Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Snookered: Falling-on-the-floor Laughable

“Russians coming”— for “American” “stuff,” Negroes,” “Values” (?)

Inside Job

Tragedy-making Channelers of Distraction

A report reviewed by Amazon’s Washington Post and WMDs’ New York Times disseminated as the U.S. Senate's attempt to dispel disinformation. Its contracted authors: 
  • New Knowledge consultancy with research aides
  • Oxford University connections, and
  • Graphika  research firm (UK)
Specialists in disinformation, the report producers and directors apparently have concocted a document of distraction for mass consumption penned by a man who “spent 15 years at the NSA” (the agency that spied on the German Chancellor and other heads of state and non heads of state, foreign and domestic, not to mention all those calculated assassinations!).

Operatives of this nature can make up anything on the spot, out of whole cloth. Congress members can barely read English let along computer code. But when it suits their agenda or self-interest, the combined U.S. Congress-mass media-identity professionals will lock on to and run with any drivel such as “the Russians are coming for our Negroes and/or our stuff”!

New Knowledge cofounders
Chief Ops officer Ryan Fox (veteran NSA, JSOC)
CEO Jonathon Morgan (former adviser on ‘digital counter-terrorism’ U.S Department of State; writer for New York Times, NBC, NPR, Wired, CNN, The Guardian-UK, and VICE
Face It

hat is really laughable about such a “report” is that the United States, through its power brokers, partisans and panderers, is its own divider and conqueror, without peer or parallel. We don’t need Russia or any other entity or people to do what we have been doing to ourselves—in  contemporary times extending, more and more feverishly, from the Reagan era through the current era.
he government of the United States of America is riddled with rot, incompetence and corruption in public officials who endlessly need to divert attention from their failures; and from the U.S.’s perilously broken institutions and undemocratic systems that they entrench and perpetuate.

As to Negroes (aka “African Americans”), this is really funny.

After all the years our foremothers courageously fought and died for the right of all Americans to participate in the electoral process, if Negro Americans do not vote today, it is their own fault. I know from direct observation that many people, Negro and not, make the deliberate and careless decision not to vote!
One need only check the numbers, hard data. No manufactured Russians required.

f Negroes (or any citizens) do not bother to research and scrutinize contenders for public office (using all those gadgets they make themselves debt slaves to enrich the obscenely rich); if the NAACP and ilk can waste time and money congratulating themselves and handing out awards to the Clintons&Co—the fault lies with Negroes. The fault—in hard facts, on its face—lies squarely and solely with Americans.

Russia did it? No, I’m not interested in buying the Brooklyn Bridge or property in Lake Michigan!  

Even Worse
Reporting lies about Russians coming for Negroes or directing their vote or citizenry duty is laughable but relatively minor when compared with the U.S.-UK-led Global Cabal of disruption and disinformation, divide and destroy. 

In an article last week by Robert Stevens, True Publica exposes an even more insidious cabal of power brokers operating against democracy. Established in 2015 by “the Institute of Statecraft” or “IoS” (co-founded by Facebook), this sinister operation bears the name “Integrity Initiative.”

“Leading figures at the IoS” are said to channel a “constant barrage of propaganda, including influencing social media discussion—with the most obvious target being Russia(Emphasis added) in service to the aims of British imperialism.

These clustered figures from around the world, Stevens says, include
  • Politicians
  • Military officials (high-ranking ones)
  • Academics and
  • Journalists
Dirt with Deep pockets

The Integrity Initiative “receives hundreds of thousands of pounds from (the U.S. dominated) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).”
  • In Fiscal Year 2017-2018, UK’s Foreign Office reportedly “granted £296,500” ($375,013.20) to the Integrity Initiative, which, Stevens says, has “all the hallmarks of covert MI5/MI6 intelligence black ops.”
  • In FY 2018-2019 “the Integrity Initiative” is slated to “receive nearly seven times (the £296,500 figure)—£1,961,000 ($2,480,272.80).
Fix It

mericans should be protesting the preservation of backwardness and ignorance in the body politic. 

They should protest the denial of proper teaching and learning in spaces that are inviting, where populations and student-teacher ratio is low; and there exists proper personal discipline and respectfulness, and where thought, ideas, and questioning are open and free.
Americans—particularly Americans, but and more broadly the world’s peoples—should be continuously attentive and deeply concerned about domestic and geopolitical happenings: the “who” and “what,” precisely; and more importantly, the “why” and “how.”
Learn to probe, discern truth, fact from fiction.
Understand that focusing on and creating frenzies, accepting manufactured and propagandized “enemies” is a dangerous and tragic miscalculation that serves self-annihilation.


RT “Racist ‘Russians’ targeted African-Americans in 2016 election ploy, reports claim” December 18, 2018 https://www.rt.com/usa/446732-senate-report-election-russians/

“New Knowledge describes itself as an outfit specializing in ‘disinformation defense.’ Its co-founder and chief operations officer Ryan Fox - whose name is on the report – ‘spent 15 years at the NSA’ and before that was a computer network operations (CNO) analyst for the US Army’s Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC).

New Knowledge CEO and co-founder Jonathon Morgan “is a former State Department adviser on ‘digital counter-terrorism’ who has written for the New York Times, NBC, NPR, Wired, CNN, The Guardian, and VICE.

True Publica “The Integrity Initiative (II), funded by the UK, US governments and NATO, played a central role in efforts to discredit and remove Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn”
Robert Stevens December 14, 2018 https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/exposed-the-establishment-facebook-and-mainstream-journalists-gang-up-against-democracy/

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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