Sunday, January 26, 2025

Never Entrust the Welfare of Nations or Citizenry to Saviors, Braggarts, Platitudinarians

Dissection of the Second Coming Inaugural
A January 20, 2025, Performance on the Potomac

Beware would-be leaders whose words are soaked in anachronisms and loaded with repetitious phrases and platitudes—bringing to mind a child’s cuttings from a pre-school notebook. 

Thoughtful audiences are given cause to wonder “Who writes this stuff?”

How is it possible for a grown man (presumably a man with great experience in the world) — except for a grown man lacking in discernment, self-awareness, and even a rudimentary knowledge of the history of the United States of America (not to mention Biblical texts) — to stand before a public audience and perform such drivel that insults not only the intelligence of the people of the United States of America but also the intelligence of all nations and peoples of the world.

From the Horse’s Mouth

Speaker self describes (1st person) as Victim (poor me)

“… tested and challenged more than any president in (the nation’s) 250-year history”

Speaker describes Nation (USA) as Victim (poor us)

“… glorious destiny … (long) denied”

“We have been treated very badly…”

“American ships are being severely overcharged …, not treated fairly in any way, shape, or form.”

Speaker manifests as
Victor Victorious

“… January 20th, 2025, is Liberation Day.” “…we stand on the verge of the four greatest years in American history”

“…saved by God to make America great again…, make dream(s) come true,” “my … election… a mandate ….”

“… victory (i.e., recipient of most votes of Americans who voted during vote-casting period) showed … national unity is now returning to America, and confidence and pride is soaring like never before….”

Speaker Performs
Platitudes, clichés, well-worn phrases
Irresponsible utterances, Half-truths, Blatant falsehoods
Repetition and Contradictions

Consume, Waste; Don’t Conserve: “We will be a rich nation again, and it is that liquid gold under our feet that will help to do it.” “… Instead of taxing (US) citizens to enrich other countries, we will … tax foreign countries to enrich (US) citizens. … (However, it is) “American ships (that) are being severely overcharged …, not treated fairly in any way, shape, or form.”

“The American dream will soon be back…”

(IT IS) “… time for us to once again act with courage, vigor, and the vitality of history’s greatest civilization.”


“… meet every crisis with dignity and power and strength…, move with purpose and speed to bring back hope, prosperity, safety, and peace for citizens….”

“… never believe that something is impossible …. In America, the impossible is what we do best.”

“… not forget our country …, not forget our Constitution, and … not forget our God”

A Glimpse of Consumerist Culture
Street violence
Drug Trafficking

Over the years, as the twentieth century crossed into the twentieth-first century, more and more rural populations, “whether (because of forced displacement, outsider takeovers or) out of necessity or illusions of easy wealth, abandoned their roots (farms, small towns and villages) and migrated into big cities, “where they had no support network and needed money to survive….” Bruna Frascolla is writing in a late January 2025 piece “What neo-Pentecostals and drug dealers have in common.”

Though focused on Brazil, truth rings true across nations.

In the big city, Bruna Frascolla writes, in addition to the precarious conditions, there existed “a change in values: … juvenile delinquents were born in (the big city), while the vigilantes born in the northeastern region of Brazil “‘cleaned up’ their slums.” While the migrants wanted to find a job to support their families, a new generation growing up “under the influence of (media)… aspired to consume branded goods” — things “that would be within their reach only through crime.”

The author opines that violence (in this context) is often explained by “left-wing authors” basically in terms of “poverty”; and while “criticism of consumer society appears (sometimes in these writings), few authors emphasize that (consumerism) implies a crisis of values.”

Consumer society is incapable of generating social cohesion or giving meaning to the lives of the poor.” “Desperate” to consume, the street criminals will “kill and die in droves in senseless fights.”

The wealthy consumerist-criminal, however, is highly unlikely to meet these ends. 

Man-made Poverty and Inequality
OXFAM International Reporting  

  • 2024 “Billionaire wealth surges by $2 trillion…, three times faster than the year before, while the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990 (update January 20, 2025). In this year alone, their growth in wealth was “equivalent to roughly $5.7 billion a day…, a rate three times faster than the year before” (2023); averaging “nearly four new billionaires … minted every week.” However, “the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990” (World Bank data).
  • 2025 The world’s richest one percent “burned through their entire annual carbon limit in just ten days”— i.e., “within the first ten days of 2025… they burned through their share of the annual global carbon budget (the amount of CO2 that can be added to the atmosphere without pushing the world beyond 1.5°C of warming)” (update January 10, 2025)

“In countries around the world, a small elite are taking an ever-increasing share of individual nation’s income” — “while hundreds of millions of people” are suffering “without access to clean water, and without enough food to feed their families.”

