Thursday, September 6, 2018

New York Times Unleashed!

Warmongering Regime Changing Assassins’ Rant

his is a further demonstration of journalistic disingenuousness compounded by “writer” cowardice on the editorial pages of a dominant corporate rag:
That brought the United States and the world endless War against Iraq; and, with it, the killing and maiming of children, men, women and their unborn, the destruction of vast land and institutions—still happening today.
That brought press complicity in the demonizing and killing not only of Iraq’s head of state but of the leaders and heads of state in numerous other countries including the countries and occupied territories of Palestine, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Bahrain, the Caribbean, Central and South America.

Super-powered New York Times brings Regime Change flames to the USA.

Self-justifying its September 5, 2018 (WMD-like) publishing of text by an unnamed entity— human, collective, mole, robot (?) — The “Lady” leads with this disingenuous (“rare step”) line:
“The Times today is taking the rare step of publishing an anonymous Op-Ed essay…. ”

wo of hundreds of Reported Responses

Zero Hedge Tyler Durden September 6, 2018 “Trump Saboteur Op-Ed Backfires…: the author claiming
“to be actively working against Trump in collusion with other senior officials in … a ‘resistance inside the Trump administration’ has now been labeled everything from a coward, to treasonous, to nonexistent.”
Zero Hedge Tyler Durden AGAIN on September 6, 2018: The president responded by questioning the authenticity of the New York Times op-ed “writer”—
“Does the so-called ‘Senior Administration Official’ really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source?’” And
“‘If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!’”

U.S. President William McKinley, the twenty-fifth U.S. president, is shot in Western New York by 28-year old Leon Czolgosz. 

Before losing consciousness, President McKinley reportedly orders his bodyguards “not to hurt his assailant.”

The president had been struck by two bullets: one puncturing the sternum, the other his abdomen. President McKinley was rushed into surgery and was thought to have been recovering. 

Eight days after the shooting, the president was dead. The cause: “gangrene” in his internal wound “that had gone undetected.”

There are many ways of wounding and destroying an individual, the head and the whole; presidents and whole countries including the United States of America itself. Death is dealt by all manner of weaponry—from nuclear bombs and pistols to disingenuously reckless and recklessly disingenuous words.


New York Times

Zero Edge

History dot com

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