Saturday, July 6, 2019

Son of Immigrants Towers on Immigrants

DJT’s Duplicity

On the winks and nods of politicians and partners, the acquiescence of unmovable bi-partisans; on loopholes and laws legislated, signed, and adjudicated down through the years; on the backs of and earnings stolen from workers (old and new immigrants, documented and undocumented) — a man gets rich and super- towers beyond-reach rich, out of touch with the masses, walled off in a rarefied air of lies, lackeys and leisured billionaires.

And despite walls of protection, the rich man’s duplicity in the immigrant matter oozes out.

The Hill January 2, 2019

ttorney for “five immigrant women who had “worked at President Trump’s New Jersey golf club” said his clients reported ‘a very high number of (undocumented) employees at the golf club who … (had) also (been) brought in to work there and who may share similar stories.’”

Axios April 30, 2019

andidate Trump then U.S. President Donald Trump “has made fighting illegal immigration a core part of his presidency and 2020 re-election campaign, but multiple reports over the past year have revealed that his businesses likely benefited from cheap, undocumented labor.”

The Hill July 6, 2019

The Trump Organization has fires “close to 20 undocumented workers from its golf clubs in recent months, the result of an audit conducted by the Trump Organization after The New York Times reported in December on undocumented people working as housekeepers at the organization’s Bedminster (Somerset County, New Jersey) property.”

Treasury funding Predatory Capitalists

he federal government (as of June 30, 2019)
“… has spent nearly $3.8 billion on ongoing grants and contracts initiated (during the Donald Trump presidency) related to ‘unaccompanied alien children’ (UACs), or undocumented immigrant kids who crossed into the U.S. alone or were separated from adults — family or otherwise — after entering the country.…”
Biggest takers include: “… top nonprofit [i.e., profit-taking] shelter companies … Texas-based Southwest Key Programs ($1.5 billion)”; “New York-based Cayuga Home for Children ($114 million)”; “for-profit businesses … (security firm) MVM ($213 million)”; and … “subsidiary of the company” on whose board is “former Trump DHS Secretary John Kelly…, shelter operator Comprehensive Health Services ($292 million).”
Biggest looters of U.S. Treasury: Trump’s departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
New York Times July 5, 2019
Everybody does it. Why pick on me for hiring my undocumented immigrants 

esponding to his golf clubs and other properties’ immigrant question, U.S. President Donald Trump says
“‘I don’t know because I don’t run it’ … But … probably every club in the United States has that because it seems to be, from what I understand, a way that people did business.’”
The times continues: “Many undocumented workers … at Trump properties including resorts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Westchester County, New York, and Jupiter, Florida, have come forward … and said they were also employed (by the Trump organization) using phony Social Security numbers and green cards.”

Appeal to Humanity
Immigrants break through Duplicity
etter from President Trump from his undocumented workers

Dear President Trump:
All of us signing this letter have worked as undocumented workers at one of your golf clubs; some for more than ten years.
We are writing to respectfully request a meeting with you. We are modest people who represent the dreams of the one million undocumented men, women and children who live and work in this country. We love America and want to talk to you about helping to give us a chance to become legal.
We know you and your family; we worked very hard to make your clubs a success and to keep your members and visitors happy. You know many of us and will recall how hard we worked for you, your family and your golf clubs. We all took great pride in our hard work and years of service to make your clubs successful.
You know we are hard workers and that we are not criminals or seeking a free ride in America. We all pay our taxes, love our faith and our family, and simply want to find a place for ourselves to make America even better.
We want to wake up every day next to our spouse, give our children kisses before they go off to school, and as mothers and fathers, we want to work hard so that our children will follow our example so that their future is part of the destiny of the United States of America. However, in order for this to happen in harmony, we need the opportunity to legalize our immigration status.
We believe you have a heart and will do the right thing to find a home for us here in America so that we can step out of the shadows and not deport us and our friends and family.
Thank you for considering our request.

Humbly yours,
[Handwritten signatures followed]


Axios “Trump Organization under investigation for not paying undocumented workers” Rashaan Ayesh April 30, 2019

The Hill “Attorney says more undocumented workers are employed at Trump golf course” January 2, 2019

The Hill “Undocumented immigrant workers fired from Trump golf clubs seeking White House meeting” by Jessica Campisi July 6, 2019

Truthout “The Nonprofits and Businesses Making Millions From Detaining Migrant Children” June 30, 2019 (article produced by Sludge, an independent, ad-free investigative news site covering money in politics)

New York Times “‘I Don’t Run It’: Trump Responds to Reports of Undocumented Workers at His Properties” by Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs and Miriam Jordan July 5, 2019

Washington Post “Letter from undocumented workers to Trump” July 3, 2019
Business Insider (excerpts) Lauren Frias July 4, 2019

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