Tuesday, July 16, 2019

He deserves pity. We deserve far better

He is the last to sense his sickness. But has it occurred to anyone that Mr. Donald John Trump Sr.’s mental health problems—and he does have serious mental impairment — have to do with
  • (a) his fear of women and
  • (b) his fear of being exposed as a foreigner (as Barack Obama was scared to death people would see him as a Negro)?


aking Trump’s patriarchal line, he is German and only first generation (his generation) North American. 
Comparing my own line, I have known firsthand four U.S. generations (including mine) and I don’t need Ancestry dot com or a DNA test to tell me that.
 The Trumpster is an outsider who likes having his name and/or image splattered on buildings across three continents. Normal people don’t need such insane validation.

All the women in Trump’s life (wife, mother, grandmother were born somewhere outside the United States; they were/are foreigners).

udging from Trump’s record of outbursts, he clearly has unresolved “mother-son” (man/woman) issues manifest in his problems—especially with strong, independent thinking, accomplished, highly qualified women, who see through him. Remember his outbursts against German Chancellor Angel Merkel?

This is a man who never should have been a U.S. president (or head of state anywhere!). Not only because he is patently unqualified for the position; but
because he is also most assuredly mentally ill — so much so that he is blinded by his illness and is too afraid, too weak, or too arrogant to commit himself for some serious non-lackeyed psychoanalysis.

MADNESS INCARNATE! The man deserves our pity.


he United States of America and its people deserve assurances that never again will
(a) Electors elect or reelect a clearly experientially, intellectually and emotionally unqualified and morally and mentally unfit individual to the U.S. presidency; and/or
(b) Citizens allow the U.S. presidency to be purchased.
VERY SICK MAN reported in press stories
  • Vox Media “28 years of Donald Trump insulting women” https://apps.voxmedia.com/graphics/vox-trump-misogny-timeline/
  • Atlanta Journal Constitution “5 insults Donald Trump has made to women” https://www.ajc.com/news/insults-donald-trump-has-made-women/U7rGXYaFlpPvvR1sSt7pfN/
  • 2017 American Progress “100 Days, 100 Ways the Trump Administration Is Harming Women and Families” Sunny Frothingham and Shilpa Phadke April 25, 2017 https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/women/reports/2017/04/25/430969/100-days-100-ways-trump-administration-harming-women-families/
  • 2017 Telegraph UK “Donald Trump sexism tracker: Every offensive comment in one place”    Claire Cohen July 14, 2017 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/politics/donald-trump-sexism-tracker-every-offensive-comment-in-one-place/
  • 2017 Axios “A list of Trump's attacks on prominent women” Stef W. Kight October 16, 2017 https://www.axios.com/a-list-of-trumps-attacks-on-prominent-women-1513303964-8ef61562-4dcc-4cf0-aea6-0ec89457fbc1.html
  • 2018 New Yorker “How Trump Made War on Angela Merkel and Europe: The German Chancellor and other European leaders have run out of patience with the President.” Susan B. Glasser December 17, 2018 https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/12/24/how-trump-made-war-on-angela-merkel-and-europe
  • 2018 Washington Post: “Did Donald Trump just WALK IN FRONT OF THE QUEEN?” – LONDON — “It is generally quite difficult to upstage the queen of England, but President Trump might have managed to do so.” Halla Mohieddeen July 13, 2018 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/07/13/did-donald-trump-just-walk-in-front-of-the-queen/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.47273728e647
  • 2019 Business Insider “The 24 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct” Eliza Relman, June 21, 2019 https://www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12
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