Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/11/18 Commemoration Call for Reversal of USA Course and Character

Lead with a foreign policy of active peace and nonviolence


No monument or thoughts and prayers can stop terror, torment, torture or retaliation. No statue or stone can end the self-serving proclivity for provocation, corruption, chaos and division.

No remembrance parades and stars and stripes and moments of silence can bring nations to live in peace, free their citizens and inhabitants to live productively, creatively and without fear. No commemoration, no remembrance conveys either mettle or morsel of credibility, honesty or authenticity — as long as select, super-nuclear-powered belligerently threatening nations and inordinately powerful, reckless and callous leadership oppresses the great majorities of the world’s peoples and, with impunity, commits unspeakable atrocities against them.

t is better to heal than to kill.
Better to be lawful than to undermine the rule of law
Better to be the consistent example of the rule of law than to court expediency  
Better to talk than to torture
Better to build bridges than erect walls
Better to share bread than sell bombs
Better to earnestly seek understanding than to demand understanding
Better to humbly respect than to demand allegiance
Better to debate with words, civilly, than to demonize with belligerence
Better to serve than to sanction with starvation, disease and war.
Better authentic courage of nonviolence than false courage of violence
n opposition to the present course and in direct reversal to America’s present course and character of leadership, we Americans must desist in being comfortable while others suffer. 
Insist that our nation change its attitude and actions so that it is positioned among nations not over or against them—respectfully with.
Without airs of superiority!
With engagement absent belligerence or lecture!
We Americans must insist that leaders invest our nation’s energy and power in helping to bring nations together for the good of all nations and peoples. 

nly with a reversal of course and change of character will we remember historic moments with clean hands and a clear conscience. 

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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