Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Dependent Press Channels Propaganda

Swiss Propaganda Research’s “Propaganda Multiplier”

The “Propaganda Multiplier”
“How Global News Agencies and Western Media Report on Geopolitics: A Study by Swiss Propaganda Research” translated by Terje Maloy
2016 / 2019

Excerpt (Editing for presentation)

ower over “The Press”

Traditional media — “… predominantly financed by advertising or the State— represent the geopolitical interests of the transatlantic alliance, given that both the advertising corporations as well as the states themselves are dependent on the transatlantic economic and security architecture [NATO, IMF, World Bank] led by the United States.”

“‘News media are instruments of those who exercise political and economic power.… Newspapers, periodicals, radio and television stations do not act independently, although they have the possibility of independent exercise of power’” (a former AP journalist).

Big 3

Most of the international news coverage in Western media is provided by only three global news agencies:

  • Associated Press (AP) (headquarters New York City)
  • Agence France-Presse (AFP) (headquarters Paris, France
  • Reuters (Thomson Reuters) (headquarters New York City)
Language Fluency Zero

Many major news organizations in Washington, New York, and London have no Arabic language speakers “or at least not enough to be able to have a conversation in it or to follow the local media teams” (and are) usually “dependent on assistants and translators.”

From the ground almost none

Only one correspondent is stationed in “huge countries such as China or India”; two journalists cover South America; and no journalist is “on the ground … in even larger Africa.”

Media organizations rarely have their own foreign correspondents, “so they have no choice but to rely completely on global agencies for foreign news.”

“In war zones, correspondents rarely venture out.”

ire Dependency and Consequences

…Dependency on the global agencies creates a striking similarity in international reporting: from Vienna to Washington …, media often report the same topics, using many of the same phrases—a phenomenon … otherwise … associated with ‘controlled media’ in authoritarian states.

 “News is a conveyor belt in a bread factory” with correspondents standing “at the end of the conveyor belt,” pretending they have baked the loaf of bread when in fact they have merely put the bread “in its wrapping.”

The “typical correspondent” is generally unable “to do independent research, but rather deals with and reinforces those topics that are already prescribed by the news agencies – the notorious ‘mainstream effect’.”

“Dependence on global agencies is a major reason why media coverage of geopolitical conflicts is often superficial and erratic, while historic relationships and background are fragmented or altogether absent.”

…Dominance of global agencies explains why certain geopolitical issues and events – which often do not fit very well into the US/NATO narrative or are too ‘unimportant’ – are not mentioned in (MSM) media at all: if the agencies do not report on something, then most Western media will not be aware of it.”

R, Passivity, Propaganda

“Low journalistic performance of media” and “high dependence on a few news agencies” makes it “easy for interested parties to spread propaganda and disinformation in a supposedly respectable format to a worldwide audience.”

Media entities “help the … military determine public perception and use it for their plans” (a veteran correspondent).

The method used by media and the U.S. military to spread information “makes it impossible for readers, listeners or viewers to trace the original source.”

“Intelligence services also have a large number of direct contacts in media,” to which they can, “if necessary, ‘leak’ information.”

The Propaganda Multiplier

  • Governments
  • Military services
  • Intelligence services
  • …using global news agencies to disseminate their messages to a worldwide audience
“Through this ‘propaganda multiplier,’ dubious stories from PR experts working for governments, military and intelligence services reach the general public — more or less unchecked and unfiltered.”

As sources used by major media in London, Washington and New York (e.g., “‘military circles,’ ‘anonymous government officials,’ ‘intelligence officials,’ and the like”) are hard to verify, such unverifiable entities can use media “for the dissemination of propaganda.”


Swiss Propaganda Research: The Media Research Project - ENGLISH

Swiss Propaganda Research is a research and information project on geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media. List of some of its most famous works:
  • The studies of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the Swiss Radio and Television, and the three global news agencies
  • The media navigator on the geopolitical orientation of German-speaking media
  • The propaganda key to the most important media manipulation techniques
  • The infographics on media networks in Switzerland, Germany, and the USA
  • The analysis of Wikipedia manipulation
  • The analyses of the logic of imperial wars and the media information matrix
  • The exclusive journalist's report
  • Analysis of Russian propaganda

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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