Monday, November 19, 2018

Predators’ Carefully Taught Pattern: “Entitled” Abuse

Church Parish to Police Precinct
Perversion in Positions of Authority
CATHOLIC PRIESTS, nuns, members of religious orders’ Sexual Abuse of the vulnerable—boys and girls, some as young as 3 years old, the majority between the ages of 11 and 14—has been rampant and concealed for decades in countries across the world including the United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Belgium, France, Germany and Australia.
atholic hierarchy has responded to sexual abuse allegations by sealing the allegations and moving abusive priests to other parishes—where the abuses continued.

Perversion among the Religious
Unreported by Catholic hierarchy (Toronto, Canada, November 14, 2018): “Police said the investigation involved St. Michael’s College School, an all-boys Catholic institution that teaches grades 7 through 12” and “… a (circulating) video depicting an alleged assault,” an alleged sexual assault incident about which the “school did not notify” the police “as claimed by the school’s principal.”

Pattern of perversion among the young Religious —
ATHOLIC STUDENTS (Toronto, Canada, November 17, 2018): “The locker-room assault captured on video,” a copy of which is said to be in the possession of the Toronto, “meets the definition of child pornography… and (any member of the public) possessing a copy should delete it immediately.”
perversion passed on to the young Religious — 
CATHOLIC STUDENTS (Toronto, Canada, November 19, 2018): Police report six boys who attended St. Michael’s College School facing charges of “assault, gang sexual assault, and sexual assault with a weapon in connection with an incident that allegedly took place on campus and was captured on video.” Inspector Dominic Sinopoli told the press that police “have reason to believe there are more incidents and more videos.”

ong unchecked road of 
Church-State Perversion

NYPD-Louima case 1997:
Officers of the New York City Police Department arrest then “assault, brutalize, and use a broken-off broom handle to forcibly sodomize” 30-year-old Haiti Native (Brooklyn resident) Abner Louima.


National Post “Police say Toronto private school didn’t report alleged sexual assault that led to expulsions— A video depicting an alleged assault has been linked to the all-boys Catholic institution that teaches grades 7 through 12” Police say they launched an investigation into the alleged incident … after officers were contacted by the media” The Canadian Press November 14 updated November 15, 2018
National Post “Broomstick sexual assault at Toronto’s St. Michael’s school involved members of football team” Christie Blatchford November 16, 2018 updated November 17, 2018
The Canadian Press National Post  “St. Michael’s College School: Police say there may be ‘more incidents and more videos’ Five of the teens turned themselves in to police this morning, while a sixth was arrested on his way to school”  Liam Casey, Nicole Thompson November 19, 2018

Wikipedia Abner Louima
Wikipedia Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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