Monday, February 18, 2019

Ensuring always Surpasses Upstart: USA SABOTAGE international

Belly-Bullying Farce datelined Warsaw Valentine

Pompeo and his paunch are the personification of U.S. foreign relations policy and practice for selfish purposes pushes people and nations aside — applying inordinate force
  • instead of nonviolently settling conflicts, concerns and disputes;
  • instead of cooperating multilaterally toward uplift and basic health and welfare benefits, human advancement of all nations and peoples,
  • instead of negotiating with integrity and keeping world peace and sustaining agreements, free and nondestructive trade agreements, free and fair competition and innovation beneficial to all nations and peoples,
  • instead of adhering to the rule of law.
“Polish government organizes ‘a conference dictated by the US.’”
ompeo and Pence strutting in foreign affairs positions for which they are clearly unsuited threw an anti-Iran conference in Warsaw, Poland last week. And a gleefully emboldened Benjamin Netanyahu tweets
“‘What is important about this meeting, and it is not in secret ... is that this is an open meeting with representatives of leading Arab countries, that are sitting down together with Israel in order to advance the common interest of war with Iran.’” Caught the tweet disappears.
Leaders of opposing views were either not invited or declined the offer. 
Distinguished Italian Foreign Affairs Minister and current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini declined to attend the Warsaw conference; as did top leaders of Germany, France, and the European Union. Also not in attendance to this U.S.-Israeli anti-Iran spectacle were Iranian, Palestinian, Russian leaders.
Some Pols took to the streets or otherwise protested the meeting and the U.S.’s misuse and geopolitical blackmail of the Polish people. Some of their comments:
“…Why do we now have to put up with American (rockets)? We don’t want Poland to constantly be a frontier state.’”
Leftist movement “Stop the War” protesters at the Royal Castle in Warsaw: “‘We are against the submissive attitude that Poland is displaying with regard to the US.’” Left and right-wing groups reportedly were in agreement “that no one should debate issues concerning one country without its representatives taking part.”
February 16, 2019 Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivers a speech broadcast from Beirut, Lebanon’s capital:
“The Warsaw conference (held on February 13-14) did not give us a scare at all. Its primary goals were to isolate Iran, mobilize support for normalization of ties with Israel and pull the plug on the Palestinian cause, given the fact that no Palestinian delegate was among the attendees.”

ll will never submit. Those submitting will not submit forever. More and more will demand to stand on their own.
Finian Cunningham’s “US-led anti-Iran circus in Warsaw unravels as farce”
 “Most nations know that Washington’s obsession with confronting Iran is not a viable policy. Indeed, it is a reprehensible pathology which only seems to resonate with the unhinged regimes of Israeli and Saudi warmongering despots, both of whom were prominent in Warsaw this week.…
“The Trump administration knew it had to hold its Mideast summit in Poland …because it would not be welcome in Western European states. It’s a sign of the times when US diplomacy seems to be only hosted by marginal European states that are too obsequious to snigger at the farce.”

he present course and character of U.S. foreign policy and practice— personified in the bullying prance of a gorging, covetous, gluttonous Pompeo paunch (together a pitiful Pence impertinence) — is destined to end like Humpty Dumpty:
Plummeting face-first from its Wall
Mental and physical, metaphoric and actual Walls.
USA SABOTAGE international DAY 59 Thoughts

News Notes

PressTV “Warsaw conference sought to kill Palestinian cause, isolate Iran: Nasrallah” February 16, 2019

Vox “The US held a global summit to isolate Iran. America isolated itself instead. Witness the Trump administration’s spectacular failure in Poland.” By Alex Ward February 15, 2019,

RT “US-led anti-Iran circus in Warsaw unravels as farce” Finian Cunningham, February 14, 2019

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