Saturday, January 18, 2025

Final Curtain Shows Colors: Acts and Utterances of warped brains, rabid militarists, men (women) without conscience


“In the space of several minutes” “corporate media” demonstrates its partnering “… in … crimes” of the outgoing regime.

“Official journalists of major daily newspapers and television news (outlets) have refused to characterize the Israeli operation in Gaza as genocide; and … (have) bolstered the White House narrative (and mantra) … ‘Israel has a right to defend itself’” and, in that process, extirpate a people: slaughter “tens of thousands of Palestinians,” most of them “women and children.”

US Major Media label reporters who ask questions of US government officials “‘hecklers’” and “‘activists’”; and declare that “silencing” them is “‘a testament to American democracy.’” (Cable ‘News’ Network and its Alex Marquardt) 

Perhaps “American” “democracy” is something quite different from what is generally understood as democracy or what common people mean when they use the term. Americans (and their partners) in positions of power and influence have a penchant for capriciously and arbitrarily redefining terms as it suits their fancy. War is humanitarianism and slaughter is self-defense. Criminal courts, prosecutorial systems, courts of justice exist for trying “other” people. 

in Press and Government
Questionable Allegiances

Blinken Element Incorporated

During “Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s final press conference, … journalist Sam Husseini was forcibly removed by security personnel after he insisted that Blinken answer questions about US support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza.” Reporting January 17, 2025: Reed, Kevin “Reporter dragged from Blinken’s final press briefing for asking about US support for Gaza genocide” WSWS January 17, 2025,
The BLINKEN ELEMENT boasts genetic and ideological linkages and allegiances to Jewish European and West Asian settlers; multinational finance; and military industrial consulting. Antony Blinken, at least since 2009, has been permitted to hold top-level positions governing US foreign policy and foreign relations.

Suppression of a free press Bahraini Alex MARQUARDT viewed as “‘a testament to American democracy.’” Marquardt is a native of Kingdom of Bahrain, a small West Asian islanded country in the Persian Gulf between State of Qatar and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s northeastern coast; majority populated by “foreigners”, or “non-Bahrainis” whose majority are natives of “India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Egypt.” 

Marquardt's Bahrain also hosts the US Fifth Fleet (US Naval Forces Central Command).

  • One news source wrote this week, “Journalist MAX BLUMENTHAL (removed from the room) set the tone during Blinken’s farewell address to the State Department press (asking):
    • ‘Why did you allow the Holocaust of our time to happen?’ 
    • ‘How does it feel to have your legacy be (that of) genocide?’”
  • Reporter SAM HUSSEINI “was physically dragged out of the room yelling 
    • ‘Why aren’t you at The Hague?’” ZirafaMedia January 16, 2025 “Max and Sam give Blinken the farewell he deserves”

Due Diligence
Responsible and Free Press

Investigative Journalist 

Blumenthal is an investigative journalist and author, a documentarian, filmmaker, founder and editor-in-chief of The Grayzone (established “to shine a journalistic light on America’s state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions”).

His books include 
  • Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party (2009)
  • Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013)
  • The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza (2015)
  • The Management of Savagery: How America's National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump (2019).

Independent Journalist

Usamah “Sam” Husseini is an independent journalist and author who has written extensively about Palestine and international law writes at “” and “regularly attends US State Department briefings, asking tough questions.” He is senior analyst at the Institute for Public Accuracy, founder of ‘’ (which “encourages left-right cooperation to undermine the establishment duopoly”), and a visual artist. 

  • 2011 Husseini’s “questioning of al-Saud (Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, KSA prince and former government official) during the 2011 Arab uprisings led to being suspended from the National Press Club, a decision reversed by “the ethics committee of the Press Club.” 
  • 2018 Husseini “was dragged out of the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki for trying to ask about the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty which 122 countries voted in favor of but the two ‘superpowers’ have blocked.” 
  • 2022 (with virologist Jonathan Latham) Husseini “co-authored the in-depth investigation ‘Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?’” HUSSEINI’s tough questioning of high-level officials, in addition to the Saudi prince, has included former US State Secretary Colin Powell, former US Vice President Mike Pence, former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, among others

The duty of the press is to serve the public, often a wide and varied, global, far-flung public. Not to spread fear or prejudice, shill or carry propaganda, distract or sensationalize. Journalists have a sacred duty to question and diligently ferret out the truth on behalf of the public.

International journalist 

At the turn of 2025 regarding a major happening within the United States, Soraya Salam cautioned the press about the consequences of accepting and transmitting a prevailing narrative versus practicing responsible journalism.
Journalists should “ask more questions,” Soraya Salam wrote. Responsible journalism does not merely “extrapolate reporting from official statements,” without delving into “the broader context of facts.” Official narratives have “consequences” for “real lives,” the lives of many people and cultures all across the global sphere.
Often that consequence is immediate and deadly.
Reporting must “centre the facts and the context necessary to paint the most accurate and responsible picture.”

We owe the public the fullest possible unveiling and reporting of “the whole truth.”
Manager of Al Jazeera English Online, Soraya Salam oversees, managing teams across Doha, London, Kuala Lumpur, Washington and New York. She is an international journalist, who has also directed documentaries and produced interviews with some of the world's most prominent political players and thinkers.”


PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
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