Extreme inequality hurts the whole world, OXFAM notes. But the world’s poorest people (especially women and girls) bear the brunt of (rabid wealth, criminal plunder and consumerism, forced) inequality.  “Extreme inequality is not inevitable or accidental. It is the result of deliberate political and economic choices.” Extreme inequality “can be reversed.” OXFAM International

However, even the religionists get in on criminal cult of consumerism and its man-made consequences 

In Brazil, Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) is the country’s largest criminal organization that boasts among its members “religious” “leaders” and poor people – all in search of “branded goods” This drug-trafficking organization (the PCC) was reportedly “created in prisons” and operates from (but not only from) prisons.
“Evangelical churches” (partners in crime) “coexist with this drug trafficking” organization, and “mix with it”— often furthering their criminality by engaging in “laundering money.” The cabal is said to strut its wealth, exalt a drug trafficking subculture, and beckon the slum-dweller to get rich; “the poor to reach the wonders of the consumer society.”
“Neo-Pentecostalism provided the ingredients for evangelicals to live in a holy war against their neighbors,” Frascolla writes. And for their participation in crime, the preaching of a gospel of crime, and the causation of far-reaching consequences of criminal behavior, these preachers reward themselves with filthy lucre, super wealth. 

The reward imposed on slum dwellers is subsistence in interminable poverty or permanent incarceration in a prison cell.

Back to the 47th

Forget Diplomacy
“WINNING” by any means (usually by violence) is what counts
(First person “We” or “I”; possessive “my,” USA “our”)

“… Instead of taxing (US) citizens to enrich other countries, we will … tax foreign countries to enrich (US) citizens.” (However, it is) “American ships (that) are being severely overcharged …, not treated fairly in any way, shape, or form.”

Instead of diplomacy and respect among nations, speaker promised continued belligerence, animosity, contempt for other nations and peoples:
  • In North America (proposed) changing the name Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America.”
  • In the Central America / Caribbean, (proposed) taking ownership and administration of the Panama Canal (connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the narrow Isthmus of Panama) from the Republic of Panama.
“My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier” … (perhaps something was lost in the translation from babytalk). 

“Our country was forged … by the generations of patriots who gave everything they had for our rights and for our freedom…” (convenient to have others serve while you claim deferrals from service); cowboys … who pushed onward, marched forward, and let no obstacle defeat their spirit or their pride. … won the Wild West…, won two world wars.”

Belligerence R' US 
“(We will) …build the strongest military the world has ever seen… We will not be conquered, we will not be intimidated, we will not be broken, and we will not fail. …
“We will be a nation … full of compassion, courage, and exceptionalism. …

“We will be prosperous, we will be proud, we will be strong, and we will win like never before.” … 

“We will stand bravely …, live proudly …, dream boldly …; nothing will stand in our way because we are Americans.” 

“The future is ours, and our golden age has just begun.”

Deliver all of us 
from this “Deliverer!” 

Main source

Trump, Donald, January 20, 2025, U.S. Capitol - Washington, D.C. - 12:10 P.M. EST, “THE INAUGURAL ADDRESS” (transcript)

Not Unrelated

Perhaps a Cautionary Tale for Elected and Appointed Tyrannical Elephant-Donkey Inmates on the Potomac

XINHUANET English January 26, 2025, “S. Korean prosecution indicts President Yoon on insurrection charge” Source: XinhuaEditor: huaxia2025-01-26 18:53:30
“SEOUL, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- South Korea’s prosecution indicted arrested President Yoon Suk-yeol on an insurrection charge, multiple media outlets reported on Sunday. … Yoon was accused of conspiring with former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, who had already been indicted under detention, to declare unconstitutional, illegal martial law and dispatch armed forces into the National Assembly…. Yoon was apprehended in the presidential office on Jan. 15…. A warrant to keep Yoon in custody for up to 20 days, including the arrest period, was issued by another Seoul court on Jan. 19.
“After receiving Yoon’s case from the anti-corruption agency, the prosecution requested Yoon’s extended arrest twice for supplementary investigation, but the Seoul Central District Court repeatedly rejected it to bring Yoon to trial as early as possible.”

Added Sources

FRASCOLLA, Bruna January 22, 2025“What neo-Pentecostals and drug dealers have in common” … “neo-Pentecostalism provided the ingredients for evangelicals to live in a holy war against their neighbors. Their victory … consisted of being wealthy.” Translated from Portuguese (Brazil) to English: Bruna Frascolla is a historian of philosophy, PhD from UFBA, and essayist.

World Atlas: Brazil’s Northeast Region: “the first region in Brazil to be discovered and colonized by Europeans” is “associated with rich history and culture.” The region’s economy is primarily dependant “on cocoa, cotton, and coffee production, and livestock breeding.” 

The Southeast Region’s São Paulo city “is the country’s richest city and the ninth wealthiest in the world based on GDP. It is “Brazil’s major export center, especially for commodities such as soybean, coffee, raw sugar, and corn”; and is “regarded as Brazil’s financial capital,” featuring Latin America’s largest stock exchange; headquarters of most of Brazil’s top corporations and financial institutions; and branch offices of many foreign corporations.” A multicultural city, São Paulo is “the world’s largest Portuguese-speaking city”; and is home to Brazil’s “largest Arab, Japanese, and Italian populations.”



Prolific Southern-Born American Writer Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
(live limited)
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