Sunday, November 18, 2018

Legislative Public Service Award Winner loses Ga. Governorship won by Rogue-53,000 Exec

How insider Maneuvering, Incompetence compounds Corruption, festers, feeds ROT and Regress

Two Georgia Contenders


emp, Brian Porter: business sector employee, demagogue, expedient partisan
Graduate: Athens Academy (K3-12 private college prep., former segregation academy), University of Georgia
Career in construction and development, former Georgia State Senator (2003-2007), appointed Georgia Secretary of State appointed (2010) overseeing elections and election data


brams, Stacey Yvonne: American politician, legislator, lawyer, writer
Graduate Spelman College (1995, political science, economics, sociology BA magna cum laude), University of Texas, Austin (1998 public policy, LBJ School of Public Affairs Master of Public Affairs), Yale University (1999 law degree, Juris Doctor)
Career: Law and Public service: Legal Practice (early 2000s): Deputy City Attorney for Atlanta, Georgia (2002)
Georgia General Assembly: Georgia House of Representatives Member (2007-2017): 84th district January 8, 2007 – January 14, 2013; 89th district January 14, 2013 – August 25, 2017
Georgia House of Representatives Minority Leader (January 10, 2011 – July 1, 2017) (Legislation focused on issues such as criminal-justice reforms; improved public transportation, healthcare, public education)

Well known: Abrams has received numerous local, state and national public service awards and fellowships
Well known: Kemp has established a record of alleged Criminal Acts and Conflicts of interests


emp’s off-the-police-blotter Rap Sheet

Conflict of Interest, Secret Insider Dealing

Owns companies owing “$800,000+ in loans (terms secret) to a community bank where he is a founding board member and stockholder.”….  “‘[I]insider loans’ are legal” IF the bank extends “the same terms” “to any other lender.” Kemp refused to make public his loans’ terms.

While Secretary of State Declares candidacy for Georgia governorship March 2017
Held simultaneous positions of candidate and his party’s nominee for Governor of Georgia and Georgia’s Secretary of State “responsible for overseeing voter registration rolls and vetting the 2018 election results”
Failed to heed calls, including from former U.S. president/former Georgia governor Jimmy Carter, to resign from the position of Georgia Secretary of State

Fox in Henhouse 
Two days before two-party gubernatorial Election Day his office announces an investigation of “unspecified ‘possible cybercrimes’” by the opposing party.
Firmly ensconced in his appointive then reelected Secretary of State position (2010, 2014) —
His office (2012-2018) cancels more than “1.4 million voter registrations”— erased nearly “700,000” of these “in 2017 alone.”


nvestigative journalism group finds  
“…of the approximately 534,000 Georgians whose voter registrations were purged between 2016 and 2017, more than 334,000 (of the people) still lived where they were registered.”
Eight months after he declares his candidacy for the governorship, he oversees removals of registered voters: on “a single day in July 2017,” his office removes more than “500,000 registered Georgia voters from voter rolls”—“approximately 8 percent of Georgia’s registered voters”!
ne month before Election Day November 6, 2018
His office has “on hold more than 53,000 voter registration applications”

Post Election results

The Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported that Kemp’s “margin of victory” in the gubernatorial race was “1.4 percentage points” (“54,723” votes more than his opponent, Stacey Abrams).

Road to Rigging 2018
aranoia, states’ rights, regression, lockdown, cover-up
Kemp rejects federal attempts “to strengthen the security of (all U.S. states) election systems, including improving access to federal cyber security assistance,” claiming the effort is “an assault on states’ rights” [Georgia languishes as one of fourteen states choosing to use “electronic voting machines,” producing no paper record; thus throwing into question or jeopardizing the integrity, vulnerability, and technical functionality or viability of the election processes and system.]
2015 (October 2015): “the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, under Kemp’s leadership, erroneously distributes personal data (including Social Security numbers and dates of birth) of 6.2 million registered Georgia voters.”
2016 (December): Kemp accuses the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “of attempting to hack his office’s computer network, including the voter registration database, implying that it was retribution for his previous refusal to work with DHS.” Kemp continued to denounce attempts to improve critical infrastructure of voting systems as an “assault on states’ rights.”
2018 (August): Emory University professor Carol Anderson criticizes Kemp as an “enemy of democracy” and “an expert in voter suppression.”


eorgia is my birthplace and, this far out, into the 21st century, I am ashamed of what Georgians allow Georgians to get away with.

Partisanship and any other tribalism aside, this man is not only a disgrace, he is a rogue in the house, a criminal or all but criminal in government, who should be placed in another state institution with bars on the doors until he is admits his wrong and is certified as having been rehabilitated. 

If he is not checked and chastised, the rot and regress will continue. And the public will be denied the services of truly able, clean, qualified and caring public servants.

In the meantime, I am encouraged by the November 17, 2018, election-concluding words of the Hon. Stacey Abrams:  
Together, we redefined the politics of possible in the Deep South

The Hill “Georgia certifies elections results in bitterly fought governor’s race” November 17, 2018 Aris Folley

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