Saturday, February 16, 2019

Carelessly Modeling Death for the Masses: Day 57 Thoughts on SABOTAGE

Gun-toting Street Fighters Pay, High-placed Killers “Get Away with Murder”

We hear performances and party lines for and against guns, for and against gun-carry, gun-concealment, gun permits or non permits, gun shows and interstate gun transport, Internet and 3D guns, type and performance of guns.

Our education environments (and often workplaces) today are contained-mob scenes, power kegs and prison-like conditions where the young and their minders distract themselves with mind-numbing ring toning Smart (dummy) phones.

We hear about guns but never about minds and the sabotage (or programming) of impressionable and developing minds. We never hear about all-round, 24/7 CNN’ized influences on the minds of our fellow Americans.

Politicians, activists and media types talk guns. And though the images are all around them, they never speak of the United States models of death and murder—the murderers who set the example for the masses; but who, unlike the masses, never get caught or called out—who get away with their crimes.

This week marked a year since a mass school shooting in Florida and news came of another multiple-casualty shooting, this time in a workplace, in Aurora, Illinois. As usual, these events were accompanied by a nonsensical mantra of thoughts and prayers and hopes and wringing hands and “I just don't understand” — the pathetic murmurings of a would-be intelligent people.

ommon variety killers whether neighbors or coworkers or police officers may have a gun in their hands but they also have killer programming in their minds, programming that comes from daily reportage of elite men and women in high office (and on their orders, obedient soldiers, mercenaries, henchman) getting away with murder. These are the murderous modeling minds (or molders of minds) ensconced in the U.S. House of Representatives, in the U.S. Senate, in the White House, and down the chain of aides, advisers and appointees, sons-in-law and shock jocks. These are the modelers who kill with impunity.

Unlike Joe Blow (or Jane, if you like), 
  • Not one of these men and women has stood before a hall of justice for their crimes.
  • None have been prosecuted. 
  • Those on Capitol Hill usually remain entrenched in public office until a hearse chariots them away; after which they are covered in red white and blue roses, lovingly eulogized, honored with flags at half mast, State funerals, and/or interred at Arlington.
Let’s take a look at just a few of the U.S. Presidents who have gotten away with murder.

wenty-six years (1993 – 2019) of U.S. Executive Office violent foreign aggression with enthusiastic Legislative support or Acquiescence  U.S. Foreign War, Interventions, Targeted Assassinations, Regime Change, Killer Sanctions 
  • William Jefferson “Bill” Blythe Clinton (tenure in office 1993–2001): interventions in Haitian government and elections; bombing Somalia and Afghanistan and Sudan; overthrow of the Indonesian President Suharto using International Monetary Fund and leaving hundreds dead; interference in elections, regime change, bombing of (former) Yugoslavia; coup attempt against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and bombing of Iraq, overt 1998 “Iraq Liberation Act” to remove Iraq’s head of state
  • George Walker Bush (tenure in office 2001–2009): War on Afghanistan, War on Iraq and killing of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, remote-control wars on Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia; intervention in Colombia, South America; In Palestine U.S. overthrow of duly elected Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, U.S. funnels millions in secret training and armaments to an opposition group to conduct a bloody war against the leader, rebuffs third-party efforts to mediate the situation and end the killing of Palestinians; U.S. and/or Israelis consorting with drug traffickers and terrorists against Iran; U.S. interventions in Syria from 2006 under GW Bush through the Obama government into the Trump government, insidious and openly violent attempts to overthrow the Syrian government  
  • Barack Hussein Obama (tenure in office 2009–2016); known for assassinations list; Syria: continued airstrikes and clandestine ops aimed at overthrowing government of Syria; War on Afghanistan continued; War on Iraq continued 2010-2014 and resumed in 2015; Libya: clandestine CIA ops to overthrow government, overt military intervention, naval blockade, ensuing economic and societal chaos, and assassination of Libya’s head of state, Muammar Gaddafi (2012 death of U.S. ambassador J. Christopher Stevens); Egypt: U.S. continues to funnel military aid to a “post-coup government” while U.S. officials deny the 2013 Egyptian coup d’état ever happened; Yemen: “Joint Planning Cell” with Saudi Arabia in military aggression against Yemen, U.S. Naval assistance, naval blockade; Venezuela March 2015 (erroneously) declared a threat to United States national security, January 17, 2017 (parting aggression before leaving office) renews national emergency declaration, continuing targeted sanctions against Venezuela.
  • Donald John Trump (tenure in office 2016 – present) Syria: U.S. marines on ground; onslaught on Yemen continues: the brutal attack, blockade and continued repression and bombardment of Yemen have caused the world’s greatest humanitarian disaster. By May 2018, according to a United Nations report, “13 million Yemeni civilians faced starvation”; Venezuela August 11, 2017 “all options on table mantra” while likely conducting clandestine ops, false flags, NGO skullduggery: U.S. President Donald Trump said that he is ‘not going to rule out a military option’ to confront the autocratic government of Nicolás Maduro and the deepening crisis in Venezuela.
[The duly elected Venezuelan government is neither authoritarian nor a dictatorship, as claimed by U.S. leaders. The U.S. allied Saudis are the dictators and authoritarians and barbarians who carry out criminal justice by chopping off people’s heads].   

Regarding the U.S. involvement in Yemen, one critical suggestion being whispered about U.S. government’s involvement in the atrocities against Yemen is that
…as a “legal ‘co-belligerent’ in the conflict, U.S. military personnel could be prosecuted for war crimes.”
As to the U.S. involvement in Venezuela, former UN Rapporteur Alfred de Zayas has correctly called U.S. sanctions on Venezuela (a killer method used against Iraq, Indonesia and other places)
…illegal as they constitute “economic warfare” and
…could amount to ‘crimes against humanity’ under international law.
Moreover, any attempt to overthrow sovereign governments or stage coups d’etatis stands in violation of international law.
owever, we know another sad fact.
United States leadership (exemplified in contemporary times in the rabid ravings of John Bolton) has for many years in the post-World War II era worked in every way it could—through belligerence, bullying, browbeating, blackmail and sinister maneuverings, personal attacks on and public insult of nations and leaders —to undermine, overthrow, dissolve, disestablish and utterly destroy the United Nations and its founding principles.

This is a partial rendering of the global example of violent aggression and getting away with murder that is held up to the world generally; and particularly to the men, women and developing minds of the United States of America.
Destroy without conscience, with a sense of entitlement, with impunity!
SABOTAGE national and international!
The time has long past in U.S. domestic and international affairs for high-placed and high-powered criminals to be called criminals. No more “humanitarian” fabrications, no more accepted excuses or other pretexts for violence. There is ample evidence of their crimes as many of these criminals have boasted of their behavior.

Carelessly Callous Hawks
Former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger: 
“We were fairly clever in that we supported the IMF as it overthrew [Suharto]”
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright on U.S. War, Sanctions against Iraq answers question “We have heard that half a million children have died …; that’s more children than died in Hiroshima (World War II) …; is the price worth it?” ALBRIGHT:
“I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.”
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Assassination of Libya’s head of state:
“We came, we saw, he died.”
t is time for these criminals to be arrested, charged and indicted by an unbiased international law enforcement establishment. It is time for them to stand or be forced to stand before an independent, truly impartial international court of justice.


InfoPlease “Military Conflicts in U.S. History”

List of Assassinations
List of Invasions
United States Involvement in Regime Change
Sanctions against Iraq (Albright quote included)

CBS news “Clinton on Qaddafi: ‘We came, we saw, he died’”— “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shared a laugh with a television news reporter moments after hearing deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed. ‘We came, we saw, he died,’ she joked when told of news reports of Qaddafi's death by an aide in between formal interviews.” By Corbett Daly  Updated October 20, 2011 / 11:21 PM / CBS News,

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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