Saturday, December 15, 2018

Billion-Dollar pillage locks in Destitution

Uncle Sam-funded Church Proclaims poverty elimination while Stealing income


onprofit Profit-taking Charity

Sporting the “brand” “Catholic,” the “Catholic Charities USA” reportedly “had revenues of $4.7 billion”—$2.9 billion of which came from the US government” (2010 report). An estimated “$140 million came from donations from diocesan churches,” the rest “from in-kind contributions, investments, program fees, and community donations.” 

In 2017, Catholic Charities’ (Archdiocese of Washington) annual shindig no poor person can afford hauled in $2.4 million.

While the numbers of homelessness and helplessness rise year after year, as more and more Americans find themselves begging on street corners and sleeping under bridges and on sidewalks, CCUSA touts itself as “Working to reduce poverty in America” its long history extending to the 1900s. 

Into the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s “nearly a quarter,” then more than half, then 60 percent, respectively, of the CCUSA’s income came from the Treasury of the United States of America.

According to a Washington Times study, in a three-year period (2012-2015), “the Catholic Church and related Catholic charities and schools collected, at Uncle Sam’s expense, more than $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts and grants in a far-reaching relationship that spans from ‘school lunches for grammar school students’ to contracts across the globe ‘to care for the poor and needy.’”

All that money a criminal’s paradise

Though it is impossible to do so, if we set aside the egregious human crimes such as the rape and brainwashing committed by the pious against children over decades, there is also ample opportunity for and mounting evidence of the pious’ theft to support their other peculiar predilections and perversions. 

And as with rapes, brainwashing and other abuses—the perpetrators tend to get away with their crimes.

riminal “Pious” Inside
Blessed are the poor, for the “righteous” are keeping you poor.
  • ABC News reporting July 9, 2013
A Roman Catholic nun connected with western New York churches steals cash from parishioners’ weekly plate offerings and other checks totaling “$128,000.” 

Her crime was rewarded with 90 days in jail, five years’ probation, 100 community service hours, and an order to pay back the money.

  1. Isn’t the profession of nuns supposed to be “community service” and how does a nun have time for gambling, as this nun was reportedly doing with her ill-gotten gains?
  2. If she was too poor to fund her gambling habit in the first place, where is she going to get a $128,000 payback?
In other words, she got away with it.
  • Associated Press reporting April 10, 2017
A Monsignor purloins half a million dollars “from a priest retirement home near Philadelphia.” His lawyer said the priest said he was sorry. Federal prosecutors made the charge and, at last report, the priest stayed on. He got away with his crime.
  • USA Today/ KABC reporting December 11, 2018
Two nuns went on traveling, Las Vegas gambling jaunts with thousands of dollars they reportedly embezzled from a Catholic school’s treasury of “tuition, fees and donations.”

The archdiocese reportedly “notified police but doesn’t plan to press charges.” The sisters got away with their crimes.

lessed are the poor for they shall remain poor as long as the pious are in charge of ending poverty.

Catholic Charities USA

Washington Times “Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012” Kelly Riddell September 24, 2015

ABC News “Gambling Nun Stole Nearly $130k from Churches Over Five Years” Alexis Shaw

Gambling 911 “Priest Stole Hundreds of Thousands to Fund Gambling Addiction”

USA Today “Two nuns accused of stealing thousands of dollars, gambling in Las Vegas” Brett Molina, December 11, 2018

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