Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Upper Echelon USA Celebrates Pattern of Violence and Neglect. Shock and Awe Feigns Shock

Ricochet: Violence begets Violence

USA Manifest Policies of Violence Promoted by Media; thus, harm seeded at home travels abroad and returns to the Homeland.

Belligerence against World Nations and Peoples (Excerpts)

USA ground troop invasion, occupation, operations, UNMANNED drone attacks, sniper operations, assassinations, CIA and other USA and USA allied belligerent operators and operations, USA removals of leaders and sovereign governments

USA Terrorizing West Asia (estimates, excerpts)

2002 YEMEN (Sanaa)


2003–2009 IRAQ (throughout this country)



2014   SOMALIA


2005-2012-2015 PAKISTAN: North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Pakistani Village of Taparghai , plus YEMEN, IRAQ, JORDAN, SYRIA, EGYPT, LIBYA, LEBANON, KENYA, SOMALIA 




2020 IRAQ (Baghdad) and IRAN


2020 Iraq (Baghdad)



2020 YEMEN


2022 SYRIA (Aleppo Governorate)

2022 AFGHANISTAN (Kabul) and EGYPT




2023 SYRIA (Aleppo Governorate)


2024 Iraq (Baghdad)








“US Military and Clandestine Operations in Foreign Countries - 1798-Present”
Twenty-first century excerpts from Global Policy Forum data updated December 2005







USA/ NATO troops attack Albanian “rebels”










USA air & ground operations attack Taliban government; regime change operation installs another government










USA forces invade with large ground, air and naval forces; regime operation removes sovereign government and installs another regime




2003 (and continuing)            



USA occupation force (150,000 troops) in protracted violence










USA military descend on sovereign land and, together with CIA-backed forces, overthrow sitting head of state: President Jean-Bertrand Aristide

 Global Policy Forum New York, NY USA,

Violence Begins at the Dais, at the Helm and the highest Echelon of Influence. Nothing else Matters.

The United States government and its various leaders, entities and allies have engaged belligerently, directly and indirectly, against untold numbers of countries throughout the world from the Pacific to Latin America and Caribbean to the Mediterranean and all across Asia and Eurasia. “Nearly 400 US military interventions” are reported to have taken place “between 1776 and 2023”— half of these operations occurring since the McCarthy era (era of the “Red Scare”); and, not surprisingly, more than a quarter occurring in the post-Cold war era (another manufactured scare era to distract, divide and suppress the US population).


Ten Cities with USA’s most Homeless People 

New York City - 88,025

Los Angeles City & County - 71,320

Seattle/King County            - 14,149

San Diego City and County - 10,264


Metropolitan Denver            - 10,054

San Jose/Santa Clara City & County            - 9,903

Oakland, Berkeley/Alameda County            - 9,759

Phoenix, Mesa/Maricopa County            - 9,642

Sacramento City & County - 9,281

San Francisco - 7,582

Carlin, Doug JANUARY 2, 2023.  “18 Cities with Highest Homeless in the US [Report of 2024]” USA by the Numbers: The total number of homeless people in the United States is 553,742” (i.e., “170 out of every 100,000 people” experiencing homeless in the United States of America at the time of this reports of estimates)

USA Facts Team updated March 29, 2024 “Which US cities have the largest homeless populations?

In 2023, New York had the nation’s largest homeless population: ABOUT 653,104 AMERICANS were experiencing homelessness in January 2023, according to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) data”

Ten States with USA’s most People Languishing in Poverty


18.7 Percent


17.8 Percent

New Mexico

16.8 Percent

West Virginia

15.8 Percent


15.2 Percent

(USA Capital City) DC

15 Percent


14.9 Percent


14.9 Percent


14.3 Percent


14 Percent

Carlin, Doug JANUARY 8, 2023 “All 50 US States Ranked by Poverty [Report 2024]” USA by the Numbers

Violent Crime Rates USA Cities
Numbers (Rates) per 100.000 residents

  1. Saint Louis, Missouri -  1,927
  1. Memphis, Tennessee - 1,901
  1. Baltimore, Maryland -  1,833
  1. Detroit, Michigan - 1,759
  1. Kansas City, Missouri - 1,654
  1. Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 1,597
  1. Oakland, California - 1,442
  1. Stockton, California - 1,415
  1. Albuquerque, New Mexico - 1,352
  1. Cleveland, Ohio - 1,334  New
  1. Indianapolis, Indiana - 1,272
  1. Atlanta, Georgia - 1,227
  1. Orleans Louisiana - 1,121
  1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 1,100


  1. Chicago Illinois - 1,006


Djuric, Stefan September 12, 2023 “15 Most Violent Cities in the US. In 2024: An In-Depth Analysis”


Violence Bleeds New Year’s Day Headlines
Accompanied by Americans' usual
Mantra of “shock” and “prayers”

Within the first 72 hours that included the ringing in of the New Year, 13 US states, from Louisiana to Iowa (some with more than one incident) reported gun violence alone. The Gun Violence Archive on January 1, 2025, documented violence in this category in Arkansas, Colorado (2), Alabama (4), Iowa, Ohio, Louisiana (3), and Virginia. Gun Violence Archive “Last 72 Hours” January 1, 2025,

WWL Staff January 1, 2025, New Orleans Police Department reported “Man killed on Convention Center Boulevard, suspect arrested”
“The New Orleans Police Department is investigating a homicide that left one man dead overnight. Police say the man was shot once and died on the scene. A woman also suffered a graze wound. The shooting was reported to have occurred around 2 a.m. Officers arrested one person at the scene.”

Stealing the headlines coast to coast, however, was one of the Louisiana incidents. Apparently this one involved a deadly vehicle and a firearm. One New Orleans source declared a “suspected ‘terrorism’ attack on Bourbon Street left “ten people” dead and more than thirty wounded.
“At least ten people were killed and 35 were injured after a man barreled his vehicle down Bourbon Street in New Orleans during the early morning hours of New Year's Day.”

Things are never what they seem. 

The essential WHY is never wondered, never raised, never seriously sought. 

Contributors, conditions (like latent diseases) exist long before the breaking-news headlines, feigned shock, hearts and flowers and other vacuous utterances.

Reality, dare I say truth, is never found in hysteria or in scares. Never found in blaring screeds or viral images on the World Wide Web.


PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
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