious: that “oversight” means “awareness.” These federal government advisors, the article reported, were affiliated with “the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity.” Time Magazine, August 31, 2023, “The Danger of ‘Invisible’ Biolabs Across the U.S.” by Dan Greene, Jassi Pannu and Allison Berke.

Today's Headlines 

SEVENTEEN YEARS after Congress’s the “Germs, Viruses, and Secrets: The Silent Proliferation of Bio-Laboratories in The United States” hearings, politicians restated their COVID19 pandemic-era statements. 

As reported in Medical Press December 3, 2024
“US lawmakers concluded a two-year investigation Monday into the COVID-19 outbreak that killed 1.1 million Americans—BACKING THE THEORY that THE VIRUS LIKELY LEAKED FROM A CHINESE LABORATORY.” (caps emphasis added) Editors noted “US lawmakers back COVID Chinese lab leak theory after two-year probe” also in the “520-page” House Select Subcommittee “report on the Coronavirus Pandemic” was information on “the federal and state-level response and vaccination efforts.”

Flashback 20 2020

This week’s laboratory-leak restatement of blame report brings to mind Zhao Lijian’s words seven years ago

The conclusion comes “as no surprise because we know certain individuals in the United States have their own ‘definition’ of truth: as long as (the fable) serves to attack and smear China—it is a fact.”

PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
 (live limited) 
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