Friday, August 31, 2018

“Man” hurls Language as Tool of Aggression

Demonizing Citizenry, Foreigners

Language of Violence
Foreign Relations

USA v. Iraq

The United States and Britain in 1963 had aided Iraq’s former leader, Saddam Hussein (and its Baath party), in seizing power in Iraq and in 1980 during the Iraq-Iran war enabled Hussein “with military and intelligence assistance” (as  U.S./UK today enable the Saudi Kingdom’s war on the people of Yemen). But in the 2000s, Washington had begun demonizing their former ally “as a ‘tyrant’” and a creator of “weapons of mass destruction,” as the U.S. government buttressed by mass media prepared for invasion of Iraq “under the false pretext.” In 2003, the U.S. Army and U.S.-dominated NATO entered Iraq, oversaw the assassination of its head of state, and cemented its “control over the resource-rich region.”

USA v Libya

Before 2011, Libya’s head of state was “a prosperous oil-producer” and “a loyal ally of London, Paris and Washington.” The president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, had “reportedly received multi-million-dollar donations from the Libyan leader.” Then Muammar Gaddafi comes under Western demonization their language as of “strongman” “Butcher of Baghdad” “killer of his own people”; Gaddafi the “dictator,” the “Evil” one. The West then launches “a large-scale anti-Gaddafi campaign”— and Britain and France become the first joiners in another devastating “the US-led military operation in the region;” and the ultimate assassination of Gaddafi (his country now in utter shambles) is met with almost psychotic glee by then-U.S. secretary of state.

USA v Syria

The pattern of Western or U.S.-led demonization was brought to Syria in the same period as the attack on Libya. The Syrian president Bashar al-Assad became, in the language of the West, a “tyrant,” a killer of his own people, a “dictator”— none of which was true (Assad “was democratically re-elected in July 2014”) followed by U.S. aggression against the sovereignty, the people and leadership of Syria.

Weaponized language demonizing heads of state, “creating images of ‘evil’ foreign leaders,” then using a manufactured reality, a false reality, is a “trick” that is used repeatedly by “Western governments.”

Language of Violence
Domestic Relations

“Enemy of the people”

Enemy of the State, Public Enemy, Enemy of the People are terms that extend to Roman times designating “enemies” as those “opposing the ruling subgroup”  and suggesting that as such they are “acting against the larger group.”

Enemy of America,”  “Enemy of the American people”

U.S. President Donald Trump in informal communication or “social media” has reportedly designated certain major corporate media organizations as “fake news” sources or “enemy of the people” and certain journalists as “fake newsers” and “the enemy of the people.”

Despite U.S. and international criticism of the president’s language of violence, he again in early August reportedly “tweeted” that “‘FAKE NEWS media... is the enemy of the American People.’”

Language of aggression breeds language of aggression! Aggression breeds aggression!


aryland June 28, 2018: at the newspaper office of the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, a man reportedly disgruntled about the resolution of an incident he considered harassment enters the newsroom and guns down a feature writer, an assistant editor, a community correspondent, an editorial page editor, a high school/sports beat reporter, and a sales assistant. 

Response to Maryland June 29, 2018: the U.S. President reportedly responds to the Maryland incident by calling it “horrific” and a shock to “the conscience of our nation…” He later closes the case by saying that “Journalists … should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their jobs.”

alifornia – Massachusetts August 10, 22, 31, 2018: A man discovered by law enforcement to have been stockpiling “20 firearms” among them “a semiautomatic rifle” had reportedly made fourteen threatening phone calls to the Boston Globe newsroom. When asked why he was calling the newspaper offices the man reportedly said “Because you are the enemy of the people . . . as long as you keep attacking the president, the duly elected president of the United States, in the continuation of your treasonous and seditious acts, I will continue to threat, harass, and annoy the Boston Globe.”

Queried outside the federal court in Los Angeles—where he had been “released on $50,000 bond” and ordered “to appear in a federal court in Boston on September 24” to face a “charge of making a threatening communication in interstate commerce”— the man is reported to have said, “there’s no free press in America.”


iolence, delusion, psychosis in many forms. 

Language itself can be used as a tool of violence, of active aggression, a tactic of intimidation and fear. A PhD is not required to arrive at that conclusion.  

One may attempt to compartmentalize the mind or see violence only in the language of the other fellow. But because it is corrosively contagious, as a virus, the propensity for weaponizing language (adapting language as if a tool of war) cannot be contained nor ultimately denied. 

Demonizing is weaponized language—whether hurled against presidents of Iraq, Syria, Libya, the United States or against employees of the newspapers.  Anywhere, anytime we use language as a hammer, a battering ram, a threat, or a brandishing iron—whether at home or abroad—we are committing an act of aggression.


Sputnik (Opinion) “West Pursues Geopolitical Goals ‘Demonizing’ Global Leaders … By demonizing leaders of Iraq, Libya, Syria and Russia, the West was realizing its own geopolitical plans, political analysts conclude. Ekaterina Blinova — While pursuing own economic and geopolitical goals the West often uses its favorite ‘demonizing’ strategy against its rivals” February 21, 2015

Enemy of the People

Baltimore Sun “Five dead in ‘targeted attack’ at Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, police say; Laurel man charged with murder” Kevin Rector and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs June 28, 2018

Baltimore Sun “Trump, who calls journalists ‘enemy of the people,’ offers support after Capital Gazette shootings” Yvonne Wenger and Jill Colvin Contact Reporter June 29, 2018

Boston Globe “Calif. man charged with making threatening calls to Globe” Milton Valencia and John R. Ellement Globe Staff August 30, 2018

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