Sunday, February 17, 2019

Thoughts on SABOTAGE DAY 58

People, Politicians, Political Establishment’s Public Disrespectfulness

The show must go. Standards must be raised and adhered to by all.

The pageantry of congressional hearings and the back and forth of bashing tweets by public officials must cease.

ualifying Standards for people who present themselves as candidates for elective office, whom others present as nominees for appointive office, or as special advisers or aides — besides possessing the pertinent experience and education or training — they should have no record of either conviction of criminal acts including corruption and other civil infractions (pardoned or not); nor at presentation should they be under a cloud or the subject of any kind of investigation, criminal or civil.

If ordinary people who have served time in prison are barred from citizenry duties and rights such as voting, how is it possible that a convicted felon can be nominated and/or considered for public office, elective or appointive? Elliot Abrams should never have been nominated by a U.S. President nor considered by the Congress of the United States. The lack or weakening of standards lowers the stature, caliber, integrity, trustworthiness of Government.

oth bodies of the U.S. House and Senate have instituted various “ethics” processes and committees but they seem lacking in clarity, naturally bent toward self protection (and balance of party membership on the committee), and without sufficient substantive procedures, scrutiny and sincerity for covering basic behavior or critical ethical or criminal matters. With the present and powerfully supported political campaign finance system, a portrait and personification of corruption, it is hard to believe that either the Executive or the Legislative of Government branch is capable of self-policing or self-discipline.

  • In the Executive Branch is the “United States of Government Ethics (OGE) charged with overseeing “the executive branch ethics program” and working “with a community of ethics practitioners made up of nearly 5,000 ethics officials in more than 130 agencies to implement that program.” This massive muddle, however, seems to fall short of scrutinizing appointees, fully investigating them prior to Executive appointment or presentation to Congress for consideration.
  • In the U.S. House of Representatives is the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), “an independent, non-partisan entity charged with reviewing allegations of misconduct against Members, officers, and staff of the U.S. House of Representatives and, when appropriate, referring matters to the House Committee on Ethics.” 
  • In the U.S. Senate a “Select Committee on Ethics”  “charged (vaguely) with dealing with matters related to senatorial ethics.”

So we continue thoughts of derailing SABOTAGE …

he circus or show that calls itself the congressional hearing process must go.

Standards of civility, respectfulness, decorum (and no more pay-to-play or payoffs of “playmates,” subjects for another article) on all sides must be laid down, cemented and distributed to all incoming and sustaining members of and aides to Congress; and placed in the Congressional Record for public reading.

An independent observer must be charged with monitoring, checking and correcting adherence to these standards.  And without exception or exemption — consequences (censure, published report, expulsion, etc.) must follow for those who fail to adhere to strict standards.

espect earns Respect.
Processes, People, Professionalism, Position deserve Respect

To correct the rollercoaster of sabotage in this area, 
  • Congressional hearings should be held off-camera.
  • All video and audio equipment barred, allowing only still photography, and official stenography for producing a transcript of all hearings for same-day distribution to the press and the public at large via the Congressional Record and/or other congressional online sources.
  • Visitors (members of the press, groups, general public where space is sufficient to accommodate them) at these off-camera congressional hearings may take notes but they too must adhere to strict standards of civility, respectfulness, and decorum. 
  • No outbursts interrupting proceedings or attacking individuals. 
  • No obscenities in word or gestures. 
  • No insults.
Such behaviors do not rise to the level of serious and substantive expressions protected under the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of free speech, free press, and free assembly. They are acts of rudeness, disrespect that should not be tolerated.
Overt expressions of opposition, protests of persons, places, things, acts, or ideas can be made in a variety of venues besides the workplace of congressional hearings.

Misusing or foolishly using statutory rights, fundamental rights under law, ultimately diminishes their truth, their substantive value — rendering them out of reach for ordinary people who rely not on high-end lawyers but on secure constitutional guarantees of by and for the people of the United States.

espect earns Respect.
Processes, People, Professionalism, Position deserve Respect

Whether people are office holders, nominees or members of the general public — respectfulness is (and should be) expected and expressed.

Behavior on all sides of the political establishment and protest has caused distrust, dishonor and destructiveness. With proper standards set and kept, we can amend and end these manifestations of SABOTAGE.  



In the case of the “Iran–Contra affair” (1985–1986) — “A secret sale of arms to Iran, to secure the release of hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras, in violation of the Boland Amendment”— Elliott Abrams, then-Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, was convicted of withholding evidence and sentenced to “2 years’ probation.” He later received a pardon by U.S. President George H. W. Bush.

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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