Monday, September 10, 2018

Face it, Fellas, She’s Tough!

Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders is good. Better than good, she’s the best inside The Beltway. Wise to Wiseacres, Adept in Facing down Smart Alecks, Discrediting Wisenheimers 

he former career campaign manager and political adviser; and current White House Press Secretary today met and answered Washington’s Wisenheimer Corps (the side heads are mine)

New York Times Op-ed Blunder
SEHS: “… [T]he White House and staff here are focused on doing our jobs and trying to show up here every day and better [serve] the American people; not deal with cowards that refuse to put their names in an anonymous letter.”
… [I]t’s sad and pathetic that a gutless anonymous source could receive so much attention from the media.”[italic added]
Wisenheimer Corps Deals “First Amendment” Card
SEHS: “I think it’s less about that part of it and whether somebody is actively trying to undermine the executive branch of the government and a duly elected president of the United States….
If they [anonymous] don’t want to be part of that process, they shouldn’t be here.”

egime Change
Wisenheimer Corps Deals 25th Amendment Card
SEHS: “The fact that that’s actually being honestly discussed is ridiculous; and [to Americans who cast their votes for Donald Trump for president] …, it’s insulting.”
 Former Journalist Bob Woodward’s Second Time around Might Be Sloppy Journalism

EHS: “A number of people have come out and said Woodward never even reached out to corroborate statements Woodward attributed to them, which seems incredibly reckless for a book that makes such outrageous claims —
to not even take the time to get a $10 fact-checker to call around and verify that some of these quotes had happened.
“No effort was made.
It seems like a very careless and reckless way to write a book.”


Boston Globe “White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at Monday’s briefing”
Jaclyn Reiss Globe Staff   September 10, 2018

CNN “Follow the White House press briefing” Veronica Rocha and Brian Ries September 10, 2018

 Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved


